2022-01-24 Emacs news

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Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, emacs-devel, and lemmy/c/emacs.

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👋 Sacha!
M-x Research have changed their schedule. From next week, we are meeting on Tuesdays from 16'00 to 17'00 UK Time (i.e., 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1600 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2130 Kolkata / 0000 Singapore). Our first meeting of the year is on Tuesday 1st of Feb and the talk of the day will be: Functional programming: an (Emacs) Lisp view (1/n)

Thanks for your weekly feeds! They are so useful!

Oh, thanks for the update!