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2015-04-30 Emacs Hangout – hosted by Philip Stark

| emacs

Thanks to Philip Stark for organizing an Emacs Hangout that’s more conducive to European timezones! Here’s the video and the notes.

You can add more comments on the event page. For more about upcoming Hangouts, check out our Google+ page.

Show notes (times might need a little adjustment):

  • 0:00:03 Introductions!
  • 0:03:03 A couple of Emacs semi-newbies =)
  • 0:03:52 Java and C# language support (autocomplete, refactoring, etc.); bridging the gap between Emacs and the runtime (Unity, Android, etc.). Batch mode for the latter. OmniSharp actually went pretty darn well this time around!
  • 0:06:10 OmniSharp demo
  • 0:06:13 https://github.com/MmmCurry/.emacs.d/
  • 0:07:23 OmniSharp + company config, demo of completion. Includes API. Jump to definition as well.
  • 0:10:59 Cool refactoring stuff. Ex: intelligent rename. Watch out for bugs. Still neat!
  • 0:12:30 MS Visual Studio Code seems to run on the same backend =)
  • 0:13:18 OmniSharp background info
  • 0:14:53 New participant, working out the tech issues
  • 0:16:28 Java? Haven’t looked into it much yet, lower priority. Pain point: Eclipse project build chain. eclim? May give it a second chance.
  • 0:19:37 Wishlist: batch mode Unity for headless testing?
  • 0:20:05 Emacs and Python – working through the Google Code Jam problems. C-c C-c to execute code in the REPL, so much fun. Suggestion: org-babel blocks? =)
  • 0:21:37 Discussion about Scala and Ensime. Ooh, Ensime does Java too. Neat!
  • 0:22:49 New to Emacs Lisp. Discovering things and implementing them – good enough, but not well-polished. Writing. Helm, etc. So many things to learn! Balancing studying the Emacs Lisp intro and manual, and discovering things day to day.
  • 0:25:00 Separate Lisp file loading for experimental stuff.
  • 0:25:30 Woodnotes guide? http://therandymon.com/woodnotes/emacs-for-writers/emacs-for-writers.html
  • 0:26:32 Emacs StackExchange, Reddit.com/r/emacs, Planet Emacsen
  • 0:29:17 Spacemacs, packaged defaults. Learning with index cards. Learning curve. Emacs community is obsessed with documentation. Phenomenal! =)
  • 0:34:23 Documented conventions, nicely-designed keybindings etc. for Spacemacs
  • 0:35:50 Spacemacs setup asks you which tradition you want to follow
  • 0:36:46 nerdtree replacement – neotree
  • 0:37:27 Goal is to not rely on Spacemacs, but for it to be a stepping-stone / scaffold
  • 0:38:30 Differences between Linux window managers; simplified workflows
  • 0:40:24 Looking at configuration frameworks piecemeal, learning workflows
  • 0:43:05 Discoverability is a big issue. helm-c-yasnippet has helm-yas-complete, helm-yas-create-snippet-on-region . Can be configured to display the keys. (setq helm-yas-display-key-on-candidate t) Has additional actions if you TAB.
  • 0:50:24 Hydra demo. Ex: moving lines up and down. Hydra for Helm?
  • 0:57:25 Lispy-mnemonic
  • 1:02:58 Usability
  • 1:05:30 Lispy-mnemonic workflow – minor mode
  • 1:06:15 back-to-indentation and restoring the binding in Lispy
  • 1:07:36 org-timer and meeting notes
  • 1:08:14 Make timestamps better! =)
  • 1:10:53 Cognitive overhead of new IDEs. Ex: SublimeText C-d marks a thing (Emacs equivalent: expand-region)? More organic, flexible commands versus specific ones, staying within your mental model.
  • 1:13:00 multiple-cursors, transpose-chars versus backward-kill-word.
  • 1:17:30 helm-swoop
  • 1:21:06 micro-optimizations, command-log-mode, keyfreq, mc/mark-all-like-this(-dwim), guru-mode
  • 1:26:06 Dealing with Eclipse wizards, things that shift you out of your mental model. Discussion of Helm and Ido. Also, helm-show-kill-ring.
  • 1:31:59 Hydra and leader keys.
  • 1:32:31 Dan’s intro. Figuring out workflow. Export Org Mode to HTML. Yasnippet for HTML5 declarations? Org Mode publishing project support (org) Publishing options
  • 1:37:20 Magit, git-timemachine, git-gutter-fringe, git-wip (for committing work in progress each time you save; https://github.com/bartman/git-wip), git-wip-timemachine (forked git-wip, https://github.com/itsjeyd/git-wip-timemachine)
  • 1:41:44 undo-tree
  • 1:42:57 git-messenger
  • 1:43:48 C-x v g, vc-annotate, colour-coding
  • 1:45:13 Emacs load times, profiling
  • 1:47:59 markdown and flycheck not finding an external command, checking the *Messages* buffer

Text chat:

M. Ian Graham 2:06 PM https://github.com/MmmCurry/.emacs.d/blob/master/lisp/init-csharp.el
M. Ian Graham 2:14 PM https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-server https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs
Tim K 2:15 PM should be ok
Tim K 2:15 PM maybe someone has to unmute me
M. Ian Graham 2:15 PM https://code.visualstudio.com/
Tim K 2:15 PM i’ll just keep lurking for now then
me 2:18 PM https://github.com/senny/emacs-eclim
Tim K 2:19 PM tangentially related: ENSIME I used it for developing a web play framework project
M. Ian Graham 2:20 PM Ooo, scala goodness https://github.com/ensime/ensime-server
Tim K 2:21 PM yeah it targets scala BUT it works for java as well !!
Philip Stark 2:23 PM Excellent.. Thank you Tim !
M. Ian Graham 2:25 PM http://therandymon.com/woodnotes/emacs-for-writers/emacs-for-writers.html
Tim K 2:25 PM @Will: Are you on Emacs.SE?
Philip Stark 2:26 PM right?
Tim K 2:26 PM yes There’s lots of good content for non-programmers there
Philip Stark 2:26 PM cool. I gotta check that out.
me 2:27 PM Yakshaving: https://sachachua.com/blog/2015/03/the-balance-between-doing-and-improving-evaluating-yak-shaving/
Tim K 2:32 PM For people who know their way around some of the starter kits: You could definitely score some points answering questions on Emacs.SE. My impression is that there usually aren’t that many people around who can answer these types of questions.
me 2:32 PM Good point!
Will Monroe 2:33 PM Thanks, Tim. That sounds like a good place for someone like me to start.
Tim K 2:33 PM Prelude is probably the one you’re thinking of
M. Ian Graham 2:45 PM https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-c-yasnippeta https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-c-yasnippet
me 2:47 PM (setq helm-yas-display-key-on-candidate t)
Will Monroe 2:58 PM Hey everyone, I’ve really enjoyed listening to and talking with each of you. Have to go. See you all next time!
Tim K 3:03 PM Bye Will!
me 3:04 PM For the text chat: https://github.com/itsjeyd/lispy-mnemonic You might like https://github.com/magnars/expand-region.el
Tim K 3:12 PM Also: multiple cursors
me 3:23 PM keyfreq?
Tim K 3:25 PM guru-mode ?
me 3:41 PM https://github.com/bartman/git-wip
Tim K 3:41 PM https://github.com/itsjeyd/git-wip-timemachine
me 3:43 PM https://github.com/syohex/emacs-git-messenger
Philip Stark 3:43 PM https://github.com/syohex/emacs-git-messenger ah thx

Thanks, everyone!

Emacs Hangout 2015-04-15 show notes

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, podcast

We chatted about packages, packaging, databases, and the upcoming Emacs conference.

Event page: https://plus.google.com/events/c3igul0rj6cfc1qbcar91lrcj0s

What’s this Emacs Hangout thing about? This is an informal way for Emacs geeks to get together and swap tips/notes/questions. You can find the previous Hangouts or sign up for the mailing list at https://sachachua.com/blog/tag/emacs-hangout/ .

Upcoming Emacs Hangouts:

Emacs Lisp Development Tips with John Wiegley
April 28, 2015 Tue 4:00 PM Toronto time (8 PM GMT)

Emacs Hangout
April 30, 2015, at 2 PM Toronto time (6 PM GMT, 8 PM CET):

Want to find out about upcoming hangouts? You can sign up for notifications at http://eepurl.com/bbi-Ir or follow the Emacs conferences and hangouts page.

Timestamps are approximate since I was a little distracted. =)

  • 0:25:14 8:26 PM whoops, forgot to keep track of stuff. Before this: conversation about Unity/C#/etc. in Emacs; Spacemacs
  • 0:26:33 Howard demonstrates literate database queries with a remote SQL server. SSH tunnel + –protocol=tcp
  • 0:28:55 Naming the results of queries and then using them in a different calculation
  • 0:30:39 Hmm, might be a good technique for exploring old databases
  • 0:31:13 sx.el – StackExchange client
  • 0:34:16 howdoi-emacs
  • 0:34:57 sx setup, sx-tab-all-questions
  • 0:35:59 hydra sample use cases: opening files and directories, changing the quotation of strings, mode switching
  • 0:37:30 clone indirect buffers
  • 0:39:35 Cask
  • 0:43:27 use-package
  • 0:44:57 paradox
  • 0:49:11 packages
  • 0:56:02 Emacs conference stuff
  • 1:05:11 weird Emacs things =)
  • 1:07:43 Next up: literate config (Dylan, Sean)
  • 1:13:19 wrapped up

Text chat and links:

me 8:08 PM By the way, we can use this text chat as a backchannel. After the chat, I’ll copy it and share it with the show notes so that other people can grab links.
Howard Abrams 8:14 PM Here is my investigation of my save hooks in case you can kick off some sort of script: http://howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/save-hooks.html
me 8:15 PM External to Emacs, but possibly interesting: https://github.com/infospace/guard-java
Dylan Thiedeke 8:16 PM You said there was a ruby-guard? I will have to look into that for authoring and editing cookbooks and recipes for use with Chef
me 8:17 PM https://github.com/guard/guard ?
Dylan Thiedeke 8:18 PM Awesome! Will definitely be looking at that thanks Sacha
Swaroop C H 8:20 PM csharp layer – https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/blob/064a598bff56f7cef1ac2ddf1c43684357dde56a/contrib/lang/csharp/README.md ?
M. Ian Graham 8:21 PM Nice link Swaroop, I’ll see if I can pull it in
me 8:25 PM http://emacswiki.org/emacs/GnuGlobal
Swaroop C H 8:26 PM https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/pull/1169
Sod Oscarfono 8:32 PM +1 for being a bassist!
M. Ian Graham 8:32 PM https://github.com/vermiculus/sx.el
Howard Abrams 8:32 PM Here is the blog post about the literate database work: http://howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/literate-database.html
me 8:34 PM https://github.com/arthurnn/howdoi-emacs
Zachary Kanfer 8:48 PM There’s an Emacs song: https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/welcome-to-gnu-emacs.html and http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LyricMode
Samer Masterson 8:53 PM gimmie a sec, getting headphones
me 8:56 PM Question from a viewer: Why would someone use both Cask and use-package at the same time https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rejeep/emacs/master/init.el ?
Sod Oscarfono 8:57 PM i’m an ex-event manager… i’d be keen on helping get one happening in oceania
me 8:57 PM Oooooh
Sod Oscarfono 8:57 PM nz or aus maybe
Samer Masterson 8:57 PM https://goo.gl/forms/tv0sDuApd8
Dylan Thiedeke 8:57 PM Sod I’m in AU. Not qualified enough to present but would help out if I could
Sod Oscarfono 8:59 PM thanks Dylan. perfect/ any ideas on a rough idea of numbers of emacs users globally? by region? hard to quantify i realise but are we talking hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands do you think? keen as Samer… i’m nowhere near as proficient with emacs, or programming as most here but i have many other skills.. event management, audio engineer, graphic design and close connection with large format commercial printer
Dylan Thiedeke 9:03 PM Sod in Australia I couldn’t even imagine a number. Maybe poll the #emacs IRC channel on friend and the emacs group on G+
me 9:03 PM Sod: Woohoo! Awesomeness.
Dylan Thiedeke 9:04 PM Sod I’m not a programmer either but use emacs for documentations and starting to use it for project management with org-mode etc
Sod Oscarfono 9:04 PM community is the magic word when talking to me
Samer Masterson 9:04 PM emacsconf.github.io/emacsconf2015
Sod Oscarfono 9:05 PM feel free to add me Dylan we can fire some ideas back and forth. maybe a poll of interest in a local conf or meetup
me 9:06 PM Sod, Dylan: Neato!
Howard Abrams 9:07 PM I’m sorry, but I have to leave as well. Thanks for the fun and I will listen to the rest later.

Emacs Hangout 2015-03-18 show notes

| emacs

We chatted about Org coolness and workflows; learning Emacs and deliberate practice; speech recognition; alternate layouts.

Event page: https://plus.google.com/events/cbj3rg26d8j9ifaiff5uq00ncr4

What’s this Emacs Hangout thing about? This is an informal way for Emacs geeks to get together and swap tips/notes/questions. You can find the previous Hangouts or sign up for the mailing list at https://sachachua.com/blog/tag/emacs-hangout/ . The next Emacs Hangout will be on April 15, 2015, at 8 PM Toronto time (12 midnight GMT): https://plus.google.com/events/c3igul0rj6cfc1qbcar91lrcj0s Want to get notified about upcoming hangouts? You can sign up for notifications at http://eepurl.com/bbi-Ir .

Experimenting with org-timer. Times are approximate, despite the seeming precision. =)

  • 0:00:12 Intros
  • 0:04:22 Howard – Prettify Your Quotation Marks
  • 0:06:37 Org Mode Spreadsheets
  • 0:12:44 org-aggregate
  • 0:12:50 summing up tables
  • 0:15:38 Hiding things from export with :PRIVATE: .. :END:
  • 0:16:30 Navigation
  • 0:17:10 Relative line numbers
  • 0:19:32 Org prettiness: org-bullets
  • 0:20:51 EMagicians Starter Kit
  • 0:26:23 More table stuff
  • 0:27:32 Org Mode workflows, reasons to use Org
  • 0:28:16 Org to replace Markdown, executable code samples, etc. Literate programming. Attachments.
  • 0:29:34 Org tables
  • 0:30:11 Literate programming, technical notes
  • 0:30:49 Links
  • 0:31:54 Keeping all your notes, reference information, and so forth
  • 0:32:25 As a simple database
  • 0:34:59 Leo’s demo: Org task management, scheduling, linking, refiling, org-pomodoro (with sound and tweaks) and time reporting
  • 0:44:47 clock reports, clocktable
  • 0:46:09 C-u org-refile
  • 0:47:53 tagging strategies (prefixes, @ for contexts, etc.), search
  • 0:49:45 using org-drill
  • 0:51:19 scheduling vs using agendas
  • 0:51:34 org-habits for visualizing consistency
  • 0:54:34 erc and other IRC clients
  • 0:55:20 devices
  • 0:56:47 Other apps like Wunderlist – tasks to synchronize; work/home separation
  • 0:59:44 org-trello – close, but no cigar
  • 1:00:26 orgzly
  • 1:01:44 MobileOrg =( hasn’t been updated in a long time, etc.
  • 1:03:15 org-timer, meeting notes, colouring neato
  • 1:05:37 spacemacs as a way for Vi converts to try Emacs out
  • 1:06:47 keybindings – rebind lots, or not? a few frequently used ones? ErgoEmacs?
  • 1:10:23 hydra, key-chord, prefixes, see Sacha’s config for making key-chord more specific
  • 1:12:52 pair-programming? tmux and different modes?
  • 1:13:09 httpd, impatient-mode, multi-tty?
  • 1:18:04 deliberate practice and learning new things
  • 1:18:41 putting new things in a temporary section (1 month)
  • 1:19:02 reading blog posts (ex: planet.emacsen.org), reading configs, doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html
  • 1:21:29 cheat sheet
  • 1:22:14 another vote for a staging area (experimental.el)
  • 1:24:35 blogging is awesome, org2blog, etc.
  • 1:28:59 edebug is a great way to explore how things work
  • 1:31:39 watching over people’s shoulders when it comes to Emacs; Hangouts, virtual conference? Moderators are helpful. Handing a virtual microphone out – moderator names someone who can then check in, ask the question, etc. monitoring comments. (Could use help reaching out to speakers, organizing schedule, etc.)
  • 1:34:55 Speech interface: less navigation, just commands. Better speech integration – requires C, or can be done with Emacs Lisp? What you’re operating on is different. Intent (what has to happen) vs action (what to do), audio wizards with contextual grammar. Pretty far out still. Translating dictation-friendly names to code-friendly names and vice versa.
  • 1:42:02 Quick wins: accelerators, focusing on intent
  • 1:44:19 Context
  • 1:46:03 LaTeX for math notes? Export to LaTeX or HTML with images, inline images. LyX if you need WYSIWYG? Snippets can help you work at a higher level (instead of memorizing a lot)
  • 1:48:52 Alternative keyboard layouts and keybindings; also, typing less (abbreviations, expansions, thinking, etc.), Kinesis
  • 1:53:57 Speech recognition. Saying things again instead of editing.
  • 1:58:06 Suggestions – more Org workflows, chatting leading up to the next Hangout, asking for help

Text chat:

Philip Stark 8:04 PM This one?
Cameron Desautels 8:04 PM yup
Howard Abrams 8:04 PM Yes!
Cameron Desautels 8:04 PM If you guys haven’t seen this, we should all try to contribute and help out: https://github.com/sachac/emacsconf2015/blob/gh-pages/index.org
me 8:08 PM (Dan: I muted you because of background noise, but you can always unmute yourself when you’re ready to ask a question )
Jonathan Hill 8:10 PM does anybody know how to full screen the hang out? I guess I could just full-screen chrome on the mac..
me 8:10 PM If you reduce your font size a lot, the main screen gets bigger, but let me just ask Howard to increase his text scale
Leo Ufimtsev 8:11 PM Btw, I came across an aggregator module: https://github.com/tbanel/orgaggregate allows sql-like aggregation for tables
Jonathan Hill 8:14 PM Howard, I’ve got a sidebar question about how you’re jumping around with the cursor seemingly arbitrarily when you can find a convenient spot to answer.
me 8:15 PM He might not see the chat while screensharing, so maybe you can ask out loud when there’s a gap
Cameron Desautels 8:15 PM Could be the mouse Though it took me a minute to realize that.
me 8:16 PM By the way, the nifty bullets on the headings are probably because of org-bullets.el, if you like that effect
Jonathan Hill 8:16 PM his modeline is gorgeous
Cameron Desautels 8:16 PM That’s likely powerline. https://github.com/milkypostman/powerline (Busted!)
me 8:17 PM <laugh> Ooh, relative line numbers
Cameron Desautels 8:19 PM I think I have some bad lag. Sorry about that. My ISP is terrible.
jason Peak 8:22 PM hi everyone, sorry I’m late
Leo Ufimtsev 8:23 PM I don’t think I’ll have time to prepare org-aggregator in this hangout. I can show a org-dot-emacs setup thou. Or some stuff on time-reporting
me 8:23 PM No worries!
jason Peak 8:24 PM yep
Philip Stark 8:26 PM how do you increase the font quickly?
Cameron Desautels 8:26 PM C-x C-=
Philip Stark 8:26 PM and decrease would be C-x C–?
Cameron Desautels 8:27 PM (text-scale-adjust) yep!
Philip Stark 8:27 PM great, thanks.
Will Monroe 8:28 PM I spend most of my time in emacs in org-mode FWIW
Leo Ufimtsev 8:30 PM I’m on twice. My hangouts crashed on my phone, (black screen). @Sacha would you be able to kick out my 2nd instance? (the one with black screen, not the one with picture)
Leo Ufimtsev 8:31 PM thanks
jason Peak 8:31 PM Complete beginner – I like the idea of using org as an organically developing a database of My stuff
Cameron Desautels 8:32 PM Will: that’s interesting. Do you want to speak about your uses? You might have a unique perspective.
Jonathan Hill 8:32 PM WOW That’s absurdly powerful, S
Will Monroe 8:33 PM Cameron: I’d be glad to. Very much a beginner though! ; )
Cameron Desautels 8:33 PM There are other beginners here—it’s probably exactly what they’d need!
Philip Stark 8:34 PM yeah
Leo Ufimtsev 8:35 PM I could show some things if folks are interested.
Howard Abrams 8:40 PM Can’t believe that Chrome crashed and I lost the chat history… I’ll try to catch up.
Philip Stark 8:41 PM http://0paste.com/7356-3b5998af chat history so far.
Will Monroe 8:45 PM Is that ticking?
Howard Abrams 8:46 PM The problem with demonstrating org-mode is not revealing too much about ourselves. Good thing we’re among friends, eh?
Cameron Desautels 8:46 PM haha, indeed
Philip Stark 8:46 PM indeed. and on youtube :S
Cameron Desautels 8:46 PM Just don’t read the comments. :p
Will Monroe 8:46 PM Ha!
jason Peak 8:47 PM how many tags is too much ?
me 8:47 PM Heh. Should I redact this text chat segment from the show notes?
jason Peak 8:47 PM how many tags are too many ?
Will Monroe 8:48 PM That’s a great question.
jason Peak 8:48 PM loaded question; just curious about others no mic, Sacha thanks, Will!
Jonathan Hill 8:49 PM someone has a lot of static on their mic
me 8:50 PM That’s Leo’s background noise, oh well.
Philip Stark 8:50 PM That’s Leo, I think. he’s probably on a phone.
me 8:50 PM <laugh!>
jason Peak 8:51 PM I’ve wondered about namespacing tags; org does not support namespaces as part of its tag data structure, though? Maybe I need to make it ?!!
me 8:51 PM I recognize that technique
jason Peak 8:51 PM thank you! yes
me 8:51 PM jason: You can probably combine a tag with other search filters, like the category (file)
Cameron Desautels 8:52 PM org-habit
jason Peak 8:53 PM sacha: thank you, I will exploreit
me 8:53 PM
Cameron Desautels 8:54 PM His setup minds me of mine from a couple years back…these days I use org-mode less because I want my tasks and calendar notifications on all of my devices. *reminds me
Will Monroe 8:54 PM I would love to hear about simple setups for erc
Philip Stark 8:55 PM What is erc?
Will Monroe 8:55 PM or any other emacs irc client
Howard Abrams 8:56 PM I like circe.
Jonathan Hill 8:58 PM Cameron, what about a cloud-based sort or read-only solution like syncing your stuff on dropbox or google drive or something? s/sort or/sort of/
Cameron Desautels 8:59 PM Yeah, I’ve actually tried that sort of thing, exporting an HTML version of my list into Dropbox so I could read it on any of my devices.
Howard Abrams 8:59 PM http://goo.gl/uWjFye
Cameron Desautels 8:59 PM But I’d really like r/w access on multiple platforms.
Cameron Desautels 9:00 PM And more ability to filter on the go.
Leo Ufimtsev 9:01 PM Sorry about vacum cleaning noise >_<
jason Peak 9:01 PM trello is great! not sure about the integration
Cameron Desautels 9:02 PM http://www.orgzly.com/
Jonathan Hill 9:02 PM There’s MobileOrg in the App Store for IOS
Leo Ufimtsev 9:04 PM I was wondering about that. Nifty.
jason Peak 9:04 PM very nice!
Jonathan Hill 9:04 PM does org-calendar interface with Exchange calendar with a tolerable level of setup pain?
Will Monroe 9:05 PM Jonathan: someone recently released an interface for Exchange.
Cameron Desautels 9:05 PM https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs
Will Monroe 9:06 PM It was announced on the listserv…can’t recall the name. But it was within the last few weeks.
Leo Ufimtsev 9:09 PM I use a different keyboard layout “Colemak” (like modern Dvorak). I found emacs was more friendly for non-standard keyboard layouts like colemak.
jason Peak 9:09 PM I’m back, but only to say goodbye for now; Sacha, everyone, thanks for all you’ve shared; I look forward to being back here soon…
Leo Ufimtsev 9:09 PM take care
Will Monroe 9:09 PM bye jason!
Will Monroe 9:14 PM Leo: thanks for mentioning that. I’ve wondered about other keyboard layouts being more /less appropriate for emacs too.
Howard Abrams 9:17 PM I need to run, but I wanted to point out this gist that I wrote today … https://gist.github.com/howardabrams/67d60458858f407a13bd
me 9:19 PM (I use Dvorak, and haven’t remapped extensively – I mostly keep things the same, although my key-chords are Dvorak-friendly)
Leo Ufimtsev 9:20 PM http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html http://emacs.stackexchange.com/ <<< very good place for asking for help http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OrgDotemacs << organise your .emacs in orgmode
Cameron Desautels 9:26 PM https://gist.github.com/camdez/c0f4c53ee847d5d1e2f0 ^ That’s how I add my experiments. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. If you use org-mode you could use capture targets for something similar.
Will Monroe 9:29 PM Thanks, Cameron! That’s a great idea. I like the idea of keeping new and potentially unstable functions in a separate file…and the idea of commenting on them could lead to a nice diary of sorts.
Cameron Desautels 9:30 PM Exactly. Plus I don’t commit this so I don’t have to be embarrassed about pushing gross code to my public config.
me 9:30 PM Cameron: Hah! That’s a great idea. Although maybe I’ll keep the weird area in my config, just because
Cameron Desautels 9:31 PM Oh, and I load it like this so someone can pull down my config and have it still work whether or not the file exists: (load camdez/experiments-file ‘no-error)
Will Monroe 9:34 PM Thanks!
Jonathan Hill 9:35 PM @cameron I didn’t know about ‘no-error. neat trick
Leo Ufimtsev 9:35 PM Use trello lol
Cameron Desautels 9:39 PM Jonathan: really that argument can be anything non-nil, I just use that symbol name so it’s self-explanatory.
Jonathan Hill 9:39 PM Thinking Miserable? was that the phrase?
Cameron Desautels 9:40 PM ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m not entirely sure how we got here.
me 9:41 PM It’s a thread from near the beginning of the Hangout in a Q&A question (Eric said he might have something to demo), so it’s not quite connected to the conference conversation
Leo Ufimtsev 9:41 PM Is the voice recognition business cross-platform or specific to windows/mac/linux?
me 9:41 PM (Although we can continue that in the backchannel if people have ideas/suggestions)
Cameron Desautels 9:42 PM Ah! Ok. I must have missed the thread.
Eric S. Johansson 9:42 PM https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1M-TzfRaSaAhFXQk1OmcmHNOaW31_7W_7q0bf8CAJqSw/edit
Leo Ufimtsev 9:46 PM Btw, does anyone use Emacs with Latex.>? for math notes..?
Will Monroe 9:50 PM Sacha (or anyone): this is a much earlier comment you made, but I’d be interested in hearing about your experience using the “standard” Emacs keybindings with Dvorak some time. Maybe during the next Emacs Meetup!
Jonathan Hill 9:54 PM /me E I gather that’s likely not what you actually said. I seem to have gotten stuck on it, though
Will Monroe 9:56 PM Thanks for the advice, everyone. This was the first time I’ve been able to interact with so many Emacs users. Hope to return next month and perhaps again at the possible conference. All the best!
Cameron Desautels 9:57 PM Take care, Will. Nice to meet you.
me 9:57 PM See you!
Leo Ufimtsev 9:57 PM See you next time :-=
Will Monroe 9:57 PM You too! Mabye next time I’ll have something to share.
Jonathan Hill 9:58 PM /me C let me get your info before we go if you don’t mind oops

Experimental Emacs Hangout 2015-02-18

Posted: - Modified: | emacs

In which we talked about Hydra (0:11), Helm (0:22), packages (0:25), Quelpa/quse-package (0:29), EWW (0:30), Org Mode (0:40), global-flycheck-mode (0:51), widget, TRAMP (1:15), conferences/hangouts (1:26), more Hydra (1:28), Emacs Lisp (1:32), command-history (1:35), Emacs (1:38), plans for getting better (1:44), latexmk (1:49), and other things. (Times are approximate.)

Other questions/comments:

  • Not a question, but I just learned about command-history. Which is a great way to whip up a function. I’m amazed that I just discovered it. – Jonathan Hill
  • I saw something in 24.4 change log about a notification system. Could that maybe solve your problem? – Mitchell Hunter
  • On Air viewers cannot see Sasha due to Sridhar presenting. – Marc Tamsky
  • Anyone using tabs? – Levi Strope

The next Emacs Hangout will be on March 18, 2015, at 8 PM Toronto time (12 midnight GMT) https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cbj3rg26d8j9ifaiff5uq00ncr4

Want to get notified about upcoming hangouts? You can sign up for notifications at http://eepurl.com/bbi-Ir . We’ll experiment with starting off with a mini-workshop/demo of Org tasks and agenda (or maybe Helm, if that’s more interesting).

Text chat:

JJ Asghar 8:01 PM Russell: http://blog.binchen.org/posts/notes-on-using-gnus.html
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:01 PM http://www.srid.ca/emacs/
Michael Hoffman 8:03 PM hi sorry i need to hook up my camera
Jason Lewis 8:04 PM https://marmalade-repo.org/packages/winner-mode-enable
Michael Hoffman 8:05 PM brb tech issues
Michael Hoffman 8:07 PM sorry guys looks like my mic isn’t going to work without a reboot sure, thanks so much
Michael Hoffman 8:08 PM can someone repost that gmail/gnus link? that sounded awesome
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:08 PM http://blog.binchen.org/posts/notes-on-using-gnus.html
Michael Hoffman 8:09 PM thanks Sridhar
Bob Erb 8:09 PM ace-jump-mode
Michael Hoffman 8:12 PM I find `guide-key-mode` very helpful for remembering keybindings as well
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:13 PM https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra
Michael Hoffman 8:14 PM Sacha can you increase your font siz e? thanks
Michael Hoffman 8:19 PM that’s just an example this is my guide-key setup (require-package guide-key guide-key) (setq guide-key/guide-key-sequence ‘(“C-x” “C-c”)) (setq guide-key/recursive-key-sequence-flag t) (setq guide-key/idle-delay 0.7)
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:20 PM pretty useful
Michael Hoffman 8:20 PM I don’t see any reason why not to set it up for everything C-x if you set it up with an idle-delay of 0.7 or something then it usually won’t bother you unless you can’t remember
JJ Asghar 8:23 PM ;; i need tab complete (define-key helm-map (kbd “<tab>”) ‘helm-execute-persistent-action)
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:23 PM thx
JJ Asghar 8:23 PM
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:23 PM (we are talking about https://github.com/emacs-helm )
Michael Hoffman 8:25 PM has anyone tried the eww web browser it’s definitely a curiosity more than a useful thing
Russell Black 8:25 PM I agree
Michael Hoffman 8:25 PM although i can see cases where it would be useful i keep my .emacs in version control
me 8:26 PM I’ve tried eww a little bit, but I haven’t quite gotten the hang of using it.
Michael Hoffman 8:26 PM i set up a macro to require or install a package
Jacob MacDonald 8:26 PM https://github.com/jaccarmac/quse-package
me 8:26 PM Mostly I just use browse-url to open things in Chrome
Michael Hoffman 8:27 PM ;; XXX: seems to hang when trying to (package-install) at compile time? (defmacro require-package (feature &optional package) “Require FEATURE or `package-install` PACKAGE. Default PACKAGE is FEATURE.” ;; for debugging (message “(require-package %s %s)” feature package) (let ((package (or package feature))) ; XXX: can I have a macro produce multiple forms instead of nesting like this? `(eval-and-compile (eval-when-compile (unless (or (require ‘,feature nil t) (fboundp ‘flycheck-byte-compile-dest-file)) ; don’t run within flycheck (package-install ‘,package))) (require ‘,feature nil t)))) WARNING: does not always work i gotta run guys, this has been great thanks so much sacha
Jacob MacDonald 8:28 PM See ya!
me 8:28 PM Bye, Michael! Oops, missed him
Jacob MacDonald 8:29 PM https://github.com/jaccarmac/dot-emacs-dot-d
me 8:30 PM Hi Howard!
Jacob MacDonald 8:31 PM I used Conkerer for a few months to get the Emacs experience with a decent frontend for JS, etc.
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:32 PM eww renders images fine; but the layout is not correct
Russell Black 8:32 PM I have to run to an appointment. Thanks guys!
Howard Abrams 8:33 PM Never renders perfectly,. but if you are selective in what you are browsing, it is useful for things like programming documentation that fails to supply a info version.
srid@srid.ca 8:33 PM jittery audio. reconnecting..
srid@srid.ca 8:34 PM i can’t hear anyone
Sod Oscarfono 8:39 PM how about time tracking sacha?
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:39 PM how many people here already use org-mode?
Jacob MacDonald 8:39 PM I use it primarily for literate programming and a little for note taking.
Sod Oscarfono 8:39 PM i love org-mode! couldn’t live without it
Bob Erb 8:40 PM couldn’t live w/o org-capture – allows mind like water
Sod Oscarfono 8:41 PM sorry no mic or camera here, but that is exactly what i needed thanks Sridhar!
me 8:45 PM Yay!
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:45 PM Pomodoro org-pomodor
Sod Oscarfono 8:47 PM great stuff thanks Sridhar!
Jacob MacDonald 8:52 PM I’m interested in getting my config to work across multiple OSs. The “correct ” thing to do is to (defvar variable) i believe
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:52 PM I’m yet to use emacs for git
Jacob MacDonald 8:52 PM It’s like any other linter, you have to prioritize the messages.
Sridhar Ratnakumar 8:53 PM anyone using Emacs 25? apparently supports concurrency
Jacob MacDonald 8:53 PM I build Emacs from Git, so that’s … fun Look at the use-package source .
Bob Erb 8:57 PM (when (memq window-system ‘(mac ns)) (exec-path-from-shell-initialize))
Sod Oscarfono 8:57 PM i just stick to nix based systems so that saves me any hassle there
Sod Oscarfono 9:04 PM you seasoned professionals maybe already know this but i recently discovered the ability to export org to open office docs and pdfs from org: C-c C-e o for open office C-c C-e p for pdf.
Jason Lewis 9:05 PM @sridhar, magit is really nice for using git from emacs
Sridhar Ratnakumar 9:06 PM http://www.srid.ca/emacs/ is generated from C-c C-e h h
Sod Oscarfono 9:10 PM hahaha… there’s an app for that -itis!
Bob Erb 9:11 PM there’s a mode for that
Jacob MacDonald 9:18 PM I’m out. Thanks for the great discussion! I hope to have more to contribute in the future.
Sod Oscarfono 9:18 PM do you key forward also in bash?
Sridhar Ratnakumar 9:18 PM Howard – what font do you use in Emacs, per the screenshot in http://www.howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/literate-devops.html ?
Jason Lewis 9:19 PM https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro
Sod Oscarfono 9:25 PM workflow/project and time management/ literate programming. maybe a session where we scrutinize/optimise init files ? we spoke a bit about it already but its always good
Sod Oscarfono 9:30 PM i concur.. thanks sacha
Sod Oscarfono 9:32 PM cut and paste ninja over here.. hahaha
Jason Lewis 9:33 PM I’ve still not managed to make the jump to writing much lisp hope to one day
Bob Erb 9:34 PM URL for Sacha’s book?
me 9:34 PM https://sachachua.com/read-lisp-tweak-emacs
Jason Lewis 9:35 PM cool nice tip thanks
Zachary Kanfer 9:36 PM http://emacsnyc.org/videos.html#2014-06
Howard Abrams 9:40 PM http://www.howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/tao-of-emacs.html
Sod Oscarfono 9:40 PM for those who like sublime style layout i use the graphene starter kit which i think bundles “projectile” … i think.. bad memory sorry… anyways it is now my must have next to org-mode
Sod Oscarfono 9:41 PM i show those people org-mode and that usually gets them interseted
me 9:41 PM Sod: Nice!
Sod Oscarfono 9:42 PM for me the prospect of never having to change screens… ie buffers at will
Sod Oscarfono 9:43 PM yea and just being able to fire up a familiar environment on other systems is super pro
Bob Erb 9:46 PM Cat!
Sod Oscarfono 9:46 PM i’m currently experimenting with desktop publishing from emacs
Zachary Kanfer 9:48 PM my init file: https://bitbucket.org/zck/.emacs.d
Sod Oscarfono 9:48 PM org-mode to pdf to bypass creative cloud / scribus.. but learning latex also. ah thats what i needed to hear cheers jason for sure.. i’m glad i stopped by maybe we also look at where is emacs deficient? can we collaborate on a tool, a bug or whatever. good idea. or we spit out our command history for ideas
Jonathan Hill 9:53 PM I missed all the great suggestions.
Bob Erb 9:56 PM Thank you, Sacha.
Sod Oscarfono 9:56 PM thank you all so much
Jason Lewis 9:57 PM thanks Sacha! bye
Zachary Kanfer 9:57 PM bye! Thanks again, Sacha!

2015-01-09 Emacs Hangout

Posted: - Modified: | emacs

WELL. That was odd. Somehow the Google universe bifurcated and I spent the first forty minutes awkwardly talking to myself (braindumping Emacs tips) while the rest of the people in the Emacs hangout (1) wondered about my non-existence, and (2) got on with a great conversation about Emacs. I even did the “Hey, can folks hear me?” sort of thing and since some people were in the text chat and confirmed there were technical issues, I assumed that (a) we were talking about the same technical issues, and (b) many of them were inaudible because of said technical issues (or because they were at work, or whatever). The test audio played fine on my end, and the microphone sound levels looked fine too. I could see the group chat and everything. When it finally occurred to me to refresh my screen (which I had hesitated to do because that might end the session for everyone), I finally joined.

BIG THANK YOU to all the Emacs geeks who shrugged at my absence and carried on chatting. =)

Anyway. Fortunately, the recording is actually from their side of the parallel universe, and my interminable, horribly embarrassing blathering is lost forever. (I hope.) I mistakenly clipped it before, but it should be back to normal now.

Here it is.


Let’s get Emacs Hangouts sorted out for February and March. I think I can avoid technical debacles like this if I schedule something where I know at least one other person will turn up a little early and help me with a tech check. If you volunteer, we can pick a time that matches you. (Yay!) Leave a comment or e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com . =)

Also, since mailing lists can be useful, here’s one for Emacs Hangout announcements. You’ll get an e-mail to the Google+ Event when we figure out date/time, and another reminder the day before the event. Sign up at http://eepurl.com/bbi-Ir

Emacs Hangout #3: Emacs can read your mind

| emacs

We've been organizing these Emacs Hangouts as an informal way for folks to get together and swap tips/notes/questions. You can find the previous Hangouts at https://sachachua.com/blog/tag/emacs-hangout/ . In this hangout, we shared tips on Emacs configuration, literate programming, remote access, autocompletion, and web development. And then Jonathan Arkell blew our minds with, well, his mind, demonstrating how he got Mindwave working with Emacs and Org Mode. The next one is scheduled for Jan 9, 2015 (Friday) at 7 PM Toronto time (12 AM GMT) – https://plus.google.com/events/cv3ub5ue6k3fluku7e2rfac161o . Want a different time? Feel free to set up an Emacs Hangout, or contact me (sacha@sachachua.com) and we'll coordinate something.

Approx. time Topic
0:08 describe-variable
0:12 cycle-spacing
0:14 quelpa, better-defaults
0:18 https://github.com/KMahoney/kpm-list
0:19 org-babel
0:24 noweb
0:27 Beamer, org-present
0:30 Emacsclient
0:32 TRAMP, vagrant, X11 forwarding, git
0:40 Evangelism, Emacs defensiveness
0:42 Code organization
0:47 Cask, Quelpa, el-get
0:54 paradox for listing packages
0:58 Helm, helm-git
1:02 Projectile
1:03 More helm, autocomplete
1:06 Autocomplete and company
1:16 Writing packages, flycheck
1:18 Moving to git, working on Emacs
1:22 Gnus, mu4e, notmuch
1:27 Eww, web browsing
1:28 Web dev tools: skewer-mode, slime, swank-js, web-mode
1:32 o-blog static site generator
1:38 orgaggregate
1:41 EEG data. Emacs can read your mind!

Chat, links:

me 8:07 PM Thanks!
Zachary Kanfer 8:10 PM A description of Emacs's “describe variable” is here: Examining.html#Examining
JJ Asghar 8:11 PM zachary: thanks! wait wait wait, org-bable can take over your .emacs.d/*.el files?
me 8:18 PM JJ: Yeah, totally! It's so useful.
JJ Asghar 8:19 PM i need to dig into that
Jacob MacDonald 8:19 PM https://github.com/KMahoney/kpm-list
jay abber 8:23 PM Org mode has functionality for LaTeX/TeX it appears Am I wrong, any ppl here using Emacs for ReST or LaTeX??
jay abber 8:27 PM it is
Jacob MacDonald 8:27 PM I used the PDF export in Org for notes in a math class, since it exports LaTeX nicely.
jay abber 8:27 PM https://www.cs.tufts.edu/~nr/noweb/
me 8:27 PM I've been using Org to export ta LaTeX for Beamer output
jay abber 8:27 PM np
jay abber 8:28 PM yeaaah up yup
Jonathan Arkell 8:29 PM Time for a restart.
jay abber 8:29 PM I think it would nice to know who uses emacs mainly graphically or in a terminal?? me = lurker sorry
jay abber 8:30 PM im trying to use it more in a terminal but always go graphic
Jacob MacDonald 8:31 PM emacs –daemon; emacsclient -c
jay abber 8:31 PM yosmiate yosmite me homebrew
jay abber 8:31 PM 24.4
jay abber 8:32 PM I like that
Christopher Done 8:32 PM audio sounds very trippy
jay abber 8:32 PM w/daft punk poster rockiin
Jonathan Arkell 8:33 PM heh! It's signed too.
JJ Asghar 8:34 PM Sorry guys I have to go! Thanks so much for this!
me 8:34 PM See you!
jay abber 8:34 PM peace or vnc but thats alot of overhead make sure you lock down you sshdconfig files with sane sec practice Emacs over TMUX?????
Christopher Done 8:38 PM https://github.com/chrisdone/chrisdone-emacs/blob/master/packages/resmacro/resmacro.el unrelated, thought i'd share that =p
me 8:38 PM jay: Good suggestions. Want to speak up?
jay abber 8:38 PM lm lurking tonight
Jacob MacDonald 8:38 PM That audio .
jay abber 8:38 PM next one I promise His voice is awesome
Jacob MacDonald 8:40 PM http://www.emacswiki.org/Rudel
jay abber 8:40 PM Well for me sometimes I hate to confess but I just type vi/vim Noone I know uses any type of editor except word hahahaha
Jonathan Arkell 8:40 PM K, i am going to try audio again. Hopefully it will help Was that better?
jay abber 8:41 PM Can emacs do stuff like mpsyt or youtubedl somehow? yes!!!!
Jacob MacDonald 8:42 PM elisp interface to a shell script should work at a bare minimum.
Jacob MacDonald 8:42 PM I mean, there's a web browser/mail reader/IRC client built in already…
me 8:42 PM I play MP3s in Emacs using emms and mplayer
jay abber 8:43 PM you know what
Jacob MacDonald 8:43 PM There was a Spotify plugin using dbus a while back, I believe.
jay abber 8:43 PM I think mysyt will be fine
Christopher Done 8:43 PM i was thinking of writing an emacs client to gmail via gmail's API…
jay abber 8:43 PM its is a just a python script and mpv very suave and minimalist both python
Christopher Done 8:45 PM i stick all my own packages and ones i'm using in my repo https://github.com/chrisdone/chrisdone-emacs/tree/master/packages as submodules
me 8:45 PM Christopher: Gmail client might be nice. I use IMAP occasionally, but I miss the priority inbox.
Christopher Done 8:46 PM yeah. i used offlineimap for a while with notmuch.el, that was pretty good. but i'm tempted by the idea of a “light-weight” approach replacing the browser with emacs, requesting emails/search on demand. might be nice their API looked super trivial to work with
Jonathan Arkell 8:48 PM Sorry Yea Is qwelpa (sp?) native emacs? (elisp) Stupid mic. works great for music.
Jacob MacDonald 8:50 PM lol
Jonathan Arkell 8:50 PM I do all my configuration and packages in Org mode
Christopher Done 8:50 PM i just use git for everything =p
me 8:51 PM Jonathan: Oh, maybe you're doing some kind of audio processing that removes noise or other odd things? </wild guess>
Jonathan Arkell 8:51 PM Ironically not. I am Launching my DAW now to try and sort it ot.. heh err out … not ot…
jay abber 8:53 PM M=x list-packages now installing org-mode
me 8:53 PM Jay: If you're installing Org from package, be sure to do it in an Emacs that has not loaded an Org file. because Org 8 (package) and Org 7 (which is built into Emacs) have incompatibilities
jay abber 8:55 PM hmm i installed 24.4 via homebrew
Jonathan Arkell 8:58 PM Okay, I am switching to the built in mic, so hopefully it works. Let me know…
Zachary Kanfer 9:11 PM http://emacsnyc.org/videos.html#2014-05
me 9:12 PM https://github.com/aki2o/emacs-plsense ?
jay abber 9:15 PM Im trying to become a ninja using the shell from w/in Emacs but sometimes I have issues with my ENV and PATH
Jonathan Arkell 9:15 PM OS?
Jacob MacDonald 9:15 PM It's a thing.
Zachary Kanfer 9:15 PM http://emacs.stackexchange.com/
jay abber 9:15 PM Yosmite like pyenv or rubyenv in HomeBrew yes yes
Jacob MacDonald 9:16 PM Depends on if you use emacs like from brew or Emacs.app.
jay abber 9:16 PM I got cha will find it
Jonathan Hill 9:17 PM great package for handling env variables in and so forth in OSX: exec-path-from-shell
jay abber 9:18 PM jonathan: thanks man
Jonathan Hill 9:18 PM just after (package-initialize), do (exec-path-from-initialize) oops (exec-path-from-shell-initialize)
jay abber 9:18 PM jh: ok
Jonathan Arkell 9:19 PM (setenv “PATH” (concat (getenv “HOME”) “/bin:” “/usr/local/bin:” (getenv “PATH”))) That's waht i do… (add-to-list ‘exec-path “/usr/local/bin”)
me 9:21 PM http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2014/11/13/welcome-new-emacs-developers/
Jonathan Arkell 9:22 PM ERMERGERD +1 +1
Jacob MacDonald 9:32 PM Link please?
Bob Erb 9:33 PM What's it called?
me 9:33 PM https://github.com/renard/o-blog ?
Jacob MacDonald 9:33 PM Thanks.
me 9:34 PM http://renard.github.io/o-blog/ – docs
jay abber 9:34 PM hey
jay abber 9:34 PM sorry I got side tracks I blog in my posts in REST for pelican static blog generator
jay abber 9:35 PM omg
me 9:35 PM Pretty!
jay abber 9:35 PM elisp for static blog oh know
John Wiegley 9:36 PM Hello
jay abber 9:36 PM https://github.com/renard/o-blog you should never shown that to me
Jacob MacDonald 9:37 PM John, somehow I think I've seen you before…
me 9:40 PM https://github.com/tbanel/orgaggregate
Jonathan Arkell 9:44 PM https://github.com/jonnay/mindwave-emacs
jay abber 9:44 PM Hey I have to go now
John Wiegley 9:44 PM Bye Jay
me 9:44 PM See you! Thanks for joining!
jay abber 9:44 PM This was awesome I will be on the next one I have to study precalc
me 9:44 PM Yay!
jay abber 9:45 PM take care
me 9:49 PM Oooh… I wonder how to make coloured graphs like that too. Neat! I should practise using overlays…
Jonathan Arkell 9:53 PM https://github.com/jonnay/mindwave-emacs Here is the Display Code: https://github.com/jonnay/mindwave-emacs/blob/master/mindwave-display.org So wait… C-u C-u C-p takes you… uup?
me 9:59 PM Hah! UUP! Brilliant!
Bob Erb 10:01 PM You're a treasure, Sacha!

Recording from Emacs Hangout #2

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, podcast

Thanks to Cameron Desautels for hosting this one! =D I totally like Emacs Hangouts. We should have more of them.

  • tips for showing people how awesome magit is: partial staging, history browsing, diff viewing and jumping to the source file
  • org-present, org-babel, org inline images, source code highlighting
  • themes
  • magit new version, dealing with problems, history browsing, subcommands (:), remoting (M), interactive rebase (E), new features, Wazzup – shows you branch differences (w)
  • magit workflows, customization (ex: full-screen), fun with bisecting
  • use-package, delaying configuration
  • Dvorak, keyboard customization
  • evil-mode
  • selective display – folds everything beyond an indentation depth
  • managing large screens – folding, follow mode, etc.
  • projectile-mode
  • flx ido
  • ace-jump-mode – binding to C-0
  • Emacs on Mac OS X, terminal Emacs, sharing clipboard (pbcopy)
  • binding things to C-number; M-number, prefix arguments