Bot implants
| -UncategorizedFreaked someone out with my data collection capabilities. ;)
sachac: you know so much about me! shapr: Whoops. ;) EmacsChannelDemographics, plus #emacs shapr: I have notes on other people too. * sachac laughs. how did you know I'm both a Finnish and Swedish resident? * shapr is impressed. You must have a superior memory. shapr: BBDB. ;) wow shapr: I also know you've played around with IPv6... shapr: ... #symbian #widian #twisted @#emacs #haskell #orkut, last time I peeked... * sachac laughs. Data collection. I can delete it from my BBDB if you want, but it's kinda cute knowing this trivia. I should learn how to use BBDB how do you know that? ;-) * shapr can guess impressive. no, I don't mind at all. It's nice to know someone outside my direct family is interested enough to record that info about me :-) * shapr feels ego swell anyways, last I remember (without BBDB) you were doing a graduate degree, is that still true? has the FSF lured you away from your secret tropical hideaway to the land of big money for open source coders? * shapr googles for sachac bbdb? big brother data base shapr: Actually, this started from our conversation about Dvorak in #emacs (don't remember when, though) when we noticed the high proportion of Dvorak users among Emacs users. it's written in elisp o_O? Peacimowen: A contact manager for Emacs. you know emacs? I know of emacs Peacimowen: I've also used it to simulate bot-like behavior, though. shapr: I took a few units toward an MA Education after finishing my BS CS, but as CS Ed isn't really a research area here, I'm eyeing schools in Australia (very active in CS Ed conferences). sachac: have you seen my "I am not a koala" kinesis remapping? shapr: ERC hooked into BBDB, so when I /whois, it captures as much information as I can. remapping originally suggested by kensanata, he of much brain. I've never touched emacs.. I just know it exists. Peacimowen: it is very powerful shapr: As it can, that is. No, I haven't seen your kinesis remapping... Peacimowen: It's really cool.
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