2019-07-22 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Handle persistence of windows’ scroll bar and fringes settings (Bug#36193)
- Allow counter-clockwise rotations in image-rotate
- Enable showing local time and lapsed time in Gnus
- ‘magic-mode-alist’ and ‘magic-fallback-mode-alist’ now matched case-sensitively.
- * lisp/files.el (file-size-function): New defcustom
- Declare mwheel-install obsolete (Bug#36553)
- Add xref-file-name-display
- * lisp/vc/vc.el (vc-log-search): New command (bug#36644).
- Appearance:
- {Emacsp0rn} Emacs with a slick UI! (link in comments) (Reddit)
- emacs-doom-community-themes (Reddit)
- laguna-theme: A theme that’s easy on the eyes & focuses on importance. (Reddit)
- New modern dark theme
- mini-modeline, display mode line in minibuffer.
- auto-dark-emacs – My attempt to make emacs follow the global Dark Mode on MacOS (Reddit)
- Navigation:
- Opening media files straight from GNU Emacs Dired mode by using xdg-open
- Snails: Super fast fuzzy search framework
- {ANN} Scroll-on-drag (interactive scrolling)
- Ivy 0.12.0 is out (Reddit)
- helm-recoll: helm interface for the recoll desktop search tool.
- Emacs! Editing Multiple Files with grep + wgrep (Reddit)
- Org Mode:
- org-journal: A simple org-mode based journaling mode
- {ANN} org-ql published on MELPA (Reddit)
- orgcal: Android calendar <-> org mode
- ical2org.awk: Convert an iCal formatted file to a sequence of org-mode heading (Reddit)
- Convert vCalendar files to Org ?
- {ORG-NEWS} org-agenda: Respect narrowing for agenda restricted to buffer · dc2198971b – Gogs
- pyorg-flask: Flask app for pyorg package
- Submenus in org-mode Capture · The Art of Not Asking Why
- Org-capture in Files · The Art of Not Asking Why
- org-mode can be setup to hide the emphasis characters so that a will show up as just an italic ‘a’ (Reddit)
- Update to Writing a Thesis With Org Mode
- Making The Results Block Executable
- Coding:
- {Overwhelemed} Js, js-jsx, rjsx, js2, js3, js2-jsx, web-mode
- poly-R: Polymodes for the R language
- textql: Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV
- Chen Bin (redguardtoo): Javascript code navigation in counsel-etags
- What are the best alternatives for lsp-ui or better config options?
- pythonic-tests: Run pythons tests using pythonic so it supports containers virtualenvs and native setups.
- How to avoid freezes when using lsp-mode
- Format XML like a pro
- Javascript code navigation in counsel-etags
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Writing:
- Other:
- Emacs Lisp: mark HTML on the web page and convert it quickly to Markdown format (Reddit)
- My first package, evil-traces, is now available on MELPA! (Reddit)
- {PoC} Block network connections from Emacs to non-whitelisted hosts
- melpa-stats: Stats tools for MELPA (Reddit)
- shell-pop-el: shell-pop.el helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work.
- Aquamacs: Emacs for Mac OS X (Reddit)
- Emacs Mac Port Introduction
- I forked Emac’s AppImage so it’s built with module support enabled, if someone needs it and can’t easily build it from source (Reddit)
- Opinions on Railwaycat’s Emacs-MacPort?
- Mituharu’s Emacs Macport: An Overview
- Some benchmark numbers for Joe, Emacs and other editors
- Why do you use Emacs over Vim?
- New packages:
- chocolate-theme: A dark chocolaty theme
- colorless-themes: A macro to generate mostly colorless themes
- cpp-auto-include: auto include header file for C++
- dash-alfred: Search Dash documentation via Dash-Alfred-Workflow
- egalgo: Genetic algorithm for Emacs
- ejson-mode: Major mode for editing ejson files.
- evil-traces: Visual hints for `evil-ex’
- helm-chrome-control: Control Chrome tabs with Helm (macOS only)
- helm-osx-app: Launch macOS apps with helm
- jeison: A library for declarative JSON parsing
- jiralib2: JIRA REST API bindings to Elisp
- laguna-theme: A theme that’s easy on the eyes & focuses on importance.
- magit-circleci: CircleCI integration for Magit
- no-spam: Add repeat delays to commands
- org-ql: Query language for Org buffers
- org-starter-swiper: Swiper for org-starter
- ox-haunt: Haunt-flavored HTML backend for the Org export engine
- ox-latex-subfigure: Subfigure for latex export
- scroll-on-drag: Interactive scrolling.
- shadowenv: Shadowenv integration.
- swift-playground-mode: Run Apple’s playgrounds in Swift buffers
- sysctl: Manage sysctl though org-mode
- uniquify-files: Completion style for files, minimizing directories
- path-iterator: An iterator for traversing a directory path.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
Nathaniel Harari
2019-07-25T22:33:01ZOnce again: Thanks for this awesome list, Sacha. It's always a delight to find something interesting and new to check out or add to my config and useful enough to add to my emacs routine. :D
2019-08-13T11:39:59ZHi Sacha,
Thanks a ton for this precious source of information over the years !
I just wanna warn you that there is a broken link in the appearance section: https://github.com/HenryNew... should be https://github.com/HenryNew...
2019-08-15T07:00:47ZThanks! Fixed.