2020-12-14 Emacs news

| emacs, emacs-news

I'm curious about how we can help Emacs folks find jobs or freelancing contracts by connecting with each other. I don't really know how it might work out yet, but if you're looking for someone to fill a position or take on a freelancing contract, would you consider e-mailing me at sacha@sachachua.com so that I can include it in Emacs News? What kind of info might be useful? Short description, contact info, location/remote, and whether the position is free-software-compatible? Let's figure out what's possible! =)

Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.

You can view 5 comments or e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.


Christian Herenz


Thanks for including spanish content...

You can find more Spanish Emacs-related blogs at https://planet.emacs-es.org/ . Enjoy!

Christian Tietze


The pulse-on-yank post was frustrating to me when I saw it on reddit because it focused on evil-yank. Now that you brought it up again, I had enough and tried to figured out how to do that with vanilla Emacs's yank:


Thanks for reminding me at the right time! :)

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing it! I added your general feed to Planet Emacslife. Would you happen to have an Emacs-specific one?

Christian Tietze


Oh cool, thanks! I added an Atom feed for the #emacs posts at: https://christiantietze.de/...

Abin pointed out in an email that in vim, "yank" means "copy", which I didn't know, and that my code actually does something different :) And he pointed out that goggles.el does similar advising to my code, but in a reusable way: https://github.com/minad/go...