Visual book notes: Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why (Paul Tough)
| parenting, visual-book-notesHere are my notes on Paul Tough's 2016 book Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why. It turns out that he's made the book freely available online, so you can read the book with embedded videos and links.
The main thing I got from it is the importance of thinking about the environment kids learn in. A- has a pretty low-stress environment at the moment, although she might run into a few challenges later on. As I help A- learn, I also want to help her internalize these messages, which I've paraphrased from the book:
I belong. | I can do that through our relationship by being warm, responsive, and encouraging. |
I grow. | I can reinforce this by telling stories about how she's learning. |
I can do it. | I can scaffold her learning and encourage her when she's frustrated. |
It's worthwhile. | I can show how her learning pays off and I can help her set inspiring challenges. |
I can influence the development of non-cognitive traits through our relationship and through the kind of work she does.
When I read the section on home visiting, it reminded me of how much I appreciated the Healthy Babies Healthy Children home-visiting program run by Toronto Public Health. The nurse and the home visitor taught me more about playing with A- by highlighting small things I was doing well. Because they called attention to those practices, that made it easier for me to do more of those things. I like doing something similar with A-, noticing and naming the things she's doing well so that she gets a sense of her growth.
The book is okay, kinda light, but it isn't a must-read. It was a good nudge to think about what A-‘s picking up in addition to the things that are easier to measure and observe.