2020-01-27 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- A Makefile for Emacs Packages (Reddit)
- Improve doc for emacs-source-directory (Bug#36527).
- Install C source code for C-h f etc.
- Expand Cairo and HarfBuzz descriptions
- Warn about XFT and about Cairo without HarfBuzz
- Simplify locale setup
- Add new Tramp method “media”
- Default lisp-mode to use Common Lisp indentation
- Recommend use of HarfBuzz
- Add Cairo font backend info
- Document cairo-related fallout to font-backend settings
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- How to Start With Emacs Org Mode
- Org-mode features you may not know
- Org 9.3.2 released
- Beautify Org mode
- Highlight latex text in org mode | Pragmatic Emacs
- Convert .org to .docx with citations
- ob-pwsh: Powershell plugin for org-mode babel
- WIP: org-graph-view (Reddit)
- {ANN} org-ql 0.4 released (Reddit)
- Coding:
- Show matching paren info inline – an experiment
- Getting Started with Live Coding in Python inside Emacs
- vagrant-tramp: Vagrant method for Emacs' tramp
- How to use Emacs package Eglot for Elixir
- logview: Emacs mode for viewing log files.
- gotest-ui-mode: Ergonomic output for your go test results in emacs
- extempore-emacs-mode: The extempore mode for the Emacs text editor.
- Mail:
- Community:
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- {humor} You might have an Emacs addiction if…
- Four years in, increasingly unhappy with my Emacs experience.
- Help me break the emacs loop!
- Your favorite Emacs live coding streamers?
- I was streaming game dev on Twitch and someone asked me why I used Emacs. Here was my response. What do you think? (Redd8it)
- Let's Hack Emacs! – File Transclusion – Live at 8:30 PM EST on 1/26/2020
- Other:
- My Emacs Productivity Tricks/Hacks (Reddit, HN – 200 comments)
- Six things you should be doing with Emacs | Opensource.com
- Eigenbahn: Painless Emacs interactive shells
- My first Emacs package: Clipetty
- alarm.el: Use Emacs to schedule alarms to focus on a task.
- A browser in your Emacs (macOS) (Reddit)
- GitHub – storax/org-tfl: Transport for London meets Emacs Orgmode (Reddit)
- Emacs 27 is now avaliable as a snap!
- systemE: A lightweight systemd replacement written in Emacs lisp (HN)
- Emacs and the joy of text editing with Adam Schwartz (1:02:53)
- A CEO's Guide to Emacs (2015)
- New packages:
- undo-fu-session: Persistent undo, available between sessions
- qtcreator-theme: A color theme that mimics Qt Creator IDE
- magit-section: Sections for read-only buffers
- kubectx-mode: Change kubectl context/namespace and show in mode line
- horizon-theme: A beautifully warm dual theme
- flymake-joker: Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flymake
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.