2020-05-04 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Contributing to Emacs (for beginners) (Reddit)
- Bringing GNU Emacs to Native Code – ELS2020 (Reddit, HN)
- Docker image for the Emacs native compiler feature branch from emacs.git feature/native-comp.
- Namespaces – summary, conclusion (function naming and discoverability; also part of discussions about Imports / inclusion of s.el into Emacs and Re: ELPA New package: transient)
- The symbol-prefix-separator-must-be-a-hyphen topic comes up on emacs-devel again (proposing to use slashes to separate prefixes for library symbols) (Reddit)
- * lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio.el (oset, oset-default): Mark as obsolete
- cc-mode: add support for Doxygen documentation style
- Add lisp-data-mode for editing non-code Lisp data
- Add new function dom-remove-attribute
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Weekly /r/Orgmode Open Discussion – May 01, 2020
- My Current Org Mode Files and Heading Structure
- ANN: org-special-block-extras is now on MELPA
- A Featureful Blog made with Emacs Org-mode (Reddit)
- Pandoc to Orgmode with Babel – Rohit Goswami
- wunderlist-to-org: Converts Wunderlist exports to Org-Mode files.
- Blogging with Org mode and FastPages
- {blog post} Configuring Emacs with Org mode and literate programming (Reddit)
- Emacs + Org-mode + Syncthing = Perfect combo | (hiepph) (2017, HN)
- {RFC} Native Declarative Org Capture Templates (DOCT)?
- Voice capture org-mode notes and more using Siri Shortcuts on iOS (Reddit)
- Voice capture org-mode tasks on Android – Org mode Exocortex
- chrome-org-store-link
- Org Capture From Anywhere on Your Mac – The Chronicle
- Coding:
- {ANN} lsp-dart 1.8.0 released (better Flutter support)
- Yurii Ostapchuk at #ScalaUA – How I learned to stop worrying and love LSP (and Emacs :)) – YouTube
- webkit-katex-render: An instant LaTeX previewer for Emacs, based on xwidget and child-frame
- web-mode.el version 17
- Refresh auctex syntax highlighting | Pragmatic Emacs
- magit-status-advice: Version control pleasantry as a minor mode
- lsp-mode 6.3 released to MELPA stable (Reddit)
- Hy – Lisp in Python emacs repl inferior mode support (Reddit)
- Emacs – Elixir Setup Configuration Wiki
- A small ido based script to run pyBuilder tasks from project files with valid projectile roots.
- Windows Spacemacs installation
- Community:
- Other:
- Doom Emacs Zaiste Programming Tutorial – Ian's notes
- Emacs Tutorial 1 – Introduction, download and history – YouTube
- My thoughts on text editors, and why I think that Emacs is best of them all (Reddit)
- Moving from a Tmux, Bash, Vim setup to Emacs. How should I do this?
- Introducing Zetteldeft
- emacspeak: Emacspeak 52.0 (WorkAtHomeDog) Unleashed!
- emacs-keypression: Keystroke visualizer for GUI version Emacs.
- Emacs as a shell (Reddit)
- Awqat: package to calculate 5 daily prayer times
- another-emacs-server: An Emacs server built on HTTP and JSON
- Watch “Emacs Through Macros – 05 – elisp, macro counter” on YouTube
- {Proposal} New EUDC backend for macOS address book
- New packages:
- counsel-fd: counsel interface for fd
- friendly-remote-shell: Human-friendly remote interactive shells
- friendly-shell-command: Better shell-command API
- friendly-shell: Better shell-mode API
- geiser-kawa: Kawa scheme support for Geiser
- gnu-elpa: Advertize GNU ELPA packages
- go-noisegate: Run Golang tests with Noise Gate
- inform7: Major mode for working with Inform 7 files
- inform: Symbol links in Info buffers to their help documentation.
- languagetool: LanguageTool integration for grammar check
- message-attachment-reminder: Remind if missing attachment
- multistate: Multistate mode
- nothing-theme: Monochrome theme
- org-id-cleanup: Interactively cleanup unused IDs of org-id
- shrface: Extend shr/eww with org features and analysis capability
- vega-view: Vega visualization viewer
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.