2019-10-07 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Tab support landed in Emacs master (Reddit)
- Use tabs in EWW (bug#37592)
- Support changing font size using mouse wheel
- Set alternate faces for some line numbers (bug#27734)
- Don’t bind ‘C-x 6’ to ‘2C-mode-map’ globally by default.
- More tab bar related key bindings.
- Improve documentation of Tab bars
- Bind Scroll_Lock to scroll-lock-mode globally
- * lisp/pcomplete.el: Mark ‘pcomplete’ command as obsolete
- Merge branch ‘feature/tabs’
- Remove unused code and reformat to 70 columns.
- Add support for Dired file marking from image-mode
- Move url-ns.el to obsolete/
- Add a new command in Compile-Log buffers to re-byte-compile
- Allow ‘M-<‘ in the minibuffer to behave more logically
- time-stamp doc: recommend formats closer to format-time-string
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Capturing stderr and exceptions from python in org-mode
- Finally solving the lack of a tree-view navigation window in Org (Reddit)
- DevFestMN 2016 | John Henderson – Org-Mode for Science, Reproducible Research, and Organization – YouTube
- Are there any simple alternatives for emacs org-mode?
- UOMF: Using Org Mode Categories Versus Tags
- {ANN} org-ql 0.3 released (Reddit)
- ob-translate: Allows you to translate blocks of text within org-mode.
- How to keep a lab notebook
- org-note: write quick notes from the shell into an emacs org-mode (http://orgmode.org/) document
- Coding:
- Mail:
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- amixer-el: Emacs interface to amixer
- Next browser 1.3.3 – multiple selection à la Helm, bookmarks queries, git clone and more! (Reddit)
- A little emacs-in-flames poem
- An Emacs Calc-Mode Epiphany – YouTube
- Lo que he aprendido: manejar referencias bibliográficas en Emacs
- Emacs + EditorConfig + Flymake = code execution (Reddit)
- Emacs Snapshot as Scoop package
- Indent Code and Lists by 4 Spaces in Emacs Markdown Mode • Christian Tietze
- Investment in Emacs compared to other editors
- Update: MSI Installer for GNU Emacs 26.3 for Windows with Per-User Installation Support (Reddit)
- How do you guys get over the “press some keys” to do little thing in Emacs?
- Ditch your word processor: Write prose like code in a text editor – YouTube
- The most dangerous mode – keep writing or it will delete your work
- Switching to GNU Emacs (21:18)
- New packages:
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.