2019-12-16 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Chris Wellons: Efficient Alias of a Built-In Emacs Lisp Function
- An enjoyable `test yourself’ challenge for Emacs users (in the style of Python Challenge). The tasks here the tasks are explicit and simple.
- New Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp (Reddit)
- Tips for Emacs Lisp Development (with John Wiegley) – YouTube
- exercism-emacs: Exercism.el, emacs package for exercism.io
- Irreal: How to Alias Car and Cdr and Why You Probably Shouldn’t
- Emacs development:
- Revert change to message when minibuffer is active
- New command ‘diff-buffers’
- Allow characters and single-char strings in rx charsets
- Use `or’ instead of `union’ for charset union in rx
- * lisp/gnus/message.el (message-expand-name-standard-ui): New option
- Add `union’ and `intersection’ to rx (bug#37849)
- Make ‘:extend’ inherited from default spec unless overridden
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Easy Entering Values for Org Mode Properties
- {RFC} DOCT: Declarative Org Capture Templates
- Org mode Videos (by Rainer König) – YouTube
- Scaling org: better to use more med-size files or less large-sized ones?
- Copy formatted org-mode text to other Applications
- Question: Display duration as block in the agenda time grid.
- Irreal: Displaying Org-mode Notifications Natively on MacOS
- Displaying animated diagrams in org-reveal slide decks with SVG – WebLog Pro Olivier Berger
- Coding:
- Auto complete everything in Emacs | Chen’s blog
- 1ml-mode: 1ML mode. 1ML is a reboot of ML starting from first-class modules.
- Emacs Go Mode – Revisited – arenzana.org
- Virtualized Emacs as an IDE – Youtube
- Emacs docker integration
- LSP-support with eglot in nested projects – zerokspot.com
- Emacs`racket-mode` guide and reference (Reddit)
- MATLAB/Emacs Integration
- Emacs can make your Blender better! Here’s how I do it! (Reddit)
- Setting up Emacs for Vue.js Development · AZZAMSA
- GNU Emacs as a lightweight Java IDE
- Better git blame messages (Reddit)
- Working with Emacs on Vertica, HP’s platform for cloud analytics
- Get Stackoverflow answers with completion (without Helm)
- Mail:
- mu4e tutorials | Pragmatic Emacs
- mu4e – fixing email threading display when skipping duplicates
- Drowning in Email; mu4e to the Rescue.
- Multiple GMail Accounts in Gnus
- Alex Schroeder: Gnus IMAP issues
- how many Gnus users here, and for what (mail, nnreddit, nntp, …)?
- Lieer | Fast email-fetching and two-way tag synchronization between notmuch and GMail (Reddit)
- Community:
- Web:
- Other:
- telega-snap,: Snap for telega.el, Emacs telegram client (Reddit)
- viewer: A view-mode extension. View-mode is finger-friendly than normal editing because of many alphabetical commands. Let’s use view-mode more to protect our pinky.
- highlight2clipboard: Copy text from Emacs to clipboard with highlighting
- Old demo of wm.el, my dynamic tiling window manager for Emacs – YouTube
- Alex Johnstone – Managing my personal finances with beancount
- {RFC} Undo-fu (undo wrapper)
- What’s the best spell check setup in emacs | Chen’s blog
- macOS Catalina: Fixing Emacs After an Upgrade
- Introduction to Pandoc-mode
- How to Get Emacs Running on Your Nintendo Wii
- Other programs that you use apart from emacs?
- GNU Readline Library cheatsheet for VI+Emacs Editing Modes
- List of Emacs-like editors written in Common Lisp
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.