2020-10-12 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- What modern configs are a good as a base for your own setup?
- Very impressed by emacs-ludicrous-speed (GNU/Linux)
- Chemacs 2, now with early-init.el suport
- dot-emacs – My Emacs configurations written in Org mode
- {emacs-devel} Include leaf in Emacs distribution (Reddit)
- borg-nix-shell: Build your Borg packages with Nix-Shell
- wmacs : Rewrite of my Emacs configuration aimed at Windows operating system
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Kludging The editor with The compiler – GCCEmacs at LPC 2020 GNU Tools Track – Presentaiton and round of the table – toobnix
- Doom gccemacs on MacOS (Irreal)
- Autoload shortdoc command and adjust NEWS
- Add support for displaying short documentation for function groups
- Only skip directories in lgrep, not the other grep commands
- Improve documentation of ‘isearch-group-N' faces
- Add match-data to isearch state and repeat faces to highlight group matches
- Appearance:
- Favorite Light Themes
- minimal-theme: Minimal theme for Emacs 24
- minimal-light-theme.el — A light/dark minimalistic Emacs 27 theme
- tango-plus-theme: Color theme for Emacs loosely based on the tango palette
- eclipse-theme: Eclipse theme for Emacs
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Released Modus themes 0.13.0
- Modus themes now play nice with moody, Thanks prot! (Reddit)
- Base16 Theme Previews
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- AlBasmala: Blogging with Emacs & Org-mode (•̀ᴗ•́)و
- Emacs Orgmode Source Code Blocks 2 | jherrlin (July 2020)
- orgmode articles by König von Haunstetten
- Andrea: Microsoft (Teams) notifications in your Org Agenda (through Emacs Slack)
- Org-mode Transclusion/Block-reference Prototype (Reddit)
- Rainer König just released a Udemy org-mode course; let's show him some love! (Reddit)
- LIVE: Emacs From Scratch #6 – Organize Your Life with Org Mode (10/9, 9:15am PDT) (Reddit)
- Coding:
- arduino-mode: Emacs major mode for editing Arduino sketches.
- Alvaro Ramirez: Emacs: create a Swift package/project
- Using Emacs for Swift Development (Reddit)
- css-in-js.el : a styled-components minor mode
- How I set up my emacs for TypeScript
- {ANN} New MELPA package: sharper, a wrapper for dotnet (C#/F#) built with transient
- go-ttest.el: Helpers for editing table tests in Go
- czscm.el — cheezy scheme interpreter for Emacs
- Mail and news:
- Music:
- Community:
- Other:
- Making medieval manuscript transcription less painful with GNU Emacs (Reddit)
- Emacs as RSS reader | Daniel's programming rants
- LDAP lookups from Emacs (2015)
- Marcin Borkowski: Editing subtitles in Emacs with subed
- Fanboying My Favorite Packages, What're Yours?
- Try: Try out Emacs packages (2017)
- Protesilaos Stavrou: My simple note-taking system for Emacs (without Org)
- Experimental patch for emacs to block privacy trackers in (email) webkit
- A short intro to Deft Mode · Emacs Doomcasts 23 (Reddit)
- tid-mode: tid-mode is an Emacs major mode for editing TiddlyWiki5 .tid files.
- New packages:
- axe: AWS Extensions
- block-nav: Jump across indentation levels for quick navigation
- clj-decompiler: Clojure Java decompiler expansion
- i3wm-config-mode: Better syntax highlighting for i3wm's config file
- impatient-showdown: Preview markdown buffer live over HTTP using showdown
- jmt-mode: Java Mode Tamed
- sharper: A dotnet CLI wrapper, using Transient
- spatial-navigate: Directional navigation between white-space blocks
- unicad: An elisp port of Mozilla Universal Charset Auto Detector
- w32-ime: Windows IME UI/UX controler
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
1 comment
2020-10-13T15:45:21ZFor your next Emacs news update, lesson 8 is now available at http://OrgModeForBeginners.com (how to add timestamps to TODO tasks and view in Agenda mode). It can be found at https://orgmodeforbeginners....