2019-10-21 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-newsNov 2: EmacsConf 2019 Schedule (Reddit)
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- {EmacsConf 2019} Curious to hear what you guys think/hope these new languages will be :) (Reddit)
- Long discussion about dir-locals.el and Emacs Lisp data
- Add button to vc-dir to toggle visibility of stash list
- Add a way to disable substitution of command keys in help strings
- * lisp/tab-line.el: Bind mouse commands to tab-line.
- Add a command to toggle an edebug breakpoint
- Add a new edebug-breakpoint face
- New command to clear all breakpoints in a function
- Preserve breakpoints when Edebug-reinstrumenting functions
- New command edebug-remove-instrumentation
- Use ‘C-x t’ for tab-prefix-map instead of ‘C-x 6’ still used by 2C-mode-map.
- Add ‘:extend t’ face attribute to diff faces (bug#37774)
- Don’t downcase the key binding in global-set-key.
- Add `unmatchable’ as alias for (or) in rx (bug#37659)
- Add `anychar’ as alias to `anything’ in rx (bug#37659)
- * etc/NEWS: Apply “user option” when possible. Fix other oddities.
- New variable tab-bar-position
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Imagine – A clean, creative, and responsive css theme for org mode exports (Reddit)
- Maximize the org-capture buffer
- transclusion-minor-mode: emacs minor mode for org-mode file transclusion using embedded overlays
- Just Released Org2Blog v1.1.0
- Build a minimalist blog, powered by Emacs and Common Lisp
- Emacs and org-mode for sending mailshots
- Coding:
- multi-line: multi-line everything from function invocations and definitions to array and map literals in a wide variety of languages
- wsd-mode: A major-mode for Emacs and websequencediagrams.com
- A fancy mode line indicator for flycheck (Reddit)
- flymake-golangci: An Emacs flymake handler for Golang source code
- git-autofixup: create fixup commits for topic branches
- git-crypt: Transparent file encryption in git
- kelm: Interactive kubernetes operator like a peco and Emacs helm.
- Mail:
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- Using Emacs 59 – markdown (Reddit)
- Replacing Scrivener with Emacs and Vim – YouTube
- Academic research about Emacs?
- What’s your strategy for spell-checking on Windows 10?
- Is it worth to switch from standard Emacs keybinds to Evil?
- Evil users who made the switch to vanilla: why?
- Prefix command completion
- Use all of Emacs’s modifiers on macOS with various keyboards.
- Simple script for detecting OS family and type in Emacs
- New packages:
- didyoumean: Did you mean to open another file?
- elpa-deploy: ELPA deployment library
- info-rename-buffer: Rename Info buffers to match manuals
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.