2019-07-01 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Towards a Cleaner Emacs Build – Random Thoughts
- Support native image transforms on MS-Windows
- Mention the new emacsclient -a/–eval behaviour
- Add new ispell-change-dictionary-hook (Bug#1110)
- Add a new regexp variable to control boring winner buffers
- Allow generating wiki and mediawiki tables
- Add :local specifier to defcustom
- Support (rx (and (regexp EXPR) (literal EXPR))) (Bug#36237)
- Support opening a new connection when reverting a telnet buffer
- Make dired commands report how many files they mark
- Add a new command to report the number and size of the marked files
- Fix `goto-address-url-regexp’
- Add imenu support to package-menu-mode
- * lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el (latex-noindent-commands): New custom var
- Add new commands to widen/narrow tabulated list columns
- NEWS fix up for Zstandard patches
- Add Zstandard compression support for Tramp, dired, etags
- * etc/NEWS: Describe changes to auth-source-pass
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- matcha: Collection of hydras with a generic interface to launch them
- frog-jump-buffer – a super-fast buffer switching package using posframe and avy, is now on MELPA (Reddit)
- Ivy usability improvements when dealing with directories
- Swiper now supports imenu
- deadgrep/ALTERNATIVES.md at master · Wilfred/deadgrep · GitHub
- Dired:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- A DSL for writing Applescripts in Emacs Lisp
- hy-mode: Hy mode for Emacs
- emacs-jedi: Python auto-completion for Emacs
- My Haskell Setup – YouTube
- Plantuml Integration with Emacs
- clj-refactor.el: A collection of Clojure refactoring functions for Emacs
- orchardia: Improving emacs tooling for Arcadia
- vale-mode.el: Emacs support for Vale
- project-run: A language flexible play button for Emacs
- tuareg: Emacs OCaml mode
- phpstan.el: Interface to PHPStan (PHP static analyzer)
- hack-mode: A Emacs major mode for editing Hack code
- Version control:
- Spacemacs:
- Other:
- Being an Emacs user in 2019 — pros and cons (Reddit)
- web-search.el: Web search from Emacs and the terminal
- pandoc-mode: An Emacs minor mode for interacting with Pandoc.
- tomatinho: A simple and beautiful pomodoro technique timer
- pomodoro.el: An emacs pomodoro timer
- emacs.mmbundle: MailMate integration bundle with Emacs, to use as external editor
- New packages:
- alt-codes: Insert alt codes using meta key.
- bang: A more intelligent shell-command
- cloud-theme: A light colored theme
- counsel-ffdata: Use ivy to access firefox data
- cpp-capf: Completion-at-point backend for c/c++ using clang
- date2name: Package to prepend ISO Timestamps to files
- elpl: Emacs Lisp REPL
- go-capf: Completion-at-point backend for go
- helm-file-preview: Preview the current helm file selection.
- insert-kaomoji: Easily insert kaomojis
- naysayer-theme: The naysayer color theme
- nnreddit: Gnus Backend For Reddit
- org-drill: Self-testing using spaced repetition
- poetry: Interface to Poetry
- semaphore: Semaphore based on condition variables
- semaphore-promise: semaphore integration with promise
- tinypng: Compress PNG and JPEG with TinyPNG.com API
- with-emacs: Evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions in a separate Emacs process
- persist: Persist Variables
- Writing:
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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