2019-11-18 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs is amazing – story about modifying pdf-view behavior
- Is there a code challenge resource for elisp?
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- highlight-indentation-mode: Highlighting indentation for Emacs
- ThemeCreator: create themes for intellij, textmate, atom, emacs, vim and gnome terminal.
- herald-the-mode-line.el: Show the modeline in the minibuffer
- Emacs mode for hiding the mode-line · Bastien Guerry – Liberté, informatique, choucroute.
- darkplus-emacs: VS Code’s Dark+ theme for Emacs
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Org-mode and a Reading Schedule
- Embedding Youtube videos with org-mode links · Endless Parentheses
- Ricing up Org Mode (Reddit)
- Using Emacs 61 – org-msg (Reddit)
- public voit: UOMF: Linking Org mode Headings (my workflow and best practice)
- All Things Org Mode: PIM, Scientific Writing, Presentation, Programming
- Running SQL on org-mode tables
- Self-contained Org files (Reddit)
- org-html-sass: Template for org-mode HTML export that uses Compass/Sass for styling
- Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode (Reddit, Irreal)
- Send your Garmin activities to OrgMode (Reddit)
- ob-restclient.el: An org-mode extension to restclient.el
- Have some code: make ediffing folded org files better
- Release v1.8 · orgzly/orgzly-android · GitHub
- Org-mode related ResearchGate Publications (Reddit)
- An Effective Git And Org-Mode Based Workflow For Reproducible Research | ACM Digital Library
- Mi entorno de trabajo en Emacs
- Coding:
- Trying to make the switch from Pycharm
- Can anyone please suggest a good setup for lsp-mode for Angular development?
- pest-mode.el — Major mode for editing Pest files
- Wrote a flycheck checker for standardrb
- counsel-etags 1.9.0 is out | Chen’s blog (Reddit)
- Remote Debugging With Tramp
- Smart Dash: Use dash key to insert an underscore within C identifiers and a dash otherwise.
- Version control:
- Community:
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- Paris meetup – 19 Oct 2019 – Come on !
- Which annoyances would you hope to fix one day?!
- linuxdatabases – EmacsConf 2019
- The history of Emacs – primary and secondary source materials (Software Preservation Group)
- Symbolics Lisp Machine Summary, 3600 Edition (PDF) (Reddit)
- Other:
- spray: an elisp implementation of OpenSpritz, a speedreader.
- Managing bibliographies from Emacs (v2)
- Writing with Emacs: Tips, Examples, and Resources for Writing with Emacs (Reddit)
- Diffing buffer fragments – diffing last two entries in kill ring, also continued
- maccadet: Use all of Emacs modifiers on macOS with various keyboards.
- New packages:
- company-stan: A company-mode completion backend for stan
- eldoc-stan: Eldoc support for stan functions
- flycheck-stan: Add Stan support for Flycheck
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.