Internationalization/localization in Filipino

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From Mike S. Lacanilao on PLUG:

this only reminds me that we filipino dont really like to have or at
least to see a tagalized version of international apps..
isn’t good to have this recognition for our country..

I think it’s nice, like the way I think it’s nice that cellphones come
with Filipino prompts and Filipino sections in their manuals. I know a
number of people who set their phones to the Filipino interface. I
think it’s nice to have Filipino as a choice on ATMs. I think it’s
nice that train announcements are done in English and Filipino.

But personally, I prefer the English terms because that’s what I
started out with, at least for technical things. I use a cellphone,
not a selpon. I’d rather see “Settings saved.” than “Na-save na ang
settings mo.” or something like that. <shrug>

I’m not against the Filipino language. If having localized interfaces
means that more people will feel comfortable on the Net, then well and

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