2019-09-23 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Avoid crashes when casifying noncontiguous regions
- Note that image-mode automatically rotates
- New option for making Gnus window layouts atomic
- Support rectangular regions in capitalize-region and capitalize-dwim.
- Revert too-picky file-access tests
- Add an Exif parsing library
- Hide passwords in .authinfo and .netrc files
- Allow reveal.el to toggle `display’ properties
- Allow `process-contact’ not to block
- Make number-at-point recognize some hex numbers
- Some Tramp methods allow to change the remote login shell
- Merge commit ‘107ce3050fc37b9a13d8304ae1bb73fac9de5f61’
- Enhance ‘pcomplete/make’ to complete on targets in included makefiles
- Out-of-datedness .elc check is merely a file test
- Improve reporting of I/O, access errors
- Update doc marker – smtpmail-retries is documented
- Improve font lookup on MS-Windows
- Add a new variable smtpmail-retries
- Try resending when getting a transient 4xx SMTP code
- Default to rescaling images in mm buffers
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Org-mode basics VII: A TODO list with schedules and deadlines | Pragmatic Emacs
- All Things Org-Mode (Reddit)
- org mode is awesome – YouTube
- Ricing up Org Mode (Reddit)
- OrgMode E01S01: Headlines & outline mode – YouTube
- Emacs Doom E17: Org Mode, Checkboxes (Reddit)
- Four Org-mode Talks
- Taking Notes In Emacs Org-Mode – YouTube
- cpbotha’s Note-taking strategy 2019. {specific org mode implementation.}
- Learning emacs’ org-mode, Lisp, usual gossip (1:24:56)
- Orgparse is back: Python library for reading org-mode files (Reddit)
- Making Org-Edna Easier to Use
- Blogging with Emacs, and Emacs only — Diego Vicente
- org-ql-view-sidebar (Reddit)
- Coding:
- Community:
- I’m new here!
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- {kinda serious} I think I have an editor customization addiction and it’s affecting my productivity…
- Emacs users in Strasbourg, FR ?
- Any Emacs users in Kuwait?
- Vlog: Emacs mindset and Unix philosophy – YouTube
- The Editor of a Lifetime – YouTube (2014)
- Richard Stallman Resigns as Free Software Foundation President (Reddit, HN)
- Other:
- How to install Emacs on your Chromebook!!!
- unfill: Functions providing the inverse of Emacs’ fill-paragraph and fill-region
- Using Emacs – 1 – setting up the package manager – YouTube
- Next browser 1.3.2: Hooks, file manager and clipboard ring! (Reddit)
- symon: {Emacs} tiny graphical system monitor
- Emacs Doom Episode 1 – Getting Started – YouTube
- Marrying `C-h o` to `helpful` ^_^
- Complete Computing Environment: EXWM Configuration
- Emacs Workout
- Password Management in the CLI and Emacs
- Your Mac comes with Tetris – an introduction to Emacs and the terminal (5:23)
- New packages:
- ah: Additional hooks
- amixer: Functions to call out to amixer.
- codcut: Share pieces of code to Codcut
- comint-hyperlink: Create hyperlinks in comint for SGR URL control sequences
- comware-router-mode: Major mode for editing Comware configuration files
- diminish-buffer: Diminish (hide) buffers from buffer-menu.
- emacsql-sqlite3: Yet another EmacsSQL backend for SQLite
- fancy-dabbrev: Like dabbrev-expand with preview and popup menu
- fast-scroll: Some utilities for faster scrolling over large buffers.
- helm-fd: Helm interface for fd command.
- hnreader: A hackernews reader
- libbcel: Library to connect to basecamp 3 API
- nnhackernews: Gnus backend for Hacker News
- ob-svgbob: Babel Functions for svgbob
- org-sidebar: Helpful sidebar for Org buffers
- swift-helpful: Show documentation for Swift programs.
- with-proxy: Evaluate expressions with proxy
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.