Weekly review
| weeklyThis week
Send thesis draft to people, really. | Done. |
Check paperwork requirements for post-graduate work permit and start compiling them. | Started |
Revise CASCON paper. | Done. |
Do one week + one advance post for Booksnake. | Done. Pretty handy… |
Plan birthday event, really. | Bah. |
Touch IBM blogosphere. | Done. |
Swim. | Done. |
Pay rent and balance books. | Done. |
Learn about sales. | Done. |
Other accomplishments:
- Got on Second Life.
- Tried out scripting: built interview bot.
- Read five books; three of them were worth it.
- Attended birthday celebrations for W-.
- Hung out with Steve.
- Went to Yoga for Geeks.
- Drafted blogging presentation.
Next week:
- Prepare presentation for thesis defense.
- Defend thesis.
- Write and mail birthday letter.
- Choose driving school.
- Go to Toronto Circus School drop-in trapeze lessons.
Random Emacs symbol: term-how-many-region – Function: Return number of matches for REGEXP from BEG to END.
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