2020-12-21 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Byte-compile the `Quickstart’ File for Faster Startup (Reddit, Reddit)
- BreakPoint : An Unorthodox Emacs Setup with a Static Init File Generator
- jjuliano/sensible.emacs.d: Sensible and minimal starting Emacs configuration
- Modularizing Posimacs
- link0ff's Emacs init configuration
- gSwag's emacs-configuration
- phundrak's Emacs config
- Toggling Keyboard Mapping for Org Roam // Take on Rules – overriding keyboard shortcut for a project
- Looking At My Doom Emacs Config – DT LIVE – YouTube
- Emacs development:
- AUR (Arch Linux) package delivering Emacs binaries with native-comp and Wayland support enabled
- fast-emacs branch: Emacs branch based on native-comp branchwith improvements to process IO and rendering
- Discussion on NonGNU ELPA issue tracking
- Emacs 27.1.90 is out () – first pretest for 27.2
- Improve make-process in Tramp
- Inhibit buffer hooks in temporary buffers
- bibtex-mode: Permit user-defined schemes for sorting entries.
- Add ‘remote-file-error' for Tramp
- Make goto-char offer the number at point as default
- Add a new recursively bound `current-minibuffer-command' variable
- Merge branch ‘feature/integration-of-dictionary-el'
- Appearance:
- Christian Tietze: Pulse to Highlight Yanked Text in Vanilla Emacs
- marginalia.el – Rich annotations in the minibuffer (Reddit)
- tab-bar-display: Display strings on tab-bar in Emacs.
- Using prettify-symbols in Clojure and Elisp without breaking indentation · Endless Parentheses
- Solving ligature spacing in Emacs – proof of concept | Modern Emacs (2017)
- good-scroll.el – Attempt at good pixel-based smooth scrolling in Emacs (Reddit)
- Experimental command prompt in the header line (Reddit)
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- jjuliano/practical.org.el: Practical GTD and Zettelkasten workflow system for Emacs
- Directory Structure for my Org Instance // Take on Rules (Reddit)
- Inside Emacs #6 (part 2) ▫ org-mode ▫ moving inside/between fields ▫ smartparens ▫ emacs-lisp (Reddit)
- goodreads-to-org: Small utility to convert goodreads csv to org-mode file
- A search engine like command line tool for org-mode and markdown (Reddit)
- [ANN] Emacs LSP community channel migration Gitter -> Discord
- org-learn.el — Implements SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm (Reddit)
- Emacs from Scratch #5: Org mode basics
- WorgSheet Calc Intro – Dj Pj (Irreal)
- Coding:
- Andrea: Emacs as your code-compass: finding code hotspots
- [Package of the day] Emacs4CL: 35 line .emacs to turn Emacs into Common Lisp dev environment (Reddit, HN)
- SLIME, Lisp, Editing – the lost slime-close-parens-at-point
- mit.edu: basic guide to MIT/GNU Scheme and either edwin or emacs
- go-dlv.el: Go Delve – Debug Go programs interactively with the GUD.
- company-web: Emacs company backend for html, jade, slim
- Alex Bennée: magit-file-dispatch
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Other:
- Making eshell your own | Modern Emacs
- Many Small Tools Make Light Work (in Emacs) // Take on Rules – yasnippet, Hugo shortcodes
- Emacs as a checksum utility
- Christian Tietze: Markdown Mode Fixes Imenu Tag Generator
- The Perfect Panel: Integrating Polybar with Emacs (LIVE 12/18, 9:15 am PST) (Reddit) – EXWM
- Dynamic Tiling Windows like dwm in Emacs with Edwina (Reddit)
- New packages:
- company-maxima: Maxima company integration
- diredc: Extensions for dired
- embark: Conveniently act on minibuffer completions
- helm-switch-to-repl: Helm action to switch directory in REPLs
- ispc-mode: Syntax coloring for ispc programs
- ivy-migemo: Use migemo on ivy
- metal-archives-shopping-list: Add shopping list generation support to metal archives
- org-anki: Synchronize org-mode entries to Anki
- org-tree-slide-pauses: Bring the pause command from Beamer to org-tree-slide
- peertube: Query and download PeerTube videos
- planemo-mode: Minor mode for editing Galaxy XML files
- recomplete: Immediately (re)complete actions
- spdx: Insert SPDX license and copyright headers
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.