2020-12-14 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginner:
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Redux: Favorite Emacs Packages (Reddit)
- yakmacs: baby tries to migrate off spacemacs with a clean config…
- eli-oat's Emacs Config
- An Unorthodox Emacs Setup with an Init File Generator (a test) (Reddit)
- Check out unpackaged.el!
- Fijar un Repositorio Para un Paquete en Emacs – how to pin using use-package
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Add a new recursively bound `current-minibuffer-command' variable
- * etc/NEWS: Add entry for dictionary.el
- Don't show matches with no input for nil icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input
- New option gnus-registry-register-all
- New variable `redisplay_adhoc_scroll_in_resize_mini_windows`
- Explicitly specify svg base_uri using `:base-uri' image property
- Allow customizing the Gnus summary thread indicators
- * lisp/play/dunnet.el: Make it so loading the file is harmless
- Add a new command `memory-report'
- Add new function `object-intervals'
- Add new function ‘image-cache-size'
- Add a new function `button-buttonize'
- Make hexl scrolling commands work more like the normal ones
- Improve documentation of ‘backtrace-on-error-noninteractive'
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Multimedia:
- Introducing Emdeez – Controlling Deezer within Emacs – music player
- Org Mode:
- Org 9.4.1 is coming (Reddit)
- Improving org mode with extentions
- org-similarity: A package to help org-mode users discover similar or related notes in a directory. (Reddit)
- Revisiting Hydra Menu for Org Roam Lookup in Emacs // Take on Rules
- org-inline-pdf.el: Enable inline PDF preview in Org buffers.
- Sacha Chua: Org Mode: Create a quick timestamped note and capture a screenshot
- Organize docs in org mode
- Instant LaTeX preview in org-mode with org-latex-impatient (Reddit)
- Sacha Chua: #org-mode answers: task creation time, subtree at end, Emacs Lisp variables in TBLFM, logbook and refile
- Org Almanac – alphapapa's list of Org-related links
- Org export:
- Coding:
- Andrea: EmacsConf2020: first steps towards Emacs becoming your code compass!
- Tiny ~/.emacs for beginners to Common Lisp programming with line-by-line explanation (Reddit)
- Iron handling (with Emacs Lisp) (Reddit)
- Emacs Redux: Essential Magit File Commands
- Emacs Redux: Super Keybindings for Magit
- Mostrar Informacion con LSP UI en Emacs – Sideline
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- The results from the “State of Emacs Survey” are announced! (/r/emacs part 1, /r/emacs part 2, HN)
- Alexander Gromnitsky: Reading the Emacs User Survey 2020 Results
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- Curious about how Emacs maintainers/core developers use Emacs?
- Emacs, Emacs, Emacs! (Reddit)
- Emacs Wishlist
- Sacha Chua: EmacsConf 2020: Emacs News Highlights and a wishlist
- Other:
- More batteries included with emacs (Reddit)
- eshell-bookmark: Eshell and bookmark.el integration
- Alexander Gromnitsky: Making high-resolution screenshots of Emacs frames
- Emacs sorting with sort-regexp-fields
- Emacs bindings for Tridactyl (Firefox addon for mousless browsing) (Reddit)
- Blog directly from emacs using magit (Reddit)
- [ANN] uTimeClock (manual time tracking) now on melpa
- Sacha Chua: Editing subtitles in Emacs with subed, with synchronized video playback through mpv
- Introducing snitch.el – a firewall for emacs (Reddit)
- Using Multiple Monitors in EXWM – Emacs Desktop Environment #4 – YouTube (40:22)
- Comprobado de Faltas de Ortografía en Emacs – flyspell
- Krei epub arĥivon – Esperanto, PDF->EPUB
- New packages:
- apparmor-mode: Major mode for editing AppArmor policy files
- consult: Consulting completing-read
- consult-flycheck: Provides the command `consult-flycheck'
- consult-selectrum: Selectrum integration for Consult
- elegant-agenda-mode: An elegant theme for your org-agenda
- elfeed-dashboard: An extensible frontend for elfeed using org-mode
- gitignore-snippets: Gitignore.io templates for Yasnippet
- goggles: Pulse modified regions
- helm-org-ql: Helm support for org-ql
- imenu-extra: Add extra items into existing imenu items
- ivy-file-preview: Preview the current ivy file selection
- ll-debug: Low level debug tools
- marginalia: Enrich existing commands with completion annotations
- math-preview: Preview TeX math equations inline
- metal-archives: List future releases using Metal-Archives API
- ox-gemini: Output gemini formatted documents from org-mode
- pikchr-mode: A major mode for the pikchr diagram markup language
- recursion-indicator: Recursion indicator
- utimeclock: Simple utility for manual time tracking
- xmind-org: Import XMind mindmaps into Org
I'm curious about how we can help Emacs folks find jobs or freelancing contracts by connecting with each other. I don't really know how it might work out yet, but if you're looking for someone to fill a position or take on a freelancing contract, would you consider e-mailing me at sacha@sachachua.com so that I can include it in Emacs News? What kind of info might be useful? Short description, contact info, location/remote, and whether the position is free-software-compatible? Let's figure out what's possible! =)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
Christian Herenz
2020-12-15T18:55:15ZThanks for including spanish content...
2020-12-15T21:35:52ZYou can find more Spanish Emacs-related blogs at https://planet.emacs-es.org/ . Enjoy!
Christian Tietze
2020-12-20T16:59:35ZThe pulse-on-yank post was frustrating to me when I saw it on reddit because it focused on evil-yank. Now that you brought it up again, I had enough and tried to figured out how to do that with vanilla Emacs's yank:
Thanks for reminding me at the right time! :)
2020-12-20T19:12:49ZWonderful! Thanks for sharing it! I added your general feed to Planet Emacslife. Would you happen to have an Emacs-specific one?
Christian Tietze
2020-12-21T10:41:39ZOh cool, thanks! I added an Atom feed for the #emacs posts at: https://christiantietze.de/...
Abin pointed out in an email that in vim, "yank" means "copy", which I didn't know, and that my code actually does something different :) And he pointed out that goggles.el does similar advising to my code, but in a reusable way: https://github.com/minad/go...