2020-06-15 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Intro to Emacs Lisp: Adding Live Previews when Editing Markdown Files (Reddit)
- Emacs & Websockets (Reddit)
- markov-text: Markov chain text generation in Emacs Lisp
- melpazoid: A bundle of CI scripts for testing Emacs packages, primarily submissions to MELPA.
- Emacs Redux: Checking the Major Mode in Emacs Lisp
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Get Grades done: the joys of Org's simple power
- org-alert: System notifications of org agenda items
- {Announcement} New package ox-leanpub
- Automated org-agenda to html (Reddit)
- msgraph-orgmode: A python script to retrieve the Exchange calendar data from a Office365 account and return it as org Mode file.
- org-html-themes: How to export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes (Irreal)
- Org Roam:
- Deft:
- Coding:
- Community:
- Mail and news:
- Other:
- Use Emacs for mass renaming of files (instead of vidir) – 200ok
- Mike Zamansky: Using Emacs 73 – Ripgrep and updating the blog
- NotDeft is an Emacs-based manager and local search engine for directories of plain text notes (Reddit)
- A fast and simple helm interface to your bash history
- eshell-prompt-extras: Display extra information and color for your eshell prompt.
- Manuel Uberti: My reliable English dictionary
- password-store.el: Simple password manager using gpg and ordinary unix directories.
- emacs-transclusion: Transclusion of files in emacs (Reddit)
- Emacs minor mode for a nice writing environment (Reddit)
- browse-rules.el: Rules for browsing various urls
- Marcin Borkowski: Emacs as a (very simple) CAT
- Demystifying text editor keystrokes (Irreal)
- ivy-emms 0.1
- Showing off my i3wm+xfce and Emacs setup ( Void Linux Rice ) (8:11)
- Emacs containers
- dockemacs: Dockerized emacs …
- New packages:
- arduino-cli-mode: Arduino-CLI command wrapper
- etc-sudoers-mode: Edit Sudo security policies
- flycheck-guile: A Flycheck checker for GNU Guile
- gemini-mode: A simple highlighting package for text/gemini
- helm-apt: Helm interface for Debian/Ubuntu packages (apt-*)
- helm-wikipedia: Wikipedia suggestions
- lsp-jedi: Lsp client plugin for Python Jedi Language Server
- ox-leanpub: Export Org documents to Leanpub book format
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.