2019-12-30 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- use-package-custom-update: :custom-update keyword for use-package
- Yay-Evil v1.1.0 Release!
- M-EMACS, a customized full-featured GNU Emacs configuration
- ample-emacs: ‘Just enough’ Emacs configuration with minimal external packages
- Modified Emacs Mac Modifiers (Reddit)
- super-emacs: An out-of-the-box Emacs configuration with super-powers
- How to list the keybindings that are not mapped to any command?
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Starting the Emacs 27 release cycle (Irreal)
- {emacs-devel} Proposal to change naming format to allow package-prefix/function-name
- Promote function type aliases to the public module API.
- Add some documentation for support of .dylib suffix on macOS
- Make goto-line keep a separate input history per buffer
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- redo-plus: Redo/undo system for Emacs
- with-emacs · Using Occur for Search and Replace across Files (Reddit)
- narrow-or-widen-dwim that “widens” org-src buffers correctly (Reddit)
- FZF with ace-window placement in Emacs
- Demo of using ‘diff-at-point’ to navigate between edits
- Emacs: FZF integration with ace-window (Ivy actions) – YouTube
- (with-emacs: Using Occur for Search and Replace across Files
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- GNU Emacs as a lightweight Java IDE – 3 (Debugging)
- GNU Emacs as a lightweight Java IDE (Auto-suggest)
- GitHub – ageldama/moonshot: Run executable file, debug and build commands on project +projectile, compilation-mode, ivy, realgud (Reddit)
- lsp-mode now supports macro expansion through rust-analyzer (Reddit)
- Mail:
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- emacs-gnome-screencast: Use Gnome shell’s screen recorder from within Emacs
- emax64 26.3-20191225 – (github m-parashar) (Reddit)
- Emacs & OCaml on iPad: Proof of concept of a graphical port of Emacs to the Apple iPad
- Editing remote files with Emacs, comfortably (Reddit)
- Tipping like it’s 1989: How I use the ish app (ish.app), to install a real emacs installation on the iPhone)
- Emacs on the iPhone (Special thanks to Chris Miles for the unistroke gesture recognizer library and Fabrice Bellard for QEmacs)
- How I enqueue online videos in mpv with Emacs
- New packages:
- diff-at-point: Diff navigation
- ebuku: Interface to the Buku Web bookmark manager
- eglot-jl: Julia support for eglot
- gerrit: Gerrit integration
- metrics-tracker: Generate diagrams of personal metrics from diary entries
- ppp: Extended pretty printer for Emacs Lisp
- rivet-mode: Minor mode for editing Apache Rivet
- rtags-xref: RTags backend for xref.el
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
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