2019-08-12 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-newsEmacsConf 2019 (Nov 2, online): Propose a session: https://emacsconf.org/2019/cfp (before Aug 31) Share ideas: https://emacsconf.org/2019/ideas
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Instructions on how to test the portable dumper with Spacemacs. The portable dumper is a feature that will be available with Emacs 27.
- Emacs and LLDB {LWN.net} (Reddit)
- Say how to enable event designators in the eshell manual
- Add conditional operator xor to subr.el
- Move cl.el to lisp/obsolete
- decode-time now returns subsec too
- New function time-convert
- * lisp/dired.el (dired-special): Rename face from dired-socket (bug#24547).
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Great option for editing Org mode files on the go: org-web (Reddit)
- Demo of integration between org-noter and org-pdftools (Reddit)
- Shout-out to org mode for enabling seamless collaboration!
- org-ruby: An Org mode parser written in Ruby.
- I created a “Graduation Planner”
- ANN: helm-org-rifle 1.7.0
- org-ql-block integrates org-ql into Org Agenda custom commands
- Emacs-reveal: A software bundle to create OER presentations | The Journal of Open Source Education
- Pairing on simple todos and literate programming in org-mode with a vscode user (Reddit)
- Running Mythic in Emacs’ orgmode
- Using Emacs as Presentation tool
- Emacs Doom E14: Org Mode, Getting Organized with Tasks (Reddit)
- Interested in testing Org2Blog v1.1.0?
- Literate Dotfiles (Irreal)
- datefudge and agenda testing
- Coding:
- github-notifier.el: Displays your GitHub notifications unread count in Emacs mode-line
- A stupid completion definer – Is it even worth putting on MELPA? (Reddit)
- CalcTex: turn Emacs into a WYSIWYG LaTeX equation editor (Reddit)
- company-fuzzy: Fuzzy matching for `company-mode’.
- devdocs-lookup: Quick Emacs API lookup on devdocs.io
- ivy-clojuredocs: Searching for help in ClojureDocs.org
- Manuel Uberti: Open Magit from Ibuffer
- terraform-doc, look up the Terraform documentation
- Turtle+Notation3 mode for Emacs! (Reddit)
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- Playing emacs like an instrument – amazing video that covers emacs capabilities (Reddit)
- `emacs-libvterm` is awesome
- speed typing in emacs
- Emacs Lisp: Record voice notes within GNU Emacs
- Emacs Lisp: Record screen within GNU Emacs
- home-row-control: Use big modifier keys in the home row for Ctrl
- mpdel / libmpdel: Emacs library to communicate with Music Player Daemon (MPD), a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music.
- helm-suggest: Web suggest (autocomplete) with helm
- define-word: Display the definition of word at point in Emacs (Reddit)
- youtube-dl-emacs: Emacs youtube-dl download manager
- Emacs Lisp: Send Status to your GNU Social instance via XMPP or Jabber protocol
- Pandoc support for DocView: editing Markdown with preview (Reddit)
- Next browser v1.3.0 release
- EXWM alternatives?
- dot-mode.el: Minor mode for GNU Emacs / XEmacs that emulates the ‘.’ command in vi. the ‘.’ command in vi simply repeats the last edit made
- Edit and author Markdown and PDF files from Emacs – YouTube
- Emacscalc Script
- Why Emacs (Irreal)
- An Emacs Tale From Bizarro World
- New packages:
- 0x0: Upload to 0x0.st
- ellocate: The locate command reimplemented in Emacs Lisp
- evil-ruby-text-objects: Evil text objects for Ruby code
- flutter-l10n-flycheck: Flycheck checker for intl_translation
- flycheck-indicator: A fancy mode line indicator for `flycheck-mode’
- flymake-quickdef: Quickly define a new Flymake backend
- marquee-header: Code interface for displaying marquee in header.
- myrddin-mode: Major mode for editing Myrddin source files
- ox-json: JSON export backend for Org mode
- proced-narrow: Live-narrowing of search results for proced.
- scihub: Sci-Hub integration
- wisp-mode: Tools for wisp: the Whitespace-to-Lisp preprocessor
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.