2020-05-25 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginners:
- Doom, Emacs & Windows
- How to learn Emacs | IT PRO – Emacs tutorial that gets to org-babel quickly
- Emacs configuration:
- Best way to try out different emacs configs
- Looking for advice on a .emacs rewrite
- Assimilate Emacs packages using Git submodules
- display-buffer-control: Control how to open buffers matching specified conditions
- Emacs: window rules and parameters (`display-buffer-alist' and extras) – YouTube
- Spin Your Own Spacemacs-lite – YouTube
- Emacs development:
- emacsninja: State of Emacs Lisp on Guile (HN)
- {Beta testers} {ANN} Let's make emacs better – `explain-pause-mode` tells you when and why emacs is slow
- masm11/emacs: A branch to port Emacs to pure-gtk3, in order to support Wayland.
- Best way to learn enough to contribute to Emacs development?
- Watch “Bringing GNU Emacs to native code” on YouTube
- Mark browse-url-conkeror as obsolete
- Reject invalid characters in XML strings (Bug#41094).
- ; * etc/NEWS: Mention new customization options for package.el.
- Improve shr/eww handling of mailto URLs
- Various json.el improvements
- Bookmark locations can refer to VC directory buffers (bug#39722)
- New user option project-vc-merge-submodules
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Macros:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- slime-volleyball: Emacs Slime Volleyball
- emacs-grails: A minor mode for Grails projects
- Using GDB in Emacs
- rubocopfmt.el: Emacs minor-mode to format Ruby code with RuboCop on save.
- emacs-retrie: An Emacs package to refactor Haskell code with retrie
- Irreal: Setting the Initial Visibility of Magit Sections
- Mail, news, and feeds:
- Web:
- Community:
- Other:
- A short love letter to emacs
- Some Nice Emacs Packages – deft, mood-line, lsp-mode
- Ansi-Term Remote Directory Tracking
- {NEW Package} Learn Japanese kana (仮名,五十音) in emacs.
- Managing dotfiles with chezmoi (Reddit)
- journalctl-mode
- emacs-yeis: Yeis's Emacs' Input Switcher (Reddit)
- signal-msg: Send Signal messages from GNU Emacs using signal-cli
- My Battles with Emacs – Part One (Reddit) – exploring Doom Emacs and Org Mode
- Emacs on iOS via Blink Shell iOS app + Tailscale.com (Reddit)
- New packages:
- scratch-comment: Insert Elisp result as comment in scratch buffer
- psalm: Interface to Psalm
- flycheck-psalm: Flycheck integration for Psalm
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.