2020-09-14 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-newsEmacsConf 2020 Call for Proposals open until Oct 7, 2020. (Extended!) Please encourage someone you'd like to hear from! =)
- For beginners:
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Lars Ingebrigtsen is now one of the Emacs maintainers (Reddit)
- Looking for a maintainer for pdf-tools/tablist
- Emacs-devel discussion about modernizing the defaults (Reddit, Reddit)
- Add facility to make module functions interactive (Bug#23486).
- Improve frame-title-format and icon-title-format
- Obsolete commands are no longer hidden from command completion
- Make `ascii' a coding system alias for `us-ascii'
- Add a way to use an external command to download HTML in eww
- Default Emacs to UTF-8 instead of Latin-1
- Move dired-jump from dired-x to dired (Bug#21981)
- Remove cedet items obsolete since 23.2
- D-Bus: Implement other compound types of properties
- Implement a new `submit-emacs-patch' command
- Make the button navigation commands available via a minor mode
- Add Gnus function to make a persistent group from a search result
- * etc/NEWS: Add D-Bus changes.
- Introduce a new Gnus scoring method (for article age)
- Change icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input behaviour for Icomplete only
- * etc/NEWS: Mention the new erc-status-sidebar.el
- Add support for horizontal scrolling in tab-line
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Lesson 7 – Org Mode For Beginners – Checkboxes
- My Org Mode Flow – Christine Dodrill
- embedding images in org docs guide – YouTube
- frederic-santos/org-template-pci-journals: for submissions to all Peer Community In journals
- James Cash: Reading with Emacs – pdf-tools
- My First Emacs Package (Org-file Backlinks Finder) – Feedback Appreciated
- A Walkthrough of Org-Roam | Installation, Uses, and Benefits (Spacemacs) – YouTube
- Org-Roam installation on Spacemacs and how I use it. Hope it helps. (Reddit)
- Latest Feature: auto complete pages after brackets or hashtag in gk-roam. (Reddit)
- Organizing a Complex Directory for Emacs Org Mode and Deft
- Andrea: Org mode links for Emacs Slack
- Emacs syncing with Dropbox and Beorg for iOS – A blog by Nickolas Lanasa
- Coding:
- Mail and news:
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Mario Lang: Emacs is very special regarding UIs (Reddit, HN)
- What is the most confusing/struggling when you started using Emacs?
- Helm development is now stalled · Issue #2386 · emacs-helm/helm (HN, Reddit, Reddit, Reddit)
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- 3×10% an Emacs bug spelunking – Random Thoughts
- Emacs Redux: Patronage Revisited
- 2020-09-03 Emacs SF Online Meetup – YouTube – (2:31:31) overlays, bidirectional text
- Other:
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Manage podcasts in Emacs with Elfeed and Bongo
- emacs server guide – YouTube
- Inside Emacs #5 (part 2) ♦ Emacs client/server ✔ Starting emacs daemon with systemd….. Really handy!!! (Reddit)
- Update: eshell-syntax-highlighting is on MELPA
- Fountain Mode 3.3 released
- Prose linting with Vale and Emacs
- HN discussion of the Emacs Web Wowser (EWW) package
- Emacs Redux: Reinstalling Emacs Packages
- Emacs Redux: Describe Package
- Browse URLs in Emacs under WSL – Hung-Yi’s Journal
- WSL2 users beware: Lastest windows update breaks wsl (Reddit)
- My Emacs on Android Setup (Reddit)
- New packages:
- abridge-diff: Abridge long line-based diff hunks, including in magit
- agda2-mode: interactive development for Agda, a dependently typed functional programming language
- annotation: Functions for annotating text with faces and help bubbles
- better-scroll: Improve user experience when scrolling window
- eri: Enhanced relative indentation (eri)
- eshell-syntax-highlighting: Highlight eshell commands
- gcode-mode: Simple G-Code major mode
- orgstrap: Bootstrap an Org file using file local variables
- validate-html: Compilation mode for W3C HTML Validator
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.