2020-12-28 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Wed, Dec 30 18:30 CET: Emacs Berlin virtual meetup
- Beginner:
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Gap Buffers Are Not Optimized for Multiple Cursors
- Make byte-compiler warn about wide docstrings
- Rename and document the built-in xref-show-definitions-function's
- * lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el (package-archives): Add NonGNU ELPA
- Improve “find definition” in Help buffers
- Add new predicates for sequence lengths
- Rename Tramp method “media” to “mtp” (Bug#45402)
- New coding-systems for EBCDIC variants
- Make `remove-hook' interactive
- Remove `string-slice' – it's not very well defined
- authinfo-mode: add option to not hide any elements (and add font-lock)
- * lisp/tab-line.el: New options, faces, and functions
- Reject filenames containing NUL bytes.
- Re-order the items in `profiler-report' output.
- Add string-chop-newline
- Rename slice-string to string-slice
- Add `string-pad'
- Beef up the Emacs string utility set a bit: string-clean-whitespace, string-fill, string-limit
- Appearance:
- Let it snow in Emacs! (now with wind, varying intensity, and accumulation on terrain) (Reddit)
- [ANN] A small package to create (SVG) icons on the fly (from online collections) that fit exactly 2×1 characters. (Reddit)
- golden: Modern derivative of golden-ratio.el for automatic window sizing
- solar-viz.el: a package to visualize sunrise/sunset data
- Logically nested fruit salad – prism.el, syntax highlighting
- number-separator.el: Automatically separate groups of three (or four) numbers with commas (or periods)
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Modus themes: review rainbow-delimiters faces (Reddit)
- visions: An emacs theme
- Org Mode:
- Introduction to Luhmann's Zettelkasten in pure Org (r/orgmode, r/emacs)
- Inside Emacs #6 (part 4) – org-mode – org-table-sort-lines – copy/paste region – insert hlines
- Org-marginalia to write margin notes for your text files (Reddit)
- org-linker: Utility package for linking org headings in various ways.
- Stability of Org TOC links: A function for producing nice short links, like an inferior version of reftex-label.
- org-special-block-extras v2 released ;; Pretty HTML & LaTeX (Reddit)
- using Emacs org-mode as rest client replacement (Reddit)
- Org Pomodoro and Polybar
- rofi-org-todo: A rofi script to allow easy hotkey adding of org-mode TODOs to an inbox.org file for later processing.
- Yet another browser extension for capturing notes
- Completion:
- Coding:
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Other:
- Easy (pretty) screenshots
- eshell-git-prompt: Some Eshell prompts for Git users
- Some template-based functions of eev that are not five-minute hacks (also blog post and MP4)
- Library for scraping training data from Polar website
- Unlock the Power of the Daemon with emacsclient (Reddit)
- Alex Bennée: dired-rsync 0.6 released
- Alex Bennée: Edit with Emacs v1.16 released
- Irreal: Finding Pangrams in the NYT Spelling Bee Puzzle
- emacs-build: Scripts to build a distribution of Emacs from sources, using MSYS2 and Mingw64(32) (Reddit)
- Guide – Compile emacs with nativecomp on Windows 10 with MSYS2
- windows-utils: Launch directly emacs from Windows with wsl2 and x410 window manager
- Software for the reMarkable tablet (2019)
- New packages:
- default-font-presets: Support selecting fonts from a list of presets
- snow: Let it snow in Emacs!
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.