Discovering my inner nerd II

| geek

My first class clued me in to my inner nerd.
My first lab report brought my inner nerd out in full force.

It's a good thing that I blocked off the entire day for the lab
report, aside from a few hours in the morning to fix up a package for

I spent almost four hours practically rewriting the lab report. I
fixed spelling, grammar and style. I fleshed out the report with ideas
from a number of other papers, all properly cited. And I had _fun._

‘course, as I was printing a copy for the teaching assistant, I
started wondering whether having an undergrad lab partner was a good
thing. I'm going to ask the teaching assistant if I could pair up with
another grad student who also has the urge to write things nicely…

I don't feel so bad about my undergrad education now. I must've
learned _something_ along the way.