2020-12-07 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- EmacsConf 2020: Videos are out! (HN)
- Emacs configuration:
- Share vanilla emacs config examples (with a small number of external packages)
- emacs-from-scratch: An example of a fully custom Emacs configuration developed live on YouTube!
- Faster Emacs Startup with Custom Configuration (Reddit)
- Quick commits to become evil
- Emacs Configuration Posframe and Which Key, Some Key Bindings
- posimacs: Emacs + tools in home manager module distribution format
- popup-buffers: A minor-mode to handle annoying windows in Emacs. Works well with shackle.el
- Maximize the Emacs Frame on Startup (Reddit)
- emacs-buttons – Key binding DSL (Reddit)
- Emacs Redux: Maximize the Emacs Frame on Startup
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Add commands xref-next-group and xref-prev-group
- Allow shutting down Emacs even if there are errors in kill-emacs-hook
- Allow inhibiting the instructions on how to close emacsclient frames
- Add new variable to selectively suppress backtraces in batch mode.
- Print a backtrace on unhandled errors in batch mode (Bug#44942).
- * src/alloc.c (Fgarbage_collect_maybe): New function
- Preload iso-trans.el
- Support using ripgrep in project-find-regexp and friends (Reddit)
- Allow bibtex-unify-case-function as file-local variable
- * etc/NEWS: Add user option ‘tramp-debug-to-file'.
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- But She's a Girl: Switching to Selectrum for incremental narrowing in Emacs (Reddit)
- gilded-select: Minor enhancements to the excellent Selectrum package
- [ANN] Scroll-on-jump package to recenter and optionally animate any action that moves the point (Reddit)
- Meta Redux: Semantic Clojure Formatting
- Emacs Through Macros – 11 – Narrowing – YouTube (9:02)
- OrganizaciĆ³n del espacio de trabajo en Emacs
- Org Mode:
- [ANN] Experimental org-mode branch improving performance on large files
- Andrea: EmacsConf2020: Lead your future with Org
- Daryl Manning | A better GTD and CRM flow for emacs org-mode
- [WIP/RFC] orgmode visual outline hierarchy
- Easy instructions on how to set up ODT export of Emacs/org-mode files in Windows 10
- Building websites with org-mode was never this easy. (Reddit)
- Diego Zamboni: New release of Publishing with Emacs, Org-mode and Leanpub
- Creating a CV/Resume in Org-Mode using Latex templates (Reddit)
- Org CV: Org-mode backend exporters for Curriculum Vita
- Header arguments – Org Babel reference card
- org-mode-zettelkasten: Zettelkasten for pure emacs Org mode
- Adding Hydra Menu for Org Roam Lookup in Emacs // Take on Rules (Reddit)
- Diego Zamboni: How to easily create and use human-readable IDs in Org mode and Doom Emacs
- Org-transclusion (alpha v0.0.6) Demo #6 (Reddit)
- Completion:
- Coding:
- [ANN]: Emacs IDE – Python Development Configuration (LIVE 12/2, 9:15 am PST) (Reddit)
- Not my normal Emacs video but using Emacs to solve AOC day 3 in Clojure
- Speeding up magit (Reddit)
- Alain M. Lafon: EmacsConf: Traverse complex JSON structures with live feedback with counsel-jq
- Emacs: working with virtual machines – YouTube (8:44)
- Math:
- Community:
- Other:
- Why I love Emacs | Opensource.com
- Multi-TTY support in Emacs 27 on MacOSX
- emacs-monkeytype: Typing game/tutor for Emacs inspired by github.com/Miodec/monkeytype
- emacs-gcc – Dockerfile for building emacs.deb with native-comp
- The ultimate Emacs hacking tutorial in Windows 10 WSL 2 | Damon Chan's Blog
- essay.dev: A real-time blog from emacs magit-forge based on GitHub issues – Sean Grove
- Somehow Eshell is working perfectly
- Alvaro Ramirez: Emacs: Rotate my macOS display
- Optimizing Window Placement in EXWM – Emacs Desktop Environment #3 (LIVE 12/4, 9:15 am PST) (Reddit)
- EmacsConf2020 – Extend Emacs to Modern GUI Applications with EAF (Reddit)
- wakatime-mode: Emacs plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
- Announcing `papis.el`, an emacs package for papis, a highly extensible command line bibliography manager (Reddit)
- Amit Patel: Building Emacs 27 on Apple ARM M1
- Writing Update + Emacs! – YouTube (15:58, Emacs starts around 12:50)
- New packages:
- goggles: Pulse modified regions
- license-snippets: LICENSE templates for yasnippet
- modus-themes: Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA)
- robot-mode: Major-mode for Robot Framework files
- solo-jazz-theme: The Solo-Jazz color theme
- valign: Visually align tables
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.