2019-09-16 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-newsUpdate: Added Paris meetup on Sept 17. Also, almost forgot: opensource.com is planning to feature Emacs articles in October. If you would like to contribute, please contact Seth Kenlon (seth@opensource.com).
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Scripts to generate graphic summaries of weekly org-reports
- Sprucing up org-download · (or emacs
- Pretty org tables in the buffer – chapter 2 (it works properly)
- org-js: A parser and converter for org-mode notation, written in JavaScript
- An org-mode config I use to deploy NixOS for third parties
- Grant Rettke: Try Out Org2Blog v1.1.0 Using This Package
- Exporting Only the Contents of An Org Subtree
- Image captions ❚ ox-hugo
- Coding:
- Non-programmer here. Looking to learn Python. Should I switch to an IDE or stick to emacs?
- dtrt-indent: Guess indentation offset originally used for code files and auto-adjust Emacs settings
- Fira Code 2.0 for Emacs
- nix-magit: Nix expression for running Emacs Magit
- Clearing the OCaml REPL buffer in Tuareg mode for Emacs – Ecosystem – OCaml
- Tips for using GDB in Emacs… (Reddit)
- Using R With Emacs and ESS
- comware-router-mode: Major mode for editing Comware configuration files
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- Name Emacs Daemons With the ‘–daemon=’ Option
- Cookbook for a Github-based Blog – jtmoulia
- Cloudmacs: work with your Emacs in a web browser
- My Emacs Writing Setup
- EXWM panel with Workspace Indicators and App Launchers
- helm-firefox: Display firefox bookmarks with emacs helm interface
- auth-password-store: Integrate Emacs’ auth-source with password-store
- emacs: Emacs xwidget webkit support for macOS X Cocoa
- Mitsuharu Yamamoto’s Emacs Mac port
- Cell-mode screencast (Reddit)
- Keep your Slack distractions under control using Emacs (2017)
- Trying out Vim using Emacs Evil Mode
- Play games on your terminal using emacs | Kinyanjui Wangonya
- A Crazy Productivity Boost: Remap Return to Control | Emacs Redux
- New packages:
- awscli-capf: Completion at point function for the AWS CLI
- frecentf: Pervasive recentf using frecency
- js-react-redux-yasnippets: JavaScript,React,Redux yasnippets
- syslog-mode: Major-mode for viewing log files
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
2019-09-16T17:06:33ZI'm interested in using org-download with org-journal, but haven't been able to figure out setting it up yet.
Amogh Jalihal
2020-02-02T15:20:30ZHi Sacha!
A link to my blog post "Scripts to generate graphic summaries of weekly org-reports" in this post is broken. The correct link is: https://amoghpj.github.io/2...
Thank you so much for curating this resource!