2019-08-19 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs Lisp: why is the programming language Emacs Lisp so comfortable?
- safer-package-unpack-reference: A small reference/example of my safer-package-unpack elisp reviewing config
- Seeking Maintainer for outline-magic (Reddit)
- Is learning elsip for non-programmers worth it?
- overseer.el: Ert-runner Integration Into Emacs
- Emacs development:
- Allow set-frame-height/set-frame-width to be used interactively
- Make newline-and-indent take a numeric prefix
- More-compatible subsecond calendrical timestamps
- Fix eshell-mode-map initialization
- Rename variables and functions with “auto-load” in their names
- etc/NEWS: Note that `list-processes’ includes port numbers now.
- Improve documentation of ‘diff-font-lock-prettify’
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Learning emacs (part 2) – “Org mode is like plaintext on steroids”
- ANN: org-auto-expand: Automatically expand certain Org headings (Reddit)
- Choosing Values in Org Links with Yasnippet
- org-archive-subtree: Archive subtrees under the same hierarchy as the original org file.
- Pollen style lozenge syntax in org-mode export
- came across this css style sheet for html exports (org-notes-style)
- Drag images and files onto org-mode and insert a link to them
- Org Analyzer – an app that visualizes org-mode time tracking data (Reddit)
- Set up for academic writing?
- Automatic Latex Preview Toggling in org-mode | Kosta
- interleave: Emacs minor mode to interleave notes and text books
- Research Literature Management with Emacs (Reddit)
- Coding:
- VHDL-Tool: A LSP Server for your VHDL Code
- Lo que he aprendido: Julia en Emacs | Onda Hostil
- magit.sh: Run a standalone Magit editor! (Reddit)
- clang-format+: Minor mode for automatic clang-format application
- xonsh-mode: Emacs major mode for editing xonshrc files
- My new package: clang-format+
- Instant Stackoverflow solutions in emacs (without external browser)
- Simulating Circuits with Emacs, Org-mode, Babel and Ngspice
- Reading from stdin to an emacs buffer (Reddit)
- flycheck-grammalecte update
- {Tip} Use .dir-locals.el to make entire projects on save.
- Base list of non-language specific packages for programming, share yours!
- Instant Github-flavored Markdown preview using grip (Reddit)
- git-octopus: The continuous merge workflow
- Package early testing – AWS CLI completion at point for shell (Reddit)
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Other:
- New packages:
- baidu-translate: A plugin using baidu-translate-api
- clang-format+: Minor mode for automatic clang-format application
- company-fuzzy: Fuzzy matching for `company-mode’.
- dart-server: Minor mode for editing Dart files
- edwin: Dynamic window manager
- edwina: Dynamic window manager
- evil-owl: Preview evil’s registers and marks in a posframe
- exwm-mff: Mouse Follows Focus
- face-shift: Shift the colour of certain faces
- fuz: Fast and precise fuzzy scoring/matching utils
- grip-mode: Instant GitHub-flavored Markdown/Org preview using grip.
- helm-fuz: Integrate Helm and Fuz
- ivy-clojuredocs: Search for help in clojuredocs.org
- json-process-client: Interact with a TCP process using JSON
- kaocha-runner: A package for running Kaocha tests via CIDER.
- kconfig-mode: Major mode for editing Kconfig files
- lisp-butt-mode: Slim Lisp Butts
- magit-vcsh: Magit vcsh integration
- mark-thing-at: Mark a pattern at the current point
- mini-modeline: Display modeline in minibuffer
- mozc-cand-posframe: Posframe frontend for mozc.el
- navigel: Facilitate the creation of tabulated-list based UIs
- org-analyzer: org-analyzer is a tool that extracts time tracking data from org files.
- python-black: Reformat Python using python-black
- terraform-doc: Look up terraform documentation on the fly
- vcsh: vcsh integration
- wisitoken-grammar-mode: Major mode for editing WisiToken grammar files
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.