2024-04-29 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events:
- EmacsATX: Emacs Social https://www.meetup.com/emacsatx/events/299015530/ Wed May 1 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto - 2330 Etc/GMT – Thu May 2 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkata - 0730 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs Paris: S: Emacs workshop in Paris (online) https://emacs-doctor.com/ Thu May 2 0830 America/Vancouver - 1030 America/Chicago - 1130 America/Toronto - 1530 Etc/GMT - 1730 Europe/Berlin - 2100 Asia/Kolkata - 2330 Asia/Singapore
- M-x Research: TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Fri May 3 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1500 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2030 Asia/Kolkata - 2300 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs.si (in person): Emacs.si meetup #8 2024 (v #živo) https://dogodki.kompot.si/events/7350dff6-e688-4e84-8aad-4c734b4ed61f Thu May 9 2000 CET
- Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri May 10 1800 Europe/Paris
- Emacs configuration:
- licht1stein/context-transient.el: Context specific transient menus for Emacs (@mykhaylo@fosstodon.org)
- Define git-repo-specific transient menus (@mykhaylo@fosstodon.org)
- Elpaca update log live preview
- Keymacs, a program to generate Emacs keybindings (lemmy.ml)
- Emacs And Vim Inflate Them For The Sake Of Usefulness? - comparing startup times
- t0yv0's Emacs Config - nix flake, consult, major-mode-hydra
- dchrzanowski's Emacs Config: snippets, evil, development, etc.
- tttuuu888's Emacs Config: async, evil, org, development, etc.
- Emacs config showcase (11:24)
- Appearance:
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: spacious-padding version 0.5.0
- emacs_bgex: Background extension for X, an unofficial patch for Gnu Emacs. Specify an image or color for the background and a different background for each buffer instead of per frame.
- ultra-scroll-mac: Scroll emacs-mac like lightning. a smooth-scrolling package for emacs-mac. It provides highly optimized, pixel-precise smooth scrolling which can readily keep up with the very high event rates of modern trackpads and high-precision wheel mice.
- most-faces.el — A List of Most Available Faces
- unsp-theme.el — Theme unspecifying most face attributes
- dingo-theme (@zyd@emacs.ch)
- Emacs Theme: Tomorrow Night Deepblue, a beautiful theme with a deep blue background
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: ef-themes version 1.7.0
- Navigation:
- Dired:
- Writing:
- Org Mode:
- Double Your Productivity With Emacs Org-Mode (24:15, Reddit)
- Irreal: Alphabetical Lists In Org Mode
- Org Mode Fundamentals Volume 8: Footnotes (11:48)
- Org Mode Fundamentals Volume 9: Hyperlinks and Internal Links (11:37, Reddit, Irreal)
- org-refile-attach.el: Move attachments when refiling org nodes
- Some of you saw my quickroam.el two weeks ago - now see the fully grown org-node.el, the bizarro org-roam! (Reddit)
- org-mode experiments (WIP) (Reddit) - More appearance tweaks
- Import, export, and integration:
- Org development:
- ox-html: Use non-number footnote names as link anchors
- lisp/org-colview.el: Add link parameter to colview dynamic block
- lisp/org-colview.el: Add formatter parameter to colview dynamic block
- oc-biblatex: Allow native biblatex options in CITE_EXPORT
- ob-lua: Support all types and multiple values in results
- ob-exp: Preserve header arguments in source block after processing
- ox-latex: New option to customize LaTeX footnote command
- Completion:
- Coding:
- Math:
- Anand Tamariya: Alternatives in GNU Emacs (0:14, YouTube) - Stock heatmap with circle packing
- Web:
- Mail, news, and chat:
- Fun:
- AI:
- Community:
- Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread
- For what is GNU Emacs Useful? (1991, Irreal)
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Re: what keeps you coming back to Emacs? (Irreal)
- Ask HN: Any fun ways to learn Emacs? | Hacker News
- James Dyer: My Emacs Key Workflow Moments Over The Last 30 Years (Reddit)
- İsmail Efe: Hobbies
- Vimmer tries Emacs (HN)
- The Evolution of Lisp (Reddit)
- Lucid Energize Demo VHS, 1993 - Looking at the past and seeing the future (Reddit)
- Become a sponsor to emacs-lsp
- Other:
- Ask HN: What are your best Emacs tips? | Hacker News
- Evan Moses: Emacs Tidbit: rectangle-number-lines (Irreal, lobste.rs)
- Q: SVG Image Map
- Voice recognition with Emacs (Reddit)
- sharpwin: An emacspeak server written in C# intended to be as async as reasonable, fast and responsive
- rksm/bookstack-editor: Programatically sync & edit bookstack wikis (@robert@toot.kra.hn)
- OpenMeteo client update: adding new API features: weather forecast, solar radiation, previous runs, historical weather data (@sqrtminusone@emacs.ch)
- keepass.el: Retrieve passwords to the kill ring from KeePass
- Marcin Borkowski: Emacs everywhere (Reddit, Irreal)
- Emacs development:
- A new GC method (MPS) is WIP (Reddit, HN)
- Declare the variable `rx-constituents` obsolete.
- Add `drop` as alias for `nthcdr`
- Adapt eww to touch screens, mice and text conversion
- Use a dedicated type to represent interpreted-function values
- Add support for colored and styled underlines on tty frames
- Gnus: Add back end for Atom feeds (nnatom)
- New packages:
- colorful-mode: Preview any color in your buffer in real time (GNU ELPA)
- evil-lispops: Operations for editing lisp evilly (MELPA)
- mise: Support for `mise' cli (MELPA)
- org-web-track: Web data tracking framework in org mode (MELPA)
- pkl-mode: Major mode for editing Pkl files (MELPA)
- scala-repl: Scala REPL Mode (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, kbin, programming.dev, lemmy, communick.news, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.