Wednesday weblog: Toots ending 2024-10-16

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    • Reading books; Atomic Habits - 2024-10-22T13:44:31.682Z

      All right, I'm slowly getting back into reading and sketching books, now that I've discovered that
      Libby lets me export my highlights. =) Here's my #sketchnote of Atomic Habits:

      Text from the sketch:

      Atomic Habits - James Clear (2022) - Notes by Sacha Chua 2024-10-21-05

      - time vs results: valley of disappointment: (we expect linear progress)
      - Achieving a Goal only changes your life for the moment.
      - In order to improve for good, solve problems at the system level.
      - Fall in love with process rather than product.
      - Not "what do you want to achieve?", who do you want to become?
      - prove it with small wins
      - habits
      - Problem phase
      - Cue: Make it obvious.
      - point & call: raise level of awareness
      - common cues: time, location, other habits
      - Manage your environment
      - Craving: Make it attractive.
      - Temptation bundling
      - anticipation, dopamine, action
      - Social groups
      - Reframe
      - Solution phase
      - Response: Make it easy.
      - Make it easier to do the right things
      - Motion != action
      - Repetitions, automaticity: habit line
      - Make your habits so easy that you'll do them even when you don't feel like it
      - 2 minutes
      - Reward: Make it satisfying.
      - Immediate
      - Visuals: paper clip strategy, tracker
      - Habits can be easier to change in a new environment. (old cues gone)
      - You have to fall in love with boredom
      - Habit stacking
      - My take aways:
      - Processes, not products
      - Analyze & redesign:
      - habits I have
      - habits I want
      - be thoughtful about helping the kiddo learn

      (Also, how do I format this text more nicely? I want to preserve indentation, and fencing it with three backticks doesn't seem to be working.)

    • From audio braindumping to a post - 2024-10-16T15:08:13.172Z

      I'm slowly getting the hang of this sketch+audio braindumping thing. I managed to write a fairly long post on #pkm:

      Thinking about 12 aspects of personal information/knowledge management

      Looking forward to exploring more as I dive into reading and conversations!

    • My time data - 2024-10-18T02:39:23.402Z

      I got curious and did a search for "Sacha Chua." The most amusing thing I found was:

      Joscha Cueppers and Jilles Vreeken. Just Wait For It... Mining Sequential Patterns with Reliable Prediction Delays. In: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). 2020

      which (among other things) had apparently analyzed the time tracking records that I'd intentionally made public:

      "Next we consider Lifelog, which is based on the life of Sacha Chua who logs and publishes all her daily activities. We considered the data over 2017, removing any activities with have the same start and stop timestamp. As this dataset provides many events that are potentially interesting, we consider every e ∈ Ω as target, and have 40 target sequences with Y [i] = 1 iff X[i] = e. In addition, we consider a Y where we marked all business related activities as interesting.
      Over all these datasets, SCIS discovers on average 695 patterns, many of which are redundant and not all make intuitive sense. While SQS only discovers 3 predictive patterns, these do make sense: Cook, Dinner→Clean the Kitchen
      and Subway, Social→Subway. OMEN takes between 6.1 and 37 seconds per dataset, and overall discovers 24 patterns.
      Many of these, such as Sleep→Childcare, Cook→Dinner, Dinner→Clean the Kitchen, predict the next action, i.e. a time delay distribution with a peak at 1. A more interesting pattern is Subway→Subway which has its peak at δ = 2, and for which a natural interpretation is that Sacha takes the subway, logs on average one activity, and then takes the subway back."

      2017! Bwahaha... I had a one-year-old child and was trying to stay sane by squeezing in some consulting here and there while dealing with sleep deprivation and all sorts of other new-parent challenges. :) I still don't have the time to do lots of different things on one errand, although it's nice that I'm now biking around a lot more than I use the subway. Maybe analyzing 2012-2016 might have been more interesting for their data mining, since that covered a little bit of corporate work time and the transition to self-directed learning in my semi-retirement experiment.

      Cool, cool, very fun, I'm tickled pink that someone else found the data nifty. I recently made more private, but maybe I should open that part up again.

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