#EmacsConf backstage: Automatically join BigBlueButton web conferences using Tampermonkey
| emacs, emacsconfAdded IRC script
During EmacsConf, we join BigBlueButton webconferences for live presentations and Q&A sessions so that the speakers and the host can be on stream. I wanted to reduce the number of manual steps needed to join the web conference, since any clicks or keystrokes would need to be done via a VNC connection. I used Tampermonkey to write a script to join BigBlueButton and set things up the way we want to.
I don't have the Tampermonkey installation and setup automated with Ansible yet, but here's what I did for each track:
- Install the Tampermonkey extension by going to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/ .
Install the script by clicking on the Tampermonkey extension, choosing Install New Script, and pasting in the following:
// ==UserScript== // @name Emacsconf BBB setup // @namespace https://emacsconf.org/ // @version 0.1 // @description Join BBB and set things up // @author You // @match https://bbb.emacsverse.org/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=emacsverse.org // @grant none // ==/UserScript== ( async function() { 'use strict'; const NAME = 'emacsconf'; async function waitUntil(conditionFunc, interval=500, timeout=null) { let initResult = conditionFunc(); if (initResult) return initResult; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeSoFar = 0; let timer = setInterval(() => { let result = conditionFunc(); if (result) { clearInterval(timer); resolve(result); } timeSoFar += interval; if (timeout && timeSoFar > timeout) { clearInterval(timer); reject(); } }, interval); }); } if (document.querySelector('input.join-form')) { document.querySelector('input.join-form').value = NAME; document.querySelector('#room-join').click(); return; } await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('.icon-bbb-listen')).then((e) => e.closest('button').click()); await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('.icon-bbb-user')).then((e) => e.closest('button').click()); })();
to save.Add this script to join the IRC channel:
// ==UserScript== // @name Connect to EmacsConf chat automatically // @namespace https://emacsconf.org/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://chat.emacsconf.org/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=emacsconf.org // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; setTimeout(() => { if (document.querySelector('.connect-row')) { document.querySelector('.connect-row').closest('form').querySelector('button').click(); } }, 1000); })();
- Join an BBB meeting. Check the address bar to see if autoplay is disabled (crossed-out autoplay icon). If it is, click on it and change Block audio to Allow audio and video.
Now I can use this Ansible template for a shell script to connect to the BBB session (roles/obs/templates/bbb):
#!/bin/bash # Open the Big Blue Button room using the backstage link # # Kill the background music if playing if screen -list | grep -q background; then screen -S background -X quit fi # Update the overlay SLUG=$1 overlay $SLUG killall -s TERM firefox-esr firefox https://media.emacsconf.org//backstage/assets/redirects/open/bbb-$SLUG.html & sleep 5 xdotool search --class firefox windowactivate --sync xdotool key Return xdotool key F11 wait
The overlay is handled by this script (roles/obs/templates/overlay):
#!/bin/bash # SLUG=$(echo "$1" | perl -ne 'if (/emacsconf-[0-9]*-(.*?)--/) { print $1; } else { print; }') if [[ -f /assets/overlays/$SLUG-other.svg.png ]]; then echo "Found other overlay for $SLUG, copying" cp /assets/overlays/$SLUG-other.svg.png ~/other.png elif [[ -f /assets/overlays/$SLUG-video.svg.png ]]; then echo "Found video overlay for $SLUG, copying" cp /assets/overlays/$SLUG-video.svg.png ~/other.png else echo "Could not find /assets/overlays/$SLUG-other.svg.png, please override ~/other.png manually" cp /assets/overlays/blank-other.svg.png ~/other.png fi if [[ -f /assets/overlays/$SLUG-video.svg.png ]]; then echo "Found video overlay for $SLUG, copying" cp /assets/overlays/$SLUG-video.svg.png ~/video.png else echo "Could not find /assets/overlays/$SLUG-video.svg.png, override ~/video.png manually" cp /assets/overlays/blank-video.svg.png ~/video.png fi
The result: I can run bbb uni
and it'll automatically join the Q&A
session for the uni
talk in listen-only mode and with the user list