2022-12-19 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events:
- M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Tue Dec 20 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Wed Dec 21 0000 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs APAC (virtual) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/ Sat Dec 24 0030 America/Vancouver - 0230 America/Chicago - 0330 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) https://emacs-berlin.org/ Wed Dec 28 0930 America/Vancouver - 1130 America/Chicago - 1230 America/Toronto - 1730 Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2300 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Dec 29 0130 Asia/Singapore
- Beginner:
- Setting up and Using Emacs (06:32)
- Emacs configuration:
- Let's build a comprehensive list of design considerations when making an Emacs configuration.
- Semicolon to underscore trick
- emacs package change management with quelpa and use-package - YouTube (Mastodon)
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Re: Questions regarding use-package (Emacs)
- jmcbray/basic-emacs: A very basic emacs config - basic-emacs - Carcosa Git (Mastodon)
- Fossil Files: My .Emacs | Hackaday
- grtcdr's literate Emacs configuration
- Funmacs - Yet Another Lightweight Emacs Configuration, Using KISS philosophy.
- Emacs Lisp:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Dired:
- Writing:
- Org Mode:
- Irreal: Writing With Org Mode
- Using Org Mode to keep track of exercise | Polaris64's blog (2020)
- Emacs | Never Lose a File Again? (07:00)
- Reintroducing Opel: Put All Your Pelican Posts in One Org File (Reddit)
- [changed URL] Org-fleuron: extra fancy HTML documents with OrgMode (Reddit)
- Programación Literal con Emacs - Introducción (21:24)
- Programación literal con Emacs - Integrando LSP (19:16)
- Org-mode - Wrap code in LaTex export (04:37)
- emacs - How to create hyperlinks for noweb references in org-mode - Stack Overflow (Mastodon)
- Org development:
- Denote:
- Completion:
- Alvaro Ramirez: Emacs: Context-aware yasnippets (Reddit, HN)
- burnthekernel/helm-browser: helm-browser is an Emacs package that can be used to quickly find and switch between multiple browser windows and tabs. (Mastodon)
- Emacs packages ednc, vertico, consult, embark, marginalia, orderless and fd-dired (41:14)
- Coding:
- My IDE is too heavy so I moved to Emacs (Reddit, HN, Irreal)
- Yi Tang: PoorMan's CI in Emacs (continuous integration)
- Nicolas Martyanoff: Fixing unquote-splicing behaviour with Paredit
- Jiacai Liu: What I learn by implementing argparser in Zig
- Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #18: How I do R package development in emacs
- Tree-sitter:
- ruby-ts-mode: Ruby major mode for Emacs 29 based upon tree sitter (Reddit)
- (Ab)using straight.el for easy tree-sitter grammar installations!
- Andrea: Moldable Emacs: remove unused React Native styles for a component with tree-sitter
- wkirschbaum/elixir-ts-mode: Experimental Elixir mode using Treesitter for fontification, navigation and indentation (Mastodon)
- Web:
- Chat:
- Spacemacs:
- Multimedia:
- Fun:
- AI:
- Community:
- Emacs 29:
- Other:
- I've been waiting for this! Emacs 28 is in debian testing! Thanks Rob Browning! (Reddit)
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: my new "sxhkdrc-mode" package
- Irreal: Academic Writing in Emacs
- Emacs Flymake (00:56)
- Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #16: How I use the online LaTeX editor Overleaf in emacs
- GitHub - natrys/whisper.el: Speech-to-Text interface for Emacs using OpenAI's whisper model and whisper.cpp as inference engine
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel:
- [RFC] Adding threads to Eshell
- Tree-sitter introduction documentation - figuring out where to put the info and what Emacs should take care of
- Possibly defaulting native-compile-target-directory to XDG_CACHE_HOME/.. - Debian and package manager issues with native compilation
- Plug treesit.el into other emacs constructs - forward-sexp, etc.
- proposal to improve package discoverability by extending keywords
- Add yaml-ts-mode (Bug#60105)
- New input method 'cyrillic-chuvash'
- Add support for the "splice operator" in Eshell
- Add go-ts-mode and go-mod-ts-mode (Bug#60025)
- Mention 'tree-sitter' in user manual and NEWS
- ; Announce 'toml-ts-mode' in NEWS.
- Update the documentation of overlays (bug#59996)
- Add cmake-ts-mode
- emacs-devel:
- New packages:
- sxhkdrc-mode: Major mode for sxhkdrc files (Simple X Hot Key Daemon) (GNU ELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, emacs-devel, and lemmy/c/emacs. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.