Hyperlinking SVGs

| drawing, supernote, emacs
Text and links from sketch

Hyperlinking SVGs - 2025-01-17-01

I like drawing my notes. I can jump around, draw connections, doodle for fun.

A sketch can only fit so much, though. (even if I write really small)

Idea: Links: They can be signposts for other trails.


I want to make maps for myself and other people.

This is easy to do because:

  • SVGs are XML, a text format
  • Emacs has code for XML and SVG manipulation, display
  • You can use Emacs to build a simple user interface.
  • Ideas
  • TO-DO: update sketch viewer
    • prioritize SVG
    • display Org

SuperNote also has its own hyperlinks, but:

  • typing long URLS on on-screen keyboards is not fun
  • I can't figure out how to convert those links to SVG
  • Rects are more compact

Preprocessing the image

This isn't the focus of this blog post, but I thought I'd include the code anyway in case someone might find it useful.

The fastest way to get a single file off the Supernote is to enable Browse & Access by swiping down from the top. It's the icon that looks like a two-way arrow between waves.

Figure 1: Browse and Access

I have some Emacs Lisp code for downloading the latest exported file using the Supernote's web server.

(defvar my-supernote-ip-address "")
(defun my-supernote-get-exported-files ()
  (condition-case nil
      (let ((data (plz 'get (format "http://%s:8089/EXPORT" my-supernote-ip-address)))
        (when (string-match "const json = '\\(.*\\)'" data)
           (alist-get 'fileList (json-parse-string (match-string 1 data) :object-type 'alist :array-type 'list))
           :key (lambda (o) (alist-get 'date o))
           :lessp 'string<
           :reverse t)))
    (error nil)))

my-supernote-download-latest-exported-file: Save exported file in downloads dir.
(defun my-supernote-download-latest-exported-file ()
  "Save exported file in downloads dir."
  (let* ((info (car (my-supernote-get-exported-files)))
         (dest-dir my-download-dir)
         (new-file (and info (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory (alist-get 'name info)) dest-dir)))
    (when info
       (plz 'get (format "http://%s:8089%s" my-supernote-ip-address
                         (alist-get 'uri info))
         :as 'file)

Once I've downloaded the file, I process it:

  1. my-image-recognize: use Google Cloud Vision to recognize the text, rename it based on the ID
  2. my-sketch-rename: rename the file based on the ID if I've written one on the sketch
  3. my-sketch-convert-pdf: convert to SVG, copying over the links from the previous SVG if one exists
  4. my-sketch-clean: remove any images or templates
  5. my-sketch-color-to-hex: change the hex values for easier replacement and tinkering
  6. my-sketch-add-bg: add a plain white background rectangle
  7. my-sketch-change-fill-to-style: make the attributes more consistent
  8. my-sketch-recolor: change the highlight colour from gray to light yellow
  9. my-image-store: store it in either my private-sketches directory or my sketches directory, depending on the tags in the filename; leave untitled sketches in the same directory

(defun my-supernote-process-sketch (file)
  (interactive "FFile: ")
  (my-image-recognize file)
  (setq file (my-sketch-rename file))
  (pcase (file-name-extension file)
     (setq file
            (my-sketch-svg-prepare file))))
     (setq file

my-sketch-svg-prepare: Clean up SVG for publishing.
(defvar my-debug-buffer (get-buffer-create "*temp*"))
(defun my-sketch-convert-pdf (pdf-file)
  "Returns the SVG filename."
  (interactive "FPDF: ")
  (if-let ((links (and (file-exists-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension pdf-file) ".svg"))
                        (car (xml-parse-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension pdf-file) ".svg")))
      ;; copy links over
      (let ((temp-file (concat (make-temp-name "svg-conversion") ".svg"))
              (call-process "pdftocairo" nil my-debug-buffer nil "-svg" (expand-file-name pdf-file)
              (setq new-file (car (xml-parse-file temp-file)))
              (dolist (link links)
                (dom-append-child new-file link))
              (with-temp-file (file-exists-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension pdf-file) ".svg"))
                (svg-print new-file)))
           (delete-file temp-file))))
    (delete-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension pdf-file) ".svg"))
    (call-process "pdftocairo" nil my-debug-buffer nil "-svg" (expand-file-name pdf-file)
                  (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension pdf-file) ".svg"))))
  (concat (file-name-sans-extension pdf-file) ".svg"))

(defun my-sketch-change-fill-to-style (dom)
  "Inkscape handles these better when we split paths."
  (dolist (path (dom-by-tag dom 'path))
    (when (dom-attr path 'fill)
       path 'style
       (if (dom-attr path 'style)
           (concat (dom-attr path 'style) ";fill:" (dom-attr path 'fill))
         (concat "fill:" (dom-attr path 'fill))))
      (dom-remove-attribute path 'fill)))

(defun my-sketch-recolor (dom color-map &optional selector)
  "Colors are specified as ((\"#input\" . \"#output\") ...)."
  (if (symbolp color-map)
      (setq color-map
            (assoc-default color-map my-sketch-color-map)))
  (let ((map-re (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car color-map))))
    (dolist (path (if selector (dom-search dom selector)
                    (dom-by-tag dom 'path)))
      (dolist (attr '(style fill))
        (when (and (dom-attr path attr)
                   (string-match map-re (dom-attr path attr)))
           path attr
            (lambda (match)
              (assoc-default match color-map))
            (or (dom-attr path attr) "")))))))

(defun my-sketch-add-bg (dom)
  ;; add background rectangle
  (unless (dom-search dom (lambda (elem) (and (dom-attr elem 'class) (string-match "\\<background\\>" (dom-attr elem 'class)))))
    (let* ((view-box (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string (dom-attr dom 'viewBox))))
           (bg-node (dom-node 'rect `((x . 0)
                                      (y . 0)
                                      (class . "background")
                                      (width . ,(elt view-box 2))
                                      (height . ,(elt view-box 3))
                                      (fill . "#ffffff")))))
      (if (dom-by-id dom "surface1")
          (push bg-node (cddr (car (dom-by-id dom "surface1"))))
        (push bg-node (cddr (car dom))))))

(defun my-sketch-clean (dom)
  "Remove USE and IMAGE tags."
  (dolist (use (dom-by-tag dom 'use))
    (dom-remove-node dom use))
  (dolist (use (dom-by-tag dom 'image))
    (dom-remove-node dom use))

(defun my-sketch-rotate (dom)
  (let* ((old-width (dom-attr dom 'width))
         (old-height (dom-attr dom 'height))
         (view-box (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string (dom-attr dom 'viewBox))))
         (rotate (format "rotate(90) translate(0 %s)" (- (elt view-box 3)))))
    (dom-set-attribute dom 'width old-height)
    (dom-set-attribute dom 'height old-width)
    (dom-set-attribute dom 'viewBox (format "0 0 %d %d" (elt view-box 3) (elt view-box 2)))
    (dolist (g (dom-by-tag dom 'g))
      (dom-set-attribute g 'transform rotate)))

(defun my-sketch-mix-blend-mode-darken (dom &optional selector)
  (dolist (p (if (functionp selector) (dom-search dom selector) (or selector (dom-by-tag dom 'path))))
    (when (and (dom-attr p 'style)
               (not (string-match "mix-blend-mode" (dom-attr p 'style))))
       p 'style
       (replace-regexp-in-string ";;\\|^;" ""
                                  (or (dom-attr p 'style) "")

(defun my-sketch-color-to-hex (dom &optional selector)
  (dolist (p (if (functionp selector) (dom-search dom selector)
               (or selector (dom-search dom
                                        (lambda (p) (or (dom-attr p 'style)
                                                        (dom-attr p 'fill)))))))
    (dolist (attr '(style fill))
      (when (dom-attr p attr)
         p attr
          "rgb(\\([0-9\\.]+\\)%, *\\([0-9\\.%]+\\)%, *\\([0-9\\.]+\\)%)"
          (lambda (s)
             (* 0.01 (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))
             (* 0.01 (string-to-number (match-string 2 s)))
             (* 0.01 (string-to-number (match-string 3 s)))
          (dom-attr p attr))))))

;; default for now, but will support more colour schemes someday
(defvar my-sketch-color-map
     ("#9d9d9d" . "#2b64a9")
     ("#9c9c9c" . "#2b64a9")
     ("#c9c9c9" . "#b3e3f1")
     ("#c8c8c8" . "#b3e3f1")
     ("#cacaca" . "#b3e3f1")
     ("#a6d2ff" . "#ffffff"))
     ("#9d9d9d" . "#888888")
     ("#9c9c9c" . "#888888")
     ("#cacaca" . "#f6f396")
     ("#c8c8c8" . "#f6f396")
     ("#a6d2ff" . "#ffffff")
     ("#c9c9c9" . "#f6f396"))))

(cl-defun my-sketch-svg-prepare (file &key color-map color-scheme new-file)
  "Clean up SVG for publishing."
  (when (string= (file-name-extension file) "pdf")
    (setq file (my-sketch-convert-pdf file)))
  (let ((dom (xml-parse-file file)))
    (setq dom (my-sketch-clean dom))
    (setq dom (my-sketch-color-to-hex dom))
    (setq dom (my-sketch-add-bg dom))
    (setq dom (my-sketch-change-fill-to-style dom))
    (setq dom (my-sketch-recolor dom
                                 (or color-map
    (with-temp-file (or new-file file) (svg-print (car dom)))
    (or new-file file)))

Editing and linking text

I've started keeping the text of the sketch in the same directory so that I can someday have full-text search for images. I have a keyboard shortcut for jumping to the text file. I like to open it in Org Mode.

(defun my-org-sketch-open-text-file (sketch)
  (interactive (list (my-complete-sketch-filename)))
  (find-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension sketch) ".txt"))
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect sketch)
     '((window-width . 0.5)
       (side . right)))))

The raw text from Google Cloud Vision is reasonably accurate but jumbled. I can move lines around with M-S-up and M-S-down in Org (org-shiftmetaup and org-shiftmetadown), which drag lines around. Once I add newlines, I can reorganize paragraphs with M-up and M-down (org-metaup and org-metadown). I can move list elements with M-S-right and M-S-left. (Idea: Avy probably has some awesome line-management functions I could get the hang of using.)

Once I've reorganized and cleaned up the text, I add links. Between my consult-omni shortcut and the new bookmarks I'm trying out (I should make a post about that), it's pretty easy.

Prompting for rectangles

Then it's a quick trip to Inkscape to draw rectangles over the things I want to link. It's easy to see where to draw the links because Org Mode highlights the links in the text. The style of the rectangles doesn't matter. After I save the SVG, I hop back into Emacs to turn them into links. This is the fun new part I just added.

Linkify rects

I like this because I got to reuse some code I'd written before to identify and reorder paths for easier animation of SVG topic maps. Using the links I defined in the previous step, all I needed to do was go through the rects (excluding the background rectangle) and offer completing-read on the titles and URLs. Then I createed the link elements and restyled the rectangles.

(defun my-svg-display (buffer-name svg &optional highlight-id full-window)
  "HIGHLIGHT-ID is a string ID or a node."
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
    (when highlight-id
      ;; make a copy
      (setq svg (with-temp-buffer (svg-print svg) (car (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
      (if-let* ((path (if (stringp highlight-id) (dom-by-id svg highlight-id) highlight-id))
                (view-box (split-string (dom-attr svg 'viewBox)))
                (box (my-svg-bounding-box path))
                (parent (car path)))
            ;; find parents for possible rotation
            (while (and parent (not (dom-attr parent 'transform)))
              (setq parent (dom-parent svg parent)))
            (dom-set-attribute path 'style
                               (concat (dom-attr path 'style) "; stroke: 1px red; fill: #ff0000 !important"))
            ;; add a crosshair
             (or parent svg)
             (dom-node 'path
                       `((d .
                            ,(format "M %f,0 V %s M %f,0 V %s M 0,%f H %s M 0,%f H %s"
                                     (elt box 0)
                                     (elt view-box 3)
                                     (elt box 2)
                                     (elt view-box 3)
                                     (elt box 1)
                                     (elt view-box 2)
                                     (elt box 3)
                                     (elt view-box 2)))
                         (stroke-dasharray . "5,5")
                         (style . "fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-width:3px")))))
        (error "Could not find %s" highlight-id)))
    (let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
           (image (svg-image svg))
           (edges (window-inside-pixel-edges (get-buffer-window))))
      (if full-window
            (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer)))
        (display-buffer (current-buffer)))
      (insert-image (append image
                            (list :max-width
                                  (floor (* 0.8 (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges))))
                                  (floor (* 0.8 (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)))) )))
      ;; (my-svg-resize-with-window (selected-window))
      ;; (add-hook 'window-state-change-functions #'my-svg-resize-with-window t)

(cl-defun my-svg-identify-paths (filename &key selector node-func dom)
  "Prompt for IDs for each path in FILENAME."
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "SVG: " nil nil
                                     (lambda (f)
                                       (or (string-match "\\.svg$" f)
                                           (file-directory-p f))))))
  (let* ((dom (or dom (car (xml-parse-file filename))))
         (paths (if (functionp selector)
                    (dom-search dom selector)
                  (or selector
                      (dom-by-tag dom 'path))))
         (vertico-count 3)
         (ids (seq-keep (lambda (path)
                          (and (dom-attr path 'id)
                               (unless (string-match "\\(path\\|rect\\)[0-9]+"
                                                     (or (dom-attr path 'id) "path0"))
                                 (dom-attr path 'id))))
         (edges (window-inside-pixel-edges (get-buffer-window)))
    (my-svg-display "*image*" dom nil t)
    (dolist (path paths)
      ;; display the image with an outline
            (my-svg-display "*image*" dom (dom-attr path 'id) t)
            (if (functionp node-func)
                (funcall node-func path dom)
              (setq id (completing-read
                        (format "ID (%s): " (dom-attr path 'id))
              ;; already exists, merge with existing element
              (if-let* ((old (dom-by-id dom id)))
                     (concat (dom-attr (dom-by-id dom id) 'd)
                             " "
                             ;; change relative to absolute
                             (replace-regexp-in-string "^m" "M"
                                                       (dom-attr path 'd))))
                    (dom-remove-node dom path)
                    (setq id nil))
                (dom-set-attribute path 'id id)
                (add-to-list 'ids id)))))
      ;; save the image just in case we get interrupted halfway through
      (with-temp-file filename
        (svg-print dom)))))

(defun my-svg-identify-rects (filename)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "SVG: " nil nil
                                     (lambda (f)
                                       (or (string-match "\\.svg$" f)
                                           (file-directory-p f))))))
   (lambda (elem)
     (and (eq (dom-tag elem) 'rect)
          (not (and (dom-attr elem 'class)
                    (string-match "\\<background\\>" (dom-attr elem 'class))))))))

(defun my-org-links-from-file (filename)
  "Return a list of (description . link) of the Org links in FILENAME."
  (when (file-exists-p filename)
    (let (results)
        (insert-file-contents filename)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (while (re-search-forward org-link-any-re nil t)
          (push (cons (match-string-no-properties 3)
                      (or (match-string-no-properties 2)
                          (match-string-no-properties 0)))
      (reverse results))))

(defun my-svg-linkify-rects (filename)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "SVG: " nil nil
                                     (lambda (f)
                                       (or (string-match "\\.svg$" f)
                                           (file-directory-p f))))))
  (let ((dom (car (xml-parse-file filename)))
        (links-from-text (my-org-links-from-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) ".txt"))))
      ;; not yet linked
      (dom-search dom
                  (lambda (elem)
                    (and (eq (dom-tag elem) 'rect)
                         (not (and (dom-attr elem 'class)
                                   (string-match "\\<background\\|link-rect\\>" (dom-attr elem 'class)))))))
      ;; linked
      (dom-search dom
                  (lambda (elem)
                    (and (eq (dom-tag elem) 'rect)
                         (string-match "\\<link-rect\\>" (or (dom-attr elem 'class) ""))))))

     (lambda (elem dom)
       (let* ((current-link-node (my-dom-closest dom elem 'a))
              (current-title-node (or (dom-by-tag elem 'title)
                                      (dom-by-tag current-link-node 'title)))
              (title (string-trim
                      "Title: "
                      (mapcar 'car links-from-text)
                      nil nil
                      (dom-text current-title-node))))
              (link (string-trim
                       "URL: "
                       (or (dom-attr current-link-node 'href)
                           (assoc-default title links-from-text 'string=)))
          ((and current-link-node (not (string= link "")))
           (dom-set-attribute elem
                              "stroke: blue; stroke-dasharray: 4; fill: #006fff; fill-opacity: 0.25")
           (dom-set-attribute current-link-node 'href link))
          ((and current-link-node (string= link ""))
            (dom-parent dom current-link-node)
           (dom-remove-node current-link-node))
          ((and (null current-link-node) (not (string= link "")))
           (setq current-link-node (dom-node
                                    `((href . ,link)
                                      (class . "link"))))
           (dom-add-child-before (dom-parent dom elem) current-link-node elem)
           (dom-remove-node dom elem)
           (dom-append-child current-link-node elem)
           (dom-remove-attribute elem 'fill)
           (dom-set-attribute elem
                              "stroke: blue; stroke-dasharray: 4; fill: #006fff; fill-opacity: 0.25")
            (if (dom-attr elem 'class)
                (concat (dom-attr elem 'class) " link-rect")
          ((and (string= title "") current-title-node)
           (dom-remove-node current-title-node))
          ((and (not (string= title "")) (not current-title-node))
           (dom-append-child current-link-node (dom-node 'title nil title)))
          ((and (not (string= title "")) current-title-node)
           (setf (car (dom-children current-title-node))

(defun my-svg-update-links-from-text (filename)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name
                      "SVG: " nil
                      (if (file-exists-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".svg"))
                          (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)) ".svg")
                        (cdr (my-embark-image)))
                      (lambda (f)
                        (or (string-match "\\.svg$" f)
                            (file-directory-p f))))))
  (let ((dom (car (xml-parse-file filename)))
        (links-from-text (my-org-links-from-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) ".txt"))))
    (dolist (link (dom-by-tag dom 'a))
      (when (and
             (assoc-default (dom-text (dom-by-tag link 'title))
             (not (string=
                   (dom-attr link 'href)
                   (assoc-default (dom-text (dom-by-tag link 'title))
         (assoc-default (dom-text (dom-by-tag link 'title))
    (with-temp-file filename
      (svg-print dom))))

Writing about the sketch

I tweaked my function for drafting a blog post about a sketch. I added panning and zooming capabilities using Javascript, included the sketch text, and added any sections that I referred to using anchors. (TODO: Come to think of it, I should rewrite those to be absolute links using the permalink so that they'll still make sense even if people bookmark them from the main page of my blog.)

(defun my-insert-sketch-and-text (sketch)
  (interactive (list (my-complete-sketch-filename)))
   (if (string= (file-name-extension sketch) "svg")
        (org-link-make-string (concat "file:" sketch)))
     (concat (org-link-make-string (concat "sketchFull:" (file-name-base sketch))) "\n\n")))
  (let ((links (my-org-links-from-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension sketch) ".txt")))
        (subheading-level (1+ (org-current-level))))
    (insert (if links
                "#+begin_my_details Text and links from sketch\n"
              "#+begin_my_details Text from sketch\n"))
    (my-sketch-insert-text sketch)
    (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
    (insert "#+end_my_details")
    (dolist (section (seq-filter (lambda (entry) (string-match "^#" (cdr entry)))
      (insert "\n\n")
      (org-insert-heading nil nil subheading-level)
      (insert (car section))
      (org-entry-put (point) "CUSTOM_ID" (substring (cdr section) 1)))))

(defun my-write-about-sketch (sketch)
  (interactive (list (my-complete-sketch-filename)))
  ;(shell-command "make-sketch-thumbnails")
  (find-file "~/sync/orgzly/posts.org")
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (unless (org-at-heading-p) (outline-next-heading))
  (org-insert-heading nil nil t)
  (insert (file-name-base sketch) "\n\n")
  (my-insert-sketch-and-text sketch)
    (with-selected-window (split-window-horizontally)
      (find-file sketch))))

And then I can export the image as an inline SVGs in Org Mode HTML and Markdown exports, yay!

Other functions not included above are probably somewhere in my Emacs config.

Using an SVG as a sticky table of contents

… and now I can make the image a sticky table of contents as you scroll down, by wrapping it in something like this:

file:/home/sacha/sync/sketches/2025-01-17-01 Hyperlinking SVGs -- drawing supernote inkscape svg.svg

Mwahahaha! (Now I just need to make it highlight different sections as we scroll…)

Here's the snippet from my misc.js:

Sticky table of contents after scrolling
function stickyTocAfterScrolling() {
  const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.sticky-toc-after-scrolling');
  let lastScroll = window.scrollY;
  const cloneMap = new WeakMap();

  elements.forEach(element => {
    const clone = element.cloneNode(true);
    clone.setAttribute('class', 'sticky-toc');
    cloneMap.set(element, clone);
    element.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, element.nextSibling);
    const zoom = panZoom = svgPanZoom(clone.querySelector('svg'));

  const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
    (entries) => {
      const currentScroll = window.scrollY;
      const scrollingDown = currentScroll > lastScroll;
      lastScroll = currentScroll;

      entries.forEach(entry => {
        const element = entry.target;
        const clone = cloneMap.get(element);

        if (!entry.isIntersecting && scrollingDown) {
          clone.setAttribute('class', 'sticky-toc');
          clone.style.display = 'block';
        } else if (entry.isIntersecting && !scrollingDown) {
          element.style.visibility = 'visible';
          clone.style.display = 'none';
      root: null,
      threshold: 0,
      rootMargin: '-10px 0px 0px 0px'

  elements.forEach(element => {

  window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    elements.forEach(element => {
      const clone = cloneMap.get(element);
      if (clone.style.display != 'none') {
        // reset didn't seem to work
  }, { passive: true });

View org source for this post
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