2019-06-24 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Bootstrap:. Select your favorite programming languages, and your init file will be generated for you
- jcs-emacs-init: An Emacs configuration bundle.
- Beginners Screencast – Setting up Emacs From Scratch By Tsoding
- patrickt/emacs: the greatest emacs setup of all time (Reddit)
- I Made A Doom Like Emacs Config That I call PandaMacs
- Does anybody have any (more) real cool Hydras to share?
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Triaging bugs of GNU Emacs · GeekSocket
- Emacs Bug Reporting Workflow
- Optional space and unit in `file-size-human-readable’ (bug#35756)
- Add NEWS entry for new command gnus-summary-browse-url
- Handle ‘code’ tag in shr.el
- Make toolbar show keyboard equivalents in its tooltips
- mantemp.el library is now obsolete
- * lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el (byte-compile-dynamic): Mark obsolete
- Add file sorting options to find-dired and grep-find (bug#36110)
- –with-cairo is no longer experimental
- Report progress during custom-make-dependencies instead of file count
- * bookmark.el: Watch bookmark file. Use lexical binding.
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Articles – Ripgrep is faster than the rest. Deadgrep is a fantastic emacs interface.
- Solution: multiple pattern searching with highlighting
- dired-toggle: Show dired as sidebar and will not create new buffers when changing directory
- Emacs Doom E08: Multiple cursor in Emacs with evil-multiedit (Reddit)
- Go up in the hierarchy and possibly kill buffers by the way
- Writing:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- emacs-haskell-mode: A minimal emacs configuration for haskell programming using haskell-mode and friends.
- fstar-mode.el: Emacs support for F*
- reason-mode: Emacs major mode for working with ReasonML
- nodejs-repl.el: Run Node.js REPL and communicate with the process
- Emacs for Angular — Bitbucket
- eForth, a FORTH in Emacs Lisp–14 lines
- Emacs Speaks Statistics Config Share Space: configurations shared by #rstats community members. Make a PR to share your own ESS config!
- flex-compile: Run, evaluate and compile functionality for a variety of different languages and modes.
- Irreal: Working With Google Cloud Compute Instances in Emacs
- anaconda-mode: Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python.
- nsis-mode: Major mode for NSIS files
- Creating pull requests from emacs with magit (Reddit)
- Jonathan Bennett: Python and Emacs Pt. 1
- live-py-plugin: Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, or Eclipse.
- nix-mode: An Emacs major mode for editing Nix expressions.
- dockerfile-mode: An emacs mode for handling Dockerfiles
- emacs-helm-tramp: Tramp helm interface for ssh and docker and vagrant
- cook: The traditional Makefile is replaced by Cookbook.py. Use cook in place of make. Scripted in Python.
- squiggly-clojure: Flycheck checker for Clojure, using eastwood and core.typed.
- Coleslaw-mode v0.2 is out
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- Setting Up and Using Emacs InfoMode (Reddit)
- addressbook-bookmark: An addressbook for emacs based on bookmark.el
- lolcat.el: Rainbows and unicorns in Emacs Lisp!
- Smos: a replacement for emacs org mode
- helm-esa.el: Open esa.io document sharing service articles to the web browser using helm interface
- subed: Subtitle editor for Emacs
- Alex Schroeder: Gopher Clients for Emacs
- speechd-el: Emacs speech and Braille output interface
- New packages:
- ddskk-posframe: Show Henkan tooltip for ddskk via posframe
- frog-jump-buffer: The fastest buffer-jumping Emacs lisp package around.
- helm-evil-markers: Show evil markers with helm
- jsonl: Utility functions for working with line-delimited JSON
- org-lookup-dnd: Reference the index of a D&D handbook pdf
- pinboard: A pinboard.in client
- vale-mode: Major mode for writing Vale vaf files
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
Nathaniel Harari
2019-07-01T10:24:55ZThanks again for yet another awesome list, Sacha. :)
2019-07-01T23:49:09ZYou're welcome, Nathaniel!