Figuring out how to use ffmpeg to mask a chroma-keyed video based on the differences between images

| linux, geek, ffmpeg, video

A- is really into Santa and Christmas because of the books she's read. Last year, she wanted to set up the GoPro to capture footage during Christmas Eve. I helped her set it up for a timelapse video. After she went to bed, we gradually positioned the presents. I extracted the frames from the video, removed the ones that caught us moving around, and then used Krita's new animation features to animate sparkles so that the presents magically appeared. She mentioned the sparkles a number of times during her deliberations about whether Santa exists or not.

This year, I want to see if I can use green-screen videos like this reversed-spin sparkle or this other sparkle video. I'm going to take a series of images, with each image adding one more gift. Then I'm going to make a mask in Krita with white covering the gift and a transparent background for the rest of the image. Then I'll use chroma-key to drop out the green screen of the sparkle video and mask it in so that the sparkles only happen within the boundaries of the gift that was added. I also want to fade one image into the other, and I want the sparkles to fade out as the gift appears.

Figuring things out

I didn't know how to do any of that yet with ffmpeg, so here's how I started figuring things out. First, I wanted to see how to fade test.jpg into test2.jpg over 4 seconds.

ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i test.jpg -loop 1 -i test2.jpg -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=t=in:d=4:alpha=1[fadein];[0:v][fadein]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -r 1 -t 4 -shortest test.webm

Here's another way using the blend filter:

ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i test.jpg -loop 1 -i test2.jpg -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]blend=all_expr='A*(if(gte(T,4),1,T/4))+B*(1-(if(gte(T,4),1,T/4)))" -t 4 -r 1 test.webm

Then I looked into chromakeying in the other video. I used balloons instead of sparkles just in case she happened to look at my screen.

ffmpeg -y -i test.webm -i balloons.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x00ff00:0.1:0.2[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -shortest -r 1 overlaid.webm

I experimented with the alphamerge filter.

ffmpeg -y -i test.jpg -i test2.jpg -i mask.png -filter_complex "[1:v][2:v]alphamerge[a];[0:v][a]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" masked.jpg

Okay! That overlaid test.jpg with a masked part of test2.jpg. How about alphamerging in a video? First, I need a mask video…

ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i mask.png  -r 1 -t 4  mask.webm

Then I can combine that:

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -i test.webm -i balloons.mp4 -i mask.webm -filter_complex "[1:v][2:v]alphamerge[masked];[0:v][masked]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -r 1 -t 4 alphamerged.webm

Great, let's figure out how to combine chroma-key and alphamerge video. The naive approach doesn't work, probably because they're both messing with the alpha layer.

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -i test.webm -i balloons.mp4 -i mask.webm -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x00ff00:0.1:0.2[ckout];[ckout][2:v]alphamerge[masked];[0:v][masked]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -r 1 -t 4 masked.webm

So I probably need to blend the chromakey and the mask. Let's see if I can extract the chromakey alpha.

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -i test.webm -i balloons.mp4 -i mask.webm -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x00ff00:0.1:0.2,format=rgba,alphaextract[out]" -map "[out]" -r 1 -t 4

Now let's blend it with the mask.webm.

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -i test.webm -i balloons.mp4 -i mask.webm -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x00ff00:0.1:0.2,format=rgba,alphaextract[ckalpha];[ckalpha][2:v]blend=all_mode=and[out]" -map "[out]" -r 1 -t 4 masked-alpha.webm

Then let's use it as the alpha:

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -i test.webm -i balloons.mp4 -i masked-alpha.webm -filter_complex "[2:v]format=rgba[mask];[1:v][mask]alphamerge[masked];[0:v][masked]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -r 1 -t 4 alphamerged.webm

Okay, that worked! Now how do I combine everything into one command? Hmm…

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -loop 1 -i test.jpg -t 4 -loop 1 -i test2.jpg -t 4 -i balloons.mp4 -loop 1 -i mask.png -t 4 -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]blend=all_expr='A*(if(gte(T,4),1,T/4))+B*(1-(if(gte(T,4),1,T/4)))'[fade];[2:v]chromakey=0x00ff00:0.1:0.2,format=rgba,alphaextract[ckalpha];[ckalpha][3:v]blend=all_mode=and,format=rgba[maskedalpha];[2:v][maskedalpha]alphamerge[masked];[fade][masked]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -r 5 -t 4 alphamerged.webm

Then I wanted to fade the masked video out by the end.

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -loop 1 -i test.jpg -t 4 -loop 1 -i test2.jpg -t 4 -i balloons.mp4 -loop 1 -i mask.png -t 4 -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]blend=all_expr='A*(if(gte(T,4),1,T/4))+B*(1-(if(gte(T,4),1,T/4)))'[fade];[2:v]chromakey=0x00ff00:0.1:0.2,format=rgba,alphaextract[ckalpha];[ckalpha][3:v]blend=all_mode=and,format=rgba[maskedalpha];[2:v][maskedalpha]alphamerge[masked];[masked]fade=type=out:st=2:d=1:alpha=1[maskedfade];[fade][maskedfade]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -r 10 -t 4 alphamerged.webm

Making the video

When A- finally went to bed, we arranged the presents, using the GoPro to take a picture at each step of the way. I cropped and resized the images, using Krita to figure out the cropping rectangle and offset.

for FILE in *.JPG; do convert $FILE -crop 1558x876+473+842 -resize 1280x720 cropped/$FILE; done

I used ImageMagick to calculate the masks automatically.

while [ "$j" -lt $len ]; do
  compare -fuzz 15% cropped/${files[$i]} cropped/${files[$j]} -compose Src -highlight-color White -lowlight-color Black masks/${files[$j]}
  convert -morphology Open Disk -morphology Close Disk -blur 20x5 masks/${files[$j]} processed-masks/${files[$j]}

Then I faded the images together to make a video.

import ffmpeg
import glob
files = glob.glob("images/cropped/*.JPG")
fps = 15
crf = 32
out = ffmpeg.input(files[0], loop=1, r=fps)
duration = 3
for i in range(1, len(files)):
    out = ffmpeg.filter([out, ffmpeg.input(files[i], loop=1, r=fps).filter('fade', t='in', d=duration, st=i*duration, alpha=1)], 'overlay')
args = out.output('images.webm', t=len(files) * duration, r=fps, y=None, crf=crf).compile()
print(' '.join(f'"{item}"' for item in args))

"ffmpeg" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2317.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2318.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2319.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2320.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2321.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2322.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2323.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2324.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2325.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2326.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2327.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2328.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2329.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2330.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2331.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2332.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2333.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2334.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2335.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2336.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/cropped/GOPR2337.JPG" "-filter_complex" "[1]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=3:t=in[s0];[0][s0]overlay[s1];[2]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=6:t=in[s2];[s1][s2]overlay[s3];[3]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=9:t=in[s4];[s3][s4]overlay[s5];[4]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=12:t=in[s6];[s5][s6]overlay[s7];[5]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=15:t=in[s8];[s7][s8]overlay[s9];[6]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=18:t=in[s10];[s9][s10]overlay[s11];[7]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=21:t=in[s12];[s11][s12]overlay[s13];[8]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=24:t=in[s14];[s13][s14]overlay[s15];[9]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=27:t=in[s16];[s15][s16]overlay[s17];[10]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=30:t=in[s18];[s17][s18]overlay[s19];[11]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=33:t=in[s20];[s19][s20]overlay[s21];[12]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=36:t=in[s22];[s21][s22]overlay[s23];[13]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=39:t=in[s24];[s23][s24]overlay[s25];[14]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=42:t=in[s26];[s25][s26]overlay[s27];[15]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=45:t=in[s28];[s27][s28]overlay[s29];[16]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=48:t=in[s30];[s29][s30]overlay[s31];[17]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=51:t=in[s32];[s31][s32]overlay[s33];[18]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=54:t=in[s34];[s33][s34]overlay[s35];[19]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=57:t=in[s36];[s35][s36]overlay[s37];[20]fade=alpha=1:d=3:st=60:t=in[s38];[s37][s38]overlay[s39]" "-map" "[s39]" "-crf" "32" "-r" "15" "-t" "63" "-y" "images.webm"

Next, I faded the masks together. These ones faded in and out so that only one mask was active at a time.

import ffmpeg
import glob
files = glob.glob("images/processed-masks/*.JPG")
files = files[:-2]  # Omit the last two, where I'm just turning off the lights
fps = 15
crf = 32
out = ffmpeg.input('color=black:s=1280x720', f='lavfi', r=fps)
duration = 3
for i in range(0, len(files)):
    out = ffmpeg.filter([out, ffmpeg.input(files[i], loop=1, r=fps).filter('fade', t='in', d=1, st=(i + 1)*duration, alpha=1).filter('fade', t='out', st=(i + 2)*duration - 1)], 'overlay')
args = out.output('processed-masks.webm', t=len(files) * duration, r=fps, y=None, crf=crf).compile()
print(' '.join(f'"{item}"' for item in args))

"ffmpeg" "-f" "lavfi" "-r" "15" "-i" "color=s=1280x720" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2318.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2319.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2320.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2321.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2322.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2323.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2324.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2325.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2326.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2327.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2328.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2329.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2330.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2331.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2332.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2333.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2334.JPG" "-loop" "1" "-r" "15" "-i" "images/processed-masks/GOPR2335.JPG" "-filter_complex" "[1]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=3:t=in[s0];[s0]fade=st=5:t=out[s1];[0][s1]overlay[s2];[2]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=6:t=in[s3];[s3]fade=st=8:t=out[s4];[s2][s4]overlay[s5];[3]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=9:t=in[s6];[s6]fade=st=11:t=out[s7];[s5][s7]overlay[s8];[4]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=12:t=in[s9];[s9]fade=st=14:t=out[s10];[s8][s10]overlay[s11];[5]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=15:t=in[s12];[s12]fade=st=17:t=out[s13];[s11][s13]overlay[s14];[6]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=18:t=in[s15];[s15]fade=st=20:t=out[s16];[s14][s16]overlay[s17];[7]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=21:t=in[s18];[s18]fade=st=23:t=out[s19];[s17][s19]overlay[s20];[8]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=24:t=in[s21];[s21]fade=st=26:t=out[s22];[s20][s22]overlay[s23];[9]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=27:t=in[s24];[s24]fade=st=29:t=out[s25];[s23][s25]overlay[s26];[10]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=30:t=in[s27];[s27]fade=st=32:t=out[s28];[s26][s28]overlay[s29];[11]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=33:t=in[s30];[s30]fade=st=35:t=out[s31];[s29][s31]overlay[s32];[12]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=36:t=in[s33];[s33]fade=st=38:t=out[s34];[s32][s34]overlay[s35];[13]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=39:t=in[s36];[s36]fade=st=41:t=out[s37];[s35][s37]overlay[s38];[14]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=42:t=in[s39];[s39]fade=st=44:t=out[s40];[s38][s40]overlay[s41];[15]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=45:t=in[s42];[s42]fade=st=47:t=out[s43];[s41][s43]overlay[s44];[16]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=48:t=in[s45];[s45]fade=st=50:t=out[s46];[s44][s46]overlay[s47];[17]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=51:t=in[s48];[s48]fade=st=53:t=out[s49];[s47][s49]overlay[s50];[18]fade=alpha=1:d=1:st=54:t=in[s51];[s51]fade=st=56:t=out[s52];[s50][s52]overlay[s53]" "-map" "[s53]" "-crf" "32" "-r" "15" "-t" "54" "-y" "processed-masks.webm"

I ended up using this particle glitter video because the gifts were small, so I wanted a video that was dense with sparkly things. I also wanted the sparkles to be more concentrated on the area where the gifts were, so I resized it and positioned it.

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -f lavfi -i color=black:s=1280x720 -i sparkles4.webm -ss 13 -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=700:392[sparkles];[0:v][sparkles]overlay=x=582:y=194,setpts=(PTS-STARTPTS)*1.05[out]" -map "[out]" -r 15 -t 53 -shortest sparkles-trimmed.webm
ffmpeg -y -stream_loop 2 -i sparkles-trimmed.webm -t 57 sparkles-looped.webm              

Lastly, I combined the videos with the sparkles.

ffmpeg -loglevel 32 -y -i images.webm -i sparkles-looped.webm -i processed-masks.webm -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x0a9d06:0.1:0.2,format=rgba,alphaextract[ckalpha];[ckalpha][2:v]blend=all_mode=and,format=rgba[maskedalpha];[1:v][maskedalpha]alphamerge[masked];[masked]fade=t=out:st=57:d=1:alpha=1[maskedfaded];[0:v][maskedfaded]overlay[combined];[combined]tpad=start_mode=clone:start_duration=4:stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=4[out]" -map "[out]" -r 15 -crf 32 output.webm

After many iterations and a very late night, I got (roughly) the video I wanted, which I'm not posting here because of reasons. But it worked, yay! Now I don't have to manually place stars frame-by-frame in Krita, and I can just have all that magic happen semi-automatically.

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