2024-12-09 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events (iCal file, Org):
- OrgMeetup (virtual) https://orgmode.org/worg/orgmeetup.html Wed Dec 11 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Dec 12 0000 Asia/Singapore
- Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri Dec 13 1800 Europe/Paris
- M-x Research: TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Wed Dec 18 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Dec 19 0000 Asia/Singapore
- Karl Voit - Dec 20 14:15-16:00 demonstration of PIM tools at Graz
- Emacs configuration:
- The Emacs Cat: Emacs Startup Screen (Irreal)
- Package Upgrade (from the terminal) (Reddit)
- James Dyer: Core Emacs Init Without External Packages
- Much Ado about Emacs 003 - Bicycle For Your Mind (@macosxguru@fosstodon.org) - org-roam, god-mode, hydra, elfeed, etc.
- dotf/emacs at main - oxo/dotf - Codeberg.org (@oxo@qoto.org)
- rgoswami's literate Doom Emacs Config
- Hieu Phay's Doom Emacs Config
- Mi Configuración De Emacs Con Elpaca - comacero (@salvari@mastodon.gal)
- Emacs Lisp:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Writing:
- Org Mode:
- Bastien Guerry: 🦄 Org Mode has a new maintainer (mailing list, Reddit)
- TAONAW - Emacs and Org Mode: Filtering org-agenda to exclude a category
- Christian Tietze: Org-Mode Emphasis Keymap with Mnemonics
- Add Work Link Type to Org-Mode // Take on Rules (@takeonrules@dice.camp)
- om-dash 0.3: improved github support, imap support, more (Reddit) - org-mode dynamic blocks for dashboards
- Suivi de rédaction de livre Orgmode / Follow-up to the writing of Orgmode books
- Import, export, and integration:
- How I wrote an Emacs plugin to build my blog | Dragon’s notes Как я сделал Emacs-плагин для сборки своего блога / How I Made an Emacs Plugin to assemble my blog - jekyll
- on writing freely — csantosb (@csantosb@sigmoid.social)
- Import appointments exported from StudIP into org agenda
- Add target blank property to external links in Org Mode export (@len@toot.si)
- orgrr update: show-multiverse, quick-add, rename-title-and-file, rename-and-move - @laotang@mastodon.social
- OrgNote 0.22.7: Now with Android file system sync and GPG support (Reddit)
- Denote:
- Coding:
- emacs as an IDE (long discussion)
- Keybindings - LSP Mode - LSP support for Emacs (@rtn@chaos.social)
- Emacs + Python (34:45)
- New package: eglot-inactive-regions (Reddit) - dim inactive ifdef
- YAML Schemas in Emacs with Eglot - just renewed blog, help feedback welcome
- Shells:
- Mail, news, and chat:
- Evil mode:
- Multimedia:
- AI:
- Community:
- Other:
- windows emacs picture pathname capture and display hack - YouTube (@lispwizard@techhub.social)
- rstocker/emacs-bluetooth: Manage Bluetooth devices using GNU Emacs - Codeberg.org (@frodjo@mastodon.social)
- epa-pinentry-mode tip
- Transliterate Cyrillic text into ISO 9:1995 Latin (@tennoseremel@lor.sh)
- Tory Anderson: Why is my emacs crashing? Answer: bad garbage collection
- Release 1.1.0: buffer-terminator.el - Safely Terminate Emacs Buffers Automatically (Github, Reddit)
- Guile Emacs updated in Guix
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel:
- Enabling Xterm-Mouse-Mode
- Tip: tty mode-line popup menus
- Discussion about texinfo and highlighting source code blocks
- Info manual distribution challenges
- Making decoded-times and calendar dates compatible?
- Proposal for a new filter-based customization interface (with screenshot)
- Re: pdumper on Solaris 10 - discussion of mpc and other branches
- Some info on phases of redisplay
- Remove obsolete 'display-comint-buffer-action' (bug#74361)
- Add new keyword :continue-only to defvar-keymap for repeat-mode (bug#74140)
- emacs-devel:
- New packages:
- buffer-terminator: Safely Terminate/Kill Buffers Automatically (MELPA)
- diredfd: Dired functions and settings to mimic FD/FDclone (MELPA)
- eglot-inactive-regions: Highlight inactive code regions with eglot power (NonGNU ELPA)
- fancy-urls-menu: Interface for viewing and opening URLs in current buffer (MELPA)
- gotest-ts: Gotest with treesitter (MELPA)
- hardtime: Prevents overuse of specified commands (MELPA)
- nice-org-html: Prettier org-to-html export (MELPA)
- speedrect: Fast modal rectangle commands (GNU ELPA)
- sticky-scroll-mode: Sticky scrolling (MELPA)
- transform-symbol-at-point: Transforming your symbols at point (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, programming.dev, lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, communick.news, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.