2020-04-06 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs development:
- #35419 – {Proposal} Buffer Lenses and the Case of Org-Mode (also, Jupyter) (Reddit)
- Unify and improve gdb-mi source buffer display logic
- * lisp/arc-mode.el: Rewrite displaying the summaries
- Make make-{network,serial}-process handle :coding nil consistently
- Update texinfo.el following changes in ‘tex-start-options-string'
- Fix movement commands in gomoku
- Copy INSIDE_EMACS env variable to subprocesses in Eshell (Bug#25496)
- * lisp/vc/vc-dir.el: Commands to mark un/registered files (bug#34949)
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- {ANN} public-inbox archive of the org-mode mailing list (Reddit)
- Using org-mode for meeting minutes (Reddit)
- I wrote a post about org-habit that can be useful in the current self-isolation period (Reddit)
- Org note-taking workflow (with org-roam)
- Managing my Annotated Bibliography with Org Mode
- Replacing Jupyter with Orgmode (Reddit)
- Coding:
- Magit-like porcelain for accessing gcp, azure and aws – ecloud
- Watch “Emacs: introduction to MAGIT” on YouTube
- Watch “Socially isolating my Emacs with Docker!” on YouTube
- WANTED: Feedback on 1st Emacs Lisp project (GitHub/Lab Client for Emacs)
- Quick creation of database table-namespaces
- Vega Viewer in Emacs
- Meta Redux: Clojure Weekly – not Emacs, but many Emacsers work with Clojure
- Community:
- Other:
- View Minecraft Worlds in Emacs
- ACM Digital Library freely available for three months
- Run shell command in new vterm
- Zetteldeft Again! – An Emacs Package for Zettelkasten (Great for Bible N…
- On using documentation – Learn Emacs the ADHD way pt. 4
- Paper on the implementation of gccemacs for the EU Lisp Symposium. Interesting read! (Reddit)
- Watch “Elfeed: Extensible Emacs RSS Feed Reader” on YouTube
- {RFC} Spell-Fu, fast elisp highlighter for misspelled words (Reddit)
- {EXWM} Very usable indeed (Reddit)
- New packages:
- unobtrusive-magit-theme: An unobtrusive Magit theme
- transient-dwim: Useful preset transient commands
- selectrum-prescient: Selectrum integration
- selectrum: Easily select item from list
- multi-vterm: Like multi-term.el but for vterm
- leaf-convert: Convert many format to leaf format
- helm-bufler: Helm source for Bufler
- dbc: Control how to open buffers
- ctrlf: Emacs finally learns how to ctrl+F
- cort: Simplify extended unit test framework
- calc-at-point: Perform calculations at point or over selection
- bencoding: Bencoding decoding and encoding
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.