Organizing my sketches
| drawing, supernoteText and links from sketch
Organizing my sketches
What I have now:
- SuperNote A5X:
- Monthly notebooks
- Long-term note with links
- Daily moments
- Crafts
- PDFs (esp. w/ large margins)
- Highlighted heading
- ☆ for needs more
- No antialiasing: … Preferences
- Finished sketches:
- Export as PNG, medium resolution
- Rename to ID Title – tags.png
- Save to sketches or private-sketches
- Code to recognize/recolor/rename, open/insert/export a sketch, its text, or a list of sketches
What I want:
- Use sketches to untangle thoughts
- Share my notes
- Make visual cues for A+ & me (menus, moments, trackers)
- Annotate text/transcripts to make sense of them, organize/summarize info
- Doodle illustrations for my blog
- Draft videos, posts
Things I want to improve:
- Draw more
- Quantity
- Expression
- Shading/colour
- Add hyperlinks, sidenotes
- Use visual frameworks & metaphors
- Build bigger thoughts out of smaller chunks
- Review sketches
- Track thoughts I want to build on
- Make links
- See multiple sketches together
- Smoothen my process for handling audio braindumps, lots of text
- Find more inspiration
- Verbal to Visual: progressive sketches as post illustrations
- Clarity Canvas Weekly: small colour palette
- Andy Draws
- Drewscape
- Sketchplanations
- Make animations
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