2019-12-02 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-newsEmacsConf 2019 videos out! (Reddit) – Videos, Invidio.us, Youtube
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- EAF, extending Emacs with amazing GUI support using Python PyQt (Reddit)
- Use run-with-idle-timer instead of debounce for responsive image scaling.
- Improve documentation and UI of ‘C-x v L’
- Improve errors & warnings due to fancy quoted vars (Bug#32939)
- Stop signaling an error when reading “smart quotes” in symbols
- Menu bar rearrangements, move Print menu items to submenu, etc. (bug#37594)
- ‘C-1 C-x v L’ asks for revision and shows its log entry with diff (bug#38044)
- * lisp/image-mode.el: Resize image on window resizing (bug#32672)
- Mouse rectangular region selection (bug#38013)
- Fine-grained NS modifier key settings (bug#38296)
- message uses minibuffer-message in the active minibuffer (bug#17272 bug#19064)
- Fix previous change to (next|previous)-buffer
- (next|previous)-buffer no longer fail silently (bug#38384)
- Mention switch from ‘switch-to-visible-buffer’ to ‘switch-to-prev-buffer-skip’
- Extend network-interface-list to return IPv6 and network info
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Code folding with outline-minor-mode
- Emacs has made my life as a Python developer much better.
- Using iex’s open() command with Emacs multiterm
- Emax: dante for reflex projects (stream) (Reddit)
- Emacs as a lightweight Java IDE – 2 (Refactoring) (2:08)
- EmacsConf2019: Example Chef cookbook and InSpec profile used in the live demo at EmacsConf 2019.
- Community:
- Other:
- A beginner’s guide to text editing with Emacs (Reddit)
- Moving from Vim to Emacs (Irreal, Reddit)
- Cloudmacs: Emacs in your web browser (Reddit, HN)
- Emacs Everywhere (2017)
- emacspeak: Emacspeak 51.0 (AsssistDog) Unleashed!
- How to install the latest developmental version of Emacs (27.0.50) on Windows 10 – for dummies
- OpenChaos am Donnerstag, 28. November: State of Retro Gaming in Emacs
- Irreal: Scimax and Reproducibility
- WIP package: lyx-formula
- Anyone want to collaborate on music-making that involves Emacs?
- SchemeMosaic Chop’n’Screw How-To (Part 1) (Reddit)
- How to set up Emacs to best type Ancient Greek and Hebrew – for dummies
- New packages:
- counsel-jq: Live preview of “jq” queries using counsel
- khardel: Integrate with khard
- modus-operandi-theme: Accessible light theme (WCAG AAA)
- modus-vivendi-theme: Accessible dark theme (WCAG AAA)
- org-scrum: org mode extensions for scrum planning and reporting
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.