2022-09-19 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs 28.2 released (Reddit, HN)
- [ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Second Call for Participation (extended until Sep 30)
- LibrePlanet 2023 Call for Sessions | Free Software Foundation (until Nov 2)
- Upcoming events:
- M-x Research (contact them for password): 6th class - Advanced(ish) Features of Functional Languages https://m-x-research.github.io/ Tue Sep 20 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1500 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2030 Kolkata / 2300 Singapore
- Emacs APAC (virtual, in English) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/ Sat Sep 24 0130 Vancouver / 0330 Chicago / 0430 Toronto / 0830 GMT / 1030 Berlin / 1400 Kolkata / 1630 Singapore
- Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) https://emacs-berlin.org/ Wed Sep 28 0930 Vancouver / 1130 Chicago / 1230 Toronto / 1630 GMT / 1830 Berlin / 2200 Kolkata – Thu Sep 29 0030 Singapore
- Beginner:
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Writing:
- Org Mode:
- Don't understand org-mode
- Cool looking org-mode
- I wrote a command for recursively viewing the backlinks of your nodes until you decide to select one and thought you guys might like it! (info in comments) (Reddit)
- Markdown anchor linking on Github | shom.dev
- GitHub - gicrisf/ox-zola: A carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Zola (Reddit)
- Emacs | Get Attached To Org Mode Attachments (11:16)
- Completion:
- Coding:
- Shells:
- Mail and news:
- Fun:
- Community:
- Other:
- Mario Jason Braganza: Rename a File as You Work on It in Emacs
- Marcin Borkowski: Safe killing with Emacs
- (Semi-)Automatically fetching Ledger commodity prices with elisp
- Alvaro Ramirez: $ rm Important.txt (uh oh!) (Reddit, lobste.rs)
- D.V.F.P.: Comparison of Vim and Emacs for a substitution operation using regular expressions
- Emacs Keyboard Macro (14:31)
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel discussion: Adding a "quick-help" menu
- emacs-devel discussion on toolbar icons: Re: Adding icon sets to Emacs – and next steps for icons.el
- emacs-devel: Re: Progress on merging Eglot?
- Don't save bookmark context from encrypted files
- Add NEWS entry for osc.el (bug#57821)
- Increase image-dired-thumb-size to 128
- Make `image-dired-thumb-(height|width)' obsolete
- Optimize tty display updates (bug#57727)
- Update Unicode support to Unicode version 15.0.0 (bug#57846)
- image-dired: Add support for PDF files (Bug#26432)
- Learn the Basics of the Dired File Manager (Doom Emacs) (28:40)
- Rename `image-elide' to `image-cut' and add more bindings
- Improve image-dired-display-properties-format
- Document MS-Windows support in wallpaper.el
- Implement support for 'wallpaper-set' on MS-Windows
- Add rudimentary font-locking to edit-abbrevs-mode
- Rename image transform commands to be less confusing
- Add new command image-mode-wallpaper-set
- Make it easier to customize wallpaper command
- Improve wallpaper.el docs for recent changes
- Add new function xdg-current-desktop to xdg.el
- Add new command image-dired-set-wallpaper
- Add new library wallpaper.el
- Add new commands 'image-crop' and 'image-elide'
- Document the recently added branch commands (bug#50344)
- 'C-x v b' prefix key is used for branch commands to create/switch/print branch
- New packages:
- pixelblaze: Interact with a Pixelblaze via Websocket (MELPA)
- pueue: Interface for pueue (MELPA)
- py-snippets: Collection of advanced Python yasnippet snippets (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, emacs-devel, and lemmy/c/emacs. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for links!
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.