Buying books

| reading

I confess: I went to Chapters today with the sole intention of finding
a book to give to a good friend, and… and… I couldn’t help it! I
found myself buying not only a hardbound book for the friend
(appropriately entitled, “Surrounded by Geniuses”) and two hardbound
books for myself: “The 4-Hour Work Week” and “Automatic Wealth for
Grads”. The 4 Hour Work Week had been recommended to me by a number of
people. The book was published this year, and I didn’t want to wait
for the library to pick up a copy. The Automatic Wealth book looks
like a rehash of the usual advice, but maybe I’ll pick up something
from it anyway.

I like books. I like books a lot. And I’m starting to realize that
even with the Toronto Public Library being absolutely wonderful, I’m
still going to want to buy books—especially newly-published books,
preferably *before* everyone starts talking about them. I’m also
starting to realize that, like the advice I’ve read in a number of
books, hardbound books really *do* feel different. I need to think
about that a bit more. Maybe it’s just the writers’ bias rubbing off
on me.

But yes. Books. I confess: even with the public library and the
Internet, I still can’t help buying books.

Random Emacs symbol: eshell-prompt-function – Variable: *A function that returns the Eshell prompt string.

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