Wednesday weblog: Toots ending 2024-10-02

| review
  • Server upgrade 2024-10-01T19:34:35.535Z

    Okay, my VPS should now be on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Things I bumped into along the way:
    - Had to reinstall MySQL for some reason. Fortunately kept all the data, although I did need to recreate directories for logs and sockets.
    - Reinstalled my Docker images. Fortunately kept all the data on disk, so that was fine. Along the way, upgraded my mongo DB from 4.2 to 4.4 to 5 to 6 to 7.
    - Panicked when gotosocial was taking a while to start up, interrupted it and tried again, ended up with a partially-migrated database and worse problems. Fortunately had a backup of the db, so I restored and patiently waited.

  • Eleventy upgrade 2024-09-30T17:35:26.858Z

    I managed to get my blog upgraded from Eleventy 2 to Eleventy 3.0.0-alpha.20. find-dired and wdired were useful for finding all the .js files and turning them into .cjs.

  • Supernote colour template 2024-09-27T03:05:15.033Z

    I finally got around to checking if the #Supernote can handle colour templates despite only letting me draw in black, white, and two shades of gray. It keeps the colour in the export! That means I can make a template that uses a specific color to make a grid, which is then easy to strip out of it with Python. That saves me 3-6 taps and reduces friction even further. Looking forward to experimenting with that at the next opportunity.

  • Blog tweaks and other code - 2024-09-26T17:02:17.804Z

    A couple of little tweaks:

    - I re-added a "Random" link to my blog header, nudged by
    - I added a sitemap.xml , so let's see if search engines pick stuff up
    - I wrote some code to move Org properties from a subtree to a parent
    - I changed my code for inserting the latest file from my Supernote A5X e-ink device into Org Mode to also recolor, recognize text, rename, and archive the file

  • Setting up hibernate 2024-09-26T00:08:50.365Z

    I followed the directions at to set up a swap partition and enable hibernate. Now I can pause whatever I'm doing in Linux in order to switch to Windows to play Minecraft Bedrock with the kiddo, and then switch back to Linux afterwards.

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