2019-09-30 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Didactic emacs-lisp macro example (ie. a tutorial)
- The trouble with ‘list-processes’ and how I fixed it
- mb-url: Multiple Backends for Emacs URL package
- elisp-earley: A context-free grammar parser using Jay Earley’s algorithm via Oyvin Halfdan Thuv’s implemenation for Common Lisp.
- Helm: Combining multiple existing sources in a single command
- Example of using elisp function in eshell
- Emacs development:
- Allow customising pdf-to-text parameters
- Add new Gnus summary commands and keystrokes for “unseen” navigation
- Improve documentation of image conversion feature
- If requested, use external image converters for exotic formats
- Improve sorting in package list (Bug#37419)
- ; * etc/NEWS (Gnus): Fix outline levels.
- nnimap.el: support additional expunge options
- Add a new `dom-search’ function
- Remove support for destructive splicing in elisp
- Add new function to clear tags in tabulated list
- * etc/NEWS: Note removal of internal rx symbols (bug#37517)
- * lisp/desktop.el (desktop-read): With argument, ask the user for DIRNAME.
- Add rx extension mechanism
- Allow regexp-quote to return its argument
- Allow a :stride argument so XBM boolvecs are in the right format.
- Allow controlling when to send cookies when retrieving images in shr
- Add a NEWS entry for message citation levels
- Add an `authinfo-hidden’ variable
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- {ANN} org-sidebar available on MELPA (Reddit)
- org-edna: My fork of org-edna with extra features
- How long does it takes to learn org mode?
- What do org users use to index their org created documents for searching indexing?
- Capturing stderr from Python in org-mode – take 2
- Orger: plaintext reflection of your digital self (Reddit)
- Blog Series: Using Org Mode Features (UOMF) (Reddit)
- How to Keep a Lab Notebook
- Tags and Categories in Org Mode
- Coding:
- Community:
- {ANN} The official EmacsConf 2019 Zurich satellite (Reddit)
- Emacs Berlin September 25th, 2019 Meetup
- First programming course at school, Should I use Emacs even though I am on Windows 10?
- Emacs company
- 10 days left for the Next browser crowdfunding campaign (Reddit)
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- opensource.com is planning to feature Emacs articles in October. If you would like to contribute, please contact Seth Kenlon.
- Other:
- fakeymacs: Emacs-like key bindings for {Keyhac}(sites.google.com/site/craftware/keyhac-ja)
- Emacs 27.0.50 (2019-09-18 snapshot) – Windows binary (Reddit)
- Adding new digraphs to vim and evil
- Make QR codes from Emacs (Reddit)
- Cell-mode implements an abstract spreadsheet control in an Emacs buffer.
- Shared buffer is an Emacs extension that enables online collaborative editing for Emacs. It is still at an experimental stage. (Reddit)
- emacs-copyit: Copy it, yank anything!
- Spotify Connect support in spotify.el
- Markdown folding superbly helpful for restructuring documents (Reddit)
- Best emacs tetris in emacs 26+: Emacs 27 has an update to emacs’ tetris mode which makes the glyphs display larger on higher DPI screens.
- macOS Catalina and access to system folders (Documents, Downloads, etc) from Emacs.app
- ukrainian-mac.el — OS X Ukrainian keyboard input method
- Are you excited that we are now able to use the full version of Emacs on phones like Librem 5 (already released) or PinePhone (soon to be released)?
- Evil Emacs 1 – Tony Ballantyne Tech
- Circumventing paywalls with eww browser and Google Cache
- Emacs Workout – Tony Ballantyne Tech
- A simple hack for Persp + EXWM compatibility
- dired subtree has a toggle! (5:41)
- Emacs micro motions and hacks (16:43)
- New package:
- compdef: A local completion definer.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.