2019-12-23 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Doom Emacs – Getting Started (21:32)
- emacs : set up config 01 (init file & org file for literate programming) – YouTube
- Christian Baeuerlein’s Emacs Configuration
- My emacs configuration – including org-mode and custom theme (Reddit)
- How normal can I make emacs?
- How I build my own spacemacs: Part I
- How I tamed my Emacs
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Irreal: John Wiegley on Emacs 27
- Bump Emacs version to 28.0.50
- Added `comint-password-function’ hook
- New variable set-message-function to show message at the end of the minibuffer
- backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch applies to file gid, too.
- Add new function `python-shell-send-statement’
- Allow control of data amount read from subprocess in one chunk
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Org-mode Workflow: A Preview
- org-autosort: Sort entries in org files automatically
- An HTML template system for org-mode
- Putting All Your Pelican Posts in One Org File (Reddit)
- Advice on conducting an Emacs+Org-mode workshop
- Creative writing with Emacs (Reddit)
- Has anybody here tried the Roam Research notetaking tool and compared it with org-mode?
- How I switched from Goodreads to Org-mode for maintaining my reading list
- Coding:
- Condor-Emacs: A C, C++ IDE based on Emacs
- Configuration tweaks to seamlessly switch from ‘auto-complete-mode’ to ‘company-mode’.
- emacs-tcr-mode: ‘Test & Commit || Revert’ minor mode plugin for Emacs.
- Any rubyists here? I wrote a little compilation mode for pronto (Reddit)
- Intero for Emacs: A Complete interactive development program for Haskell (Reddit)
- Major mode for Emacs for editing MATLAB code, and running MATLAB in an inferior shell
- Enterprise Java Development in Emacs | skybert.net
- Mail:
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- emacspeak: Speaking Of Chess: Speech-Enabling Emacs Chess In Emacspeak
- linkd-mode is a system for recognizing special s-expressions in all kinds of text files, and causing these “lisp hot spots” to become interactive when viewed within GNU Emacs.
- Switching to Emacs (Reddit)
- Installing Emacs Documentation on POP!_os · Random Geekery
- Let it snow in Emacs! (Reddit)
- media.ccc.de – State of Retro Gaming in Emacs
- Introducción a Emacs – Notxor tiene un blog
- Emacs on windows 10 experience ( again ?)
- Create ASCII Chessboards with Emacs’ Keyboard Macros
- Marcin Borkowski: rot13 and other Caesar ciphers in Emacs
- Marcin Borkowski: Counting sentences in emails
- The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science (Irreal)
- New packages:
- atcoder-tools: An atcoder-tools client
- cl-font-lock: Pretty Common Lisp font locking
- flames-of-freedom: The flames of freedom
- flycheck-swiftx: Flycheck: Swift backend
- flyspell-correct-avy-menu: Correcting words with flyspell via avy-menu interface
- git-backup-ivy: An ivy interface to git-backup
- gnome-screencast: Use Gnome screen recording functionality using elisp
- helm-switch-shell: A Helm source for switching between shell buffers
- ivy-fuz: Integration between fuz and ivy.
- lsp-mssql: MSSQL LSP bindings
- minsk-theme: Minsk, a theme in deep muted greens
- nix-env-install: Install packages using nix-env
- speedbar-git-respect: Particular respect git repo in speedbar
- treefactor: Restructure your messy Org documents
- undo-fu: Undo helper with redo
- vscdark-theme: VS Code Dark+ like theme
- xonsh-mode: Major mode for editing xonshrc files
- zim-wiki-mode: Zim Desktop Wiki edit mode
- windower: Helper functions for window manipulation.
- elisp-benchmarks: elisp benchamrks collection
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.