2019-11-11 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Grant Rettke: Some Pretty Good Configuration Options To Copy
- Marcin Borkowski: Starting Emacs with custom configuration directory
- Configuring Emacs from Scratch — Intro – Suvrat Apte – Medium
- mrbig033’s Emacs & i3 config files
- .emacs golf
- Standard Emacs keybindings vs Personal keybindings
- armacs: An Emacs based distribution to help novice users learn emacs and configure it themselves.
- Who never heard about the desktop-save-mode?
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Long discussion re: VOTE: Changing completions-common-part face’s default
- Move read-char-from-minibuffer from simple.el to subr.el and document it.
- hack-local-variables-confirm uses the minibuffer to read answer (bug#38076)
- ‘y-or-n-p’ now uses the minibuffer to read ‘y’ or ‘n’ answer (bug#38076)
- Run scroll/recenter commands from minibuffer in original window (bug#38076)
- CC Mode. Allow fontification of “wrong” style comments with warning face.
- python.el: Pdbtracking improvements
- * lisp/dired-aux.el (dired-vc-rename-file): New defcustom.
- Make ‘g’ refresh package data in package menu
- Rename *-multiframe-window to *-window-any-frame
- Add prefix arg to more isearch commands (bug#14563)
- Document fido-mode
- Always check for client-certificates
- Overflow errors are range errors
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- org2blog v1.1.0 “Inky Hand” is out
- Emacs packages: org-sticky-header
- Python-library “orgformat” with utility functions for generating Org mode syntax elements
- Non-programmers who make heavy use of org-mode for information and task management: what apps/programs do use to complement org-mode?
- Lazyblorg Now Links Larger Images
- UOMF: On How to Define Projects in Org Mode
- Literate Programming with Org Mode (1:48:21)
- GANTT Chart in Emacs (13:12)
- Coding:
- Wip Modes (Magit User Manual)
- emacs-multi-compile: Multi target interface to compile.
- sqlcmdline: ODBC-based command line querying, with Emacs sqli-mode in mind.
- Indium — Indium 2.1.4 documentation
- The lsp-mode multirepo->monorepo movement
- Magit and Forge for Issuing Pull Requests from Emacs · Emacs Doomcasts 20 (Reddit)
- What diagramming tools besides Graphviz are there for emacs?
- EmacsConf 2019: Interactive Remote Development and Debugging with TRAMP (35:25)
- Commanding Emacs from Coq (14:34)
- Community:
- Other:
- Emacs and Windows Subsystem for Linux
- IEEE Journals & Magazine: The design and evaluation of online help for Unix EMACS: capturing the user in menu design
- Emacs in Termux: Termux + Emacs + Tab S6 + Lisp (Reddit)
- {HOWTO} Installing Emacs 26.3 on Ubuntu or XUbuntu 19.04 – The Lone C++ Coder’s Blog
- EmacsCast 10: Obsession, small tweaks and Hyper key (Reddit)
- kindle-highlight-parser: Parse the highlights file from your Kindle and display it in JSON or Markdown
- BreakPoint › Emacs and Hunspell on MS Windows for Beginners
- Is there any way I can integrate emacs with Grammarly (writing tool)?
- Using the Emacs Deft package for topic journals – Jack Baty’s weblog (Reddit)
- dired-rsync 0.5 released (Reddit)
- New package:
- bluetooth: A Major mode for Bluetooth devices
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.