2025-03-17 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events (iCal file, Org):
- M-x Research: TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Wed Mar 19 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Mar 20 0000 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs APAC: Emacs APAC meetup (virtual) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/announcements/ Sat Mar 22 0130 America/Vancouver - 0330 America/Chicago - 0430 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
- EmacsSF (in person): coffee.el in SF https://www.meetup.com/emacs-sf/events/306610734/ Sat Mar 22 1100 America/Los_Angeles
- Emacs Berlin (hybrid, in English) https://emacs-berlin.org/ Wed Mar 26 1030 America/Vancouver - 1230 America/Chicago - 1330 America/Toronto - 1730 Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2300 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Mar 27 0130 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs 30:
- Beginner:
- Editing Files with Emacs (11:29)
- GNU Emacs má 40 let (Tomáš Čech) (23:23)
- Emacs என்பது யாதெனில் - அத்தியாயம் ஒன்று - Sakhil (01:00:55)
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- New package raq.el: HTTP Library Adapter for Emacs, suport url.el and plz.el, and can be extended. (Reddit)
- compile-angel - Ensure all Elisp files are both Byte and Native-Compiled (Alternative to: auto-compile) - Release 1.0.6 (Reddit)
- tip about get-mru-window (most recently used)
- Some problems of modernizing Emacs (incomplete - slides 0 to 6 only) (20:39)
- Appearance:
- Tip about using consult-theme from the consult package to preview themes quickly
- Announcing Calle 24 (Reddit, Irreal) - substitutes the default tool bar icons with those from SF Symbols, a library of images provided by Apple
- tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme (Release 1.2.1): A deep blue Emacs theme, inspired by the Tomorrow Night theme
- My Unique Emacs Theme Pack – Now Available for Download! (Reddit) - screenshots are in the Details heading
- Navigation:
- Noether: global minor mode managing user-defined posframe Views (Reddit)
- easysession.el 1.1.3: Persist and restore Emacs sessions including frames, tab-bar, buffers, indirect buffers, Dired, and window splits (Reddit)
- The Emacs recursive narrow package #coding #programming (02:41)
- A tutorial on 2 Columns in Emacs #emacs #coding #programming (11:32)
- Writing:
- Hugo-Heagren/clever-cite: format quoted text as you kill/yank between buffers (@HugoHeagren@scholar.social)
- quick-sdcv.el (Release 1.0.1): Turn Emacs into an offline dictionary with sdcv (Reddit)
- Editing Overleaf Documents with Emacs | Valentin Boettcher (Reddit) - nice! live editing, might be useful for collaboration too
- Chung-hong Chan: Miscellaneous talk #45 Quarto guy, Overleaf’s markdown mode?, Flymake, Mailing lists, CRAN - ESS also
- Wherein I Explain Why Emacs Is The Best Tool For WordPress (Reddit)
- Meet Harper | A Grammarly Alternative for Neovim | Emacs, Obsidian, Zed, VScode and Helix (deez) (21:16)
- Org Mode:
- Using Emacs Org mode to manage my appointments
- Calendar.org (Reddit)
- Org-anizing My Fragrance Collection with Emacs – literatelisp.eu (@theesm@social.tchncs.de)
- Sacha Chua: Remove open Org Mode clock entries
- a template for writing OWL ontologies as Org Mode documents, with supporting functions and scripts
- org-expose-emphasis-markers: A new package used to automatically show hidden emphasis markers at point in org mode when `org-hide-emphasis-markers` is on. (Reddit)
- Seam: personal wiki system based on Org mode (@spnw@gts.plexwave.org)
- Using an Org-mode README on SourceHut (@tiang@mastodon.social)
- Denote:
- Coding:
- using hideshow minor mode in all programming modes so you can toggle code sections (@dotemacs@mastodon.xyz)
- Announcing Casual Make (Reddit, Irreal)
- eglot-inactive-regions - eglot extension to dim inactive preprocessor branches - release: 0.6.4 (Reddit)
- I found an easy way to make code comments appear in other mode's syntax
- A story of mystery involving LS, clangd and a very easy fix
- flymake-bashate.el (1.0.2) - A Flymake backend for bashate: Real-time style checking for Bash shell scripts
- Bozhidar Batsov: neocaml: a new Emacs package for OCaml programming
- swyddfa/esbonio.el: Integrating the esbonio language server into Emacs (@alcarney@fosstodon.org)
- Mail, news, and chat:
- AI:
- gptel 0.9.8 released (tool-use, support for "reasoning" output, dry-run options and more) (Reddit)
- gptel-aibo update: new complete at point
- GitHub - rajp152k/fabric-gpt.el: Fabric Prompts for emacs gpt.el
- Aidermacs v1.0 Released. Available Now on Melpa and Non-GNU Elpa! (Reddit) (also 0.5.0 discussion)
- James Dyer: Ollama-Buddy 0.8.0 - Added System Prompts, Model Info and simpler menu model assignment
- James Dyer: Ollama-Buddy 0.7.1 - Org-mode Chat, Parameter Control and JSON Debugging
- claude-code.el (Reddit)
- lizqwerscott/mcp.el: An Mcp client inside Emacs (Reddit) - model context protocol servers
- Introducing forge-llm: Generate PR descriptions automatically with LLMs in Emacs Forge
- Community:
- Other:
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel:
- Improving the Tools menu
- Re: Semantic: update or remove?
- Re: Semantic: update or remove? - more thoughts on tree-sitter and the Emacs ecosystem
- Re: Markers in a gap array - sorted array with gap
- Make marking conflicted files as resolved upon saving opt-out
- ; Add NEWS entry for java-ts-mode-method-chaining-indent-offset
- ; etc/NEWS (remember-prefix-map): Suggest a key reserved to users.
- New project-save-some-buffers command
- Add a new command `speedbar-window'.
- dired-copy-filename-as-kill: Support project-relative names
- Make turn-on-flyspell/turn-off-flyspell obsolete
- Improve tramp-*-with-sudo commands
- ; * etc/NEWS: Announce the larger number of sub-processes on w32.
- New configure option –with-systemduserunitdir
- Allow control of indicating empty rectangular selections
- Turn 'remember-mode' into a minor mode
- diff-apply-buffer now considers the region and can reverse-apply.
- Fix capitalization ELisp -> Elisp
- Automatically document when setopt is needed
- New user option follow-mode-prefix-key
- Remove variable aliases obsolete since Emacs 23.2
- New user variable `exchange-point-and-mark-highlight-region`
- emacs-devel:
- New packages:
- aider: Interact with Aider: AI pair programming made simple (MELPA)
- company-forge: Company backend for assignees and topics from forge (MELPA)
- denote-journal: Convenience functions for daily journaling with Denote (GNU ELPA)
- denote-markdown: Extensions that better integrate Denote with Markdown (GNU ELPA)
- denote-org: Denote extensions for Org mode (GNU ELPA)
- denote-sequence: Sequence notes or Folgezettel with Denote (GNU ELPA)
- denote-silo: Convenience functions for using Denote in multiple silos (GNU ELPA)
- indexed: Cache metadata on all Org files (MELPA)
- jira: Emacs Interface to Jira (MELPA)
- ob-aider: Org Babel functions for Aider.el integration (MELPA)
- org-expose-emphasis-markers: Automatically show hidden org emphasis markers (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Bluesky #emacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, programming.dev, lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!
You can comment with Disqus or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.