2020-05-18 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- GNU Emacs raison d'etre
- Making Emacs popular again with a video
- Unify the Platforms: Cairo+FreeType+Harfbuzz Everywhere (except TTY)
- Stefan Monnier's SMIE paper & other Emacs goodies
- Richard Stallman Joins Discussion About Changing Emacs' Appearance To Make It More Popular – Slashdot
- Funding Emacs Core Development?
- Let's get real multithreading into Emacs by hiring a developer
- Introduce process-file-return-signal-string
- Delete libraries obsolete since 23.1 and 23.2
- Combine archive-int-to-mode and tar-grind-file-mode
- Appearance:
- Emacs Theme Creator
- I ported JetBrains Darcula (default dark) theme for Emacs {link in comments} (Reddit)
- I Wrote an Emacs Color Theme – similar to VS Code Default High Contrast
- Marcin Borkowski: Diffing and font-lock
- Org Mode:
- Weekly /r/Orgmode Open Discussion – May 15, 2020
- Org Agenda – Vedang Manerikar – YouTube (Emacs Pune Meetup)
- My org-refile workflow – Yiming Chen
- A Tour of Org Roam – YouTube
- Own Your Second Brain: Set Up org-roam on Your Own Machine
- Discourse group for ‘org-roam' discussions
- Avoid losing window layout when editing org code blocks
- Non-trivial programs written with literate programming + org-mode?
- org-beautify-theme: Subtle theme tweaks to make org-mode more pretty
- Marcel Kapfer – Switching my Website to Hugo using ox-hugo
- How to integrate org-webtools with org-capture.
- Prettifying Org Mode with CSS
- Tory Anderson: Org view html
- Filestash – a web client for org-mode
- orgro: An org-mode file viewer for iOS and Android
- Sed script to convert org mode -> vim wiki file
- Coding:
- Mail:
- Community:
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- “Write a new package” culture instead of patches?
- What Is Good Software – Reflections on Vim, NeoVim, Emacs' evil-mode (2016)
- emacsturbation: the act of furiously tinkering with emacs configuration, instead of doing something productive
- Emacs vs. Vim: Why not both? – YouTube
- {meme} When you see Emacs on TV… (Reddit)
- Other:
- Using Emacs 71 Openwith (Reddit)
- Emacs frontend for unix “tree” command
- Doom Emacs Tips and Howtos | Narra's Place
- Hugo.el: A magit-style frontend for hugo (Reddit)
- Emacs Through Macros – 07 – grep, init file – YouTube
- {ANN} Undo-Fu-Session 0.2 (now with linear history)
- Hardcore spell checking in Emacs (Reddit)
- Emacs EWW Web Browser – YouTube
- Eigenbahn: Auto-close Emacs interpreter buffers
- Emacs ESHELL demo (Reddit)
- newsticker.el: Built-in Emacs RSS/Atom feed reader
- Enrich Emacs dired's batching toolbox
- Setting up Emacs inside of a WSL2 distribution | utf9k
- Update on my journey to Emacs from Vim + Bash + Tmux + i3
- Building emacs 28 on jetpack 4.4 developer preview – Arcane Science Lab (Jetson Nano, $100 computer)
- mybigword 0.0.1 is published (use Zipf frequency of each word to extract English big words) (Reddit)
- {ANN} New package embark: run actions on completion candidates for users of icomplete or default completion
- Using Emacs on Windows 10? I wrote a literate PowerShell module for installing and running Emacs as a daemon, called Cackledaemon (Reddit)
- Chen Bin (redguardtoo): Hardcore spell checking in Emacs
- emacsninja: State of Emacs Lisp on Guile
- Other applications:
- New packages:
- eldoc: Show function arglist or variable docstring in echo area
- hyperlist-mode: A major-mode for viewing Hyperlists
- literate-calc-mode: Inline results from calc
- oj: Competitive programming tools client for AtCoder, Codeforces
- org-roam-server: Org Roam Database Visualizer
- osa: OSA (JavaScript / AppleScript) bridge
- project: Operations on the current project
- retrie: Refactoring Haskell code with retrie
- unifdef: Delete code guarded by processor directives
- xref: Cross-referencing commands
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.