Book idea: Accelerate Your Learning With Sketchnotes
Posted: - Modified:For: Entrepreneurial visual thinkers who would like to learn more effectively
Outcome: people have taken their first few sketchnotes and are ready to use it for learning
Possible collaborator: Timothy Kenny
Book idea #1: Accelerate Your Learning With Sketchnotes
- Why sketchnote?
- Benefits
- Understanding
- Reviewing
- Connecting
- Benefits
- Common challenges
- “I don’t have time.”
- “I can’t draw.”
- “My handwriting sucks.”
- Tools
- Paper
- Scan
- Camera tips
- Digital sketchnoting: How I set up Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, downloadable resources
- Paper
- Sketchnote basics
- Getting started
- Adding emphasis
- Drawing emotions
- Drawing stick figures
- Drawing symbols
- Drawing abstract concepts
- Organizing the page
- How to sketchnote a presentation
- How to sketchnote a book –
- How to sketch your plans –
- Sketchnotes and business – Business Model Canvas, product-market fit…
- Organizing and reviewing your sketchnotes
- Connecting through sketchnotes
- Drawing practice
- Stick figures
- Emotions and body language –
- Lettering –
- Banners and ribbons –
- Connectors –
- Speech balloons and thought clouds –
- Symbols
Book idea #2: Learning With Sketchnotes
Audience: Teachers, homeschoolers/unschoolers/parents who want to
teach more engagingly and help their students develop notetaking
Outcome: Ready to practise on their own, and possibly teaching others
how to sketchnote in their classes
- Why sketchnote?
- Examples
- Common challenges
- Getting started
- Sketchnote basics
- Annotating printed text
- Starting with hand-written notes
- Adding emphasis
- Starting with stick figures
- Drawing symbols
- Drawing abstract concepts
- Organizing the page
- Sketching your preparatory notes
- Sketching your lesson
- Sketching worksheets
- Teaching others how to sketchnote
- A one-page guide
- Drawing practice
- (as above)
- Symbols
- Science
- Technology
- Math
- History
- Art
- Language
- Music
- …
INTERESTED? WANT TO LEARN MORE? Comment below or e-mail me and let’s talk about what you’re curious about. That will really help me turn this book idea into reality! =)
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