2025-01-13 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events (iCal file, Org):
- Emacs.si (in person): Emacs.si meetup #1 2025 (v #živo) https://dogodki.kompot.si/events/cb726f44-8b7f-44f7-91a5-fc9d3f9ad7a9 Tue Jan 14 1900 CET
- Talk by Andrew Tropin - Arei/Ares: A modern, extensible IDE for Guile Scheme https://www.meetup.com/guix-social/events/304634420/ Thu Jan 16 1000 America/Vancouver - 1200 America/Chicago - 1300 America/Toronto - 1800 Etc/GMT - 1900 Europe/Berlin - 2330 Asia/Kolkata – Fri Jan 17 0200 Asia/Singapore (@futurile@mastodon.social)
- M-x Research: TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Wed Jan 15 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Jan 16 0000 Asia/Singapore
- HispaEmacs Día 1 https://hispa-emacs.org/ Fri Jan 17 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1700 Etc/GMT - 1800 Europe/Berlin - 2230 Asia/Kolkata – Sat Jan 18 0100 Asia/Singapore (@hispaemacs@fosstodon.org)
- HispaEmacs Día 2 https://hispa-emacs.org/ Sat Jan 18 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1700 Etc/GMT - 1800 Europe/Berlin - 2230 Asia/Kolkata – Sun Jan 19 0100 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs APAC (virtual) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/ Sat Jan 25 0030 America/Vancouver - 0230 America/Chicago - 0330 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Redux: Ensure all packages are installed by default with use-package (Irreal)
- Emacs Redux: Emacs and XDG sitting on a tree (@bbatsov@hachyderm.io)
- How's Casual working for you? · kickingvegas/casual · Discussion #139 · GitHub (@kickingvegas@sfba.social)
- #YayEmacs 8: which-key-replacement-alist (01:00)
- Split Window Right Quality of Life Enhancements
- My Emacs Configuration System. (Reddit)
- otfrom/pembrokensis - Emacs config (@otfrom@functional.cafe)
- A new year a new rewrite of my emacs config (01:14:38)
- Emacs Lisp:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Taking control of your life with org mode | Alberto Raimondi (2021, @bignose@fosstodon.org)
- Pomodoros with org-timer · Stéfan's blog (@stefanv@fosstodon.org)
- Treemap visualization of an Org Mode file (Reddit)
- My Literate System Configuration Using Org + Nixos (Reddit)
- Import, export, and integration:
- Orgmunge v0.30 released
- Using Emacs Lisp in Org-mode (@metalisp@fosstodon.org)
- How to utilize org publish for a modern Website layout, including template and integrated css production; with a helping hand from R.
- Charles Choi: Converting a Markdown Region to Org Revisited (Irreal)
- The NEW (and only) org-protocol chrome extension you need - paw lets you highlight text and send to Org
- Org Latex: standalone (@cnngimenez@mastodon.social)
- Org Babel, Mermaid JS, and fixing "Failed to launch the browser process" on Ubuntu 24
- Org development:
- Denote:
- Coding:
- Shells:
- Multimedia:
- Community:
- Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread — 2025-01-08 / week 01 - electric-parens, helpful, finding files,
- Corwin Brust - Emacs, Pedagogy, Sysops, Game dev - interview - Community Video (@screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)
- Trying emacs and a life lesson (08:41)
- Devtherapy Episode #6 - NIka Otiashvili | დაზეპირებული OOP ცუდია, SDL, Emacs, Neovim, Indie თამაშები (01:49:38)
- Other:
- James Dyer: Ediff Comparing Regions (Irreal)
- emacs & passwords - how are people managing their passwords these days?
- Mike Zamansky: Extracting Emails (with Emacs) (YouTube, 17:57, Reddit, Irreal)
- Bozhidar Batsov: macOS No Longer Ships with Emacs (HN)
- Native graphical Emacs on Android | Martin's Blog (@mstempl@mastodon.social)
- Hacky way to launch a new Emacs client frame as a virtual terminal, using a DE/WM shortcut
- zsh function for launching a function in Emacs and focusing on it - @chmouel@fosstodon.org
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel: scratch/igc: Keeping a TODO list?
- New symbol property 'definition-type' used by 'find-function'.
- bibtex-string-file-path and bibtex-file-path are lists of directories
- ibuffer: Add the "Recency" column
- Add new file window-x.el
- Have 'split-window' optionally resurrect deleted windows
- Use the treesit thing 'list' with symbol property 'treesit-thing-symbol'
- Fix documentation of Iroquoian input methods
- Improve docstring of image-dired-show-all-from-dir
- New packages:
- acton-mode: Major mode for editing Acton source code (MELPA)
- comint-histories: Many comint histories (MELPA)
- hl-printf: Minor mode for highlighting "printf" format specifiers (MELPA)
- lte: Large Table Edition in Org and Markdown buffers (MELPA)
- pdf-meta-edit: Edit PDF metadata (MELPA)
- turtles: Screen-grabbing test utility (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Bluesky #emacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, programming.dev, lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, communick.news, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.