2020-10-19 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs User Survey 2020 is open! (Reddit)
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Raimon Grau: An emacs' Feature Development
- Add command package-menu-filter-upgradable
- Add new choice ‘keep' to next-error-message-highlight (bug#32676)
- ; * etc/NEWS: Call out the new variable ‘shr-offer-extend-specpdl'.
- Document the new smiley value
- Add support for emojis i smiley.el
- * etc/NEWS: Mention new lexical binding conversion aid.
- Base bookmark-bmenu-mode on tabulated-list-mode (Bug#39293)
- ; * etc/NEWS: Move ‘narrow-to-prompt' entry to “Shell” section.
- New shell-mode command to narrow to the command under point
- Add a new variable to control Gnus Agent caching
- Search harder for file name matches in compilation buffers
- Make `C-x C-e' work more like `C-M-x' on defvar etc
- Highlight regexp sub-expressions in query-replace
- Add option to highlight the ‘next-error' error message
- Add a new variable tab-first-completion
- * etc/NEWS (Calc): Note new precedence of ‘/' in TeX input mode.
- Fix documentation of Outline cycling commands
- * etc/NEWS: Mention ‘make_unibyte_string'; reformat modules entries.
- Calc: allow infinite binary word size (bug#43764)
- Appearance:
- Org Mode:
- org-superstar-mode: Upcoming version 2.0
- Full introduction to Gkroam, up to version v2.3.7, no voice (Reddit)
- Export Day One (macOS) Journals to Emacs org-mode Diary Entries • Christian Tietze
- SSH config export for org-mode (Reddit)
- EmacsConf 2020 & My Submission – org-webring
- Alvaro Ramirez: Emacs: org block complete and edit
- {ANN} org-inline-video-thumbnails: allow Org to show video thumbnails inline like regular images
- Paste an image into an org file (Windows)
- Journaling with org-journal · zaiste.net
- Org with Perl: 001: Moving/removing done todo items (Reddit)
- Coding:
- semi-automated interactive stream editing: piping through expect and emacs (Reddit)
- Python's f-string syntax highlighting now supported thanks to Stefan Monnier (Reddit)
- Andrea: My Emacs setup for Scala development
- Manuel Uberti: Reliable REPL switching and buffer loading with CIDER
- Andrea: My Emacs setup for Scala development
- Math:
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- Why I Chose Emacs as My New Text Editor // Take on Rules (Reddit)
- Emacs was mentioned inside my lexicography textbook (Reddit)
- What builtins do you use above popular external packages?
- What does emacs do that makes it irreplaceable for you?
- org-contacts2vcard: Converting Emacs Org-mode org-contacts contact information to VCard format suitable for importing to Android 4.4
- Highlight: Why Emacs? (24:39)
- Other:
- Dungeon-mode – Free Software Directory (Reddit)
- Real time collaborative editing in Emacs
- wandersoncferreira/oblique-strategies (Reddit)
- Hardcore spell checking in Emacs (Reddit)
- emacsninja: Worst Reverse Shell Ever
- Accord: Interact with Discord via Emacs
- Tory Anderson: How to send an interrupt without C-c C-c?
- The Different Shells Available In Emacs (17:20, Irreal)
- New packages:
- greenbar: Mark comint output with “greenbar” background
- etherpad: Interface to the Etherpad API
- kana: Learn Japanese hiragana and katakana
- maxima: Major modes for writing Maxima code
- nntwitter: Gnus Backend For Twitter
- ob-deno: Babel Functions for Javascript/TypeScript with Deno
- ocamlformat: Utility functions to format ocaml code
- ox-ssh: SSH Config Backend for Org Export Engine
- teletext-yle: Teletext provider for Finnish national network YLE
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.